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Sunday 1/28/07

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    Sunday 1/28/07

    Good Sunday Morning Muffins!

    I hope you all have a great day!

    Macks, Becca, Preciouspinot, Mojo, Tawny, Lush, Mary Anne, MKR Mary, Soccer Mom Mary, Jenneh, Laura, Judie, Gypsi, Fsophiah, Allie, Eustacia, Waves, Trish, Dilayne, Mike, Tumadre, Mighty Mouse II, Cheeks, Lilyluvr56 , Bak310, PaulaW, Hawk, Ivygoodluck, PaulB, Owly, Dove, Denise, Beaches, NickC, Bestlifeldms, Marcie, Lou Lou, Sammys, Pixie, Lorisunshine, Suzanna, Lucky, Mandy1981, Satori, Nancy, HiddenGem, Tartenterror, MomOf2boys, Metamorphosis and Pedro (Did I miss anyone?)
    I love you all!
    :h :h :h :h

    Sunday 1/28/07

    Good Morning Rachele & All yet to join us ....

    Macks, Becca, Preciouspinot, Mojo, Tawny, Lush, Mary Anne, MKR Mary, Soccer Mom Mary, Jenneh, Laura, Judie, Gypsi, Fsophiah, Allie, Eustacia, Waves, Trish, Dilayne, Mike, Tumadre, Mighty Mouse II, Cheeks, Lilyluvr56 , Bak310, PaulaW, Hawk, Ivygoodluck, PaulB, Owly, Dove, Denise, Beaches, NickC, Bestlifeldms, Marcie, Lou Lou, Sammys, Pixie, Lorisunshine, Suzanna, Lucky, Mandy1983, Satori, Nancy, HiddenGem, Tartenterror, MomOf2boys, Metamorphosis and Pedro (Did I miss anyone?)

    I copied .....


      Sunday 1/28/07

      Well said Paula
      :h :h :h :h


        Sunday 1/28/07

        I love you too.


          Sunday 1/28/07

          Why thankyou Rachele xx


            Sunday 1/28/07

            I have issues with my mother, who is almost 82. I have always had issues with my mother, so her age is a factor, but there is so much history there that it's only one factor. The second weekend in February, I have a long weekend. Mother has been talking about having a party that weekend with her friend Mary, who is about 15 years younger than she. At first, she told me she was having the party on a Sunday evening. At that point, I had forgotten that I had Friday and Monday off, and I told her that it would be really difficult for us to come because we couldn't get back from Austin to Dallas. Then, when I realized that I had a long weekend, I said Sunday would be great because we could go to our favorite bed and breakfast in the hill country for my husband's birthday, get back for her party, and travel back to Dallas on Monday. At that point, she had decided that she wanted to have the party on Saturday, and she would find another bed and breakfast closer to Austin (we didn't want another bed and breakfast, we wanted the place we love). She told me about the place, and said, "Well, you do what you want. It's a matter of your priorities," and hung up on me. Then, on Friday, she said she had talked to Mary and that the party was going to be on Sunday. Great, I said. That way we can get everything done, and no one would be unhappy. So yesterday morning, she calls and says, "Mary has made the invitations for Saturday and put stamps on the invitations." So I said, "Well, I guess that cuts us out of the hill country. It's a matter of priorities, after all." So then she apologized for saying what she did about priorities. But by now, I was wondering whether she had lost her marbles. I've been worrying about her memory anyway. So I called Mary, just to see what was happening with Mother's version of things, and Mary started saying, immediately, "I'll change the date, I'll change the date. No problem." I never did get what happened between the two of them, but Mary said, "Well, your mother was pissed because you couldn't put off what you had planned." Well, I told Mary to change the invitations, if it wasn't too much of a bother. I called Mother and told her that I had contacted her friend because I was worried about her memory (the other night she asked me how many zeros were in a million), and I told Mother that I knew she was angry at me because I didn't want to rearrange my plans (cutting out my husband's birthday trip, by the way), so she said, "Well, in my old age, I say things that are mean."

            Now, (sorry for the length of all this) what do you do when your mother says, I'm mean, and you just have to live with it? It's not like she wasn't mean before. The problem is that everyone loves my mother, and she's mainly just mean to me.

            Sorry for the rant. I'm trying here to encapsulate years into a few lines. When do you get over what your parents do to you?


              Sunday 1/28/07

              Boy Sophia, I don't know what to tell ya Honey. Sounds like a tuff situation all around. I'm sending you vibes of peace & love...:h I do hope you're able to enjoy your weekend with Hubby for his B-day and still get some quality time with your Mom. She sounds like a challenge...

              My Mom is the real "Saint" in our family. After 50 years of putting up with my Dad! She's such a sweetheart, I don't know how she does it!

              Speaking of challenges,... I had a party of 25 people last night, (seperate checks ... grrrrr well only about 6 checks, but still a pain)
              It's a real handful coordinating that many with one server, especially when 1/2 of them are kids running back & forth between tables, while I'm trying to get food & drinks to the tables! Didn't have to get out the duct tape or kill anyone... but it was close at one point!:H
              Plus I had a couple of other tables @ the same time. I did some running!
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Sunday 1/28/07

                Hi Sophie,
                Geez I am not sure what to say except sorry you've been put in this situation. Your mother is right ,it is all about priorities and it sounds to me that you had your priorities fine. You were getting to the party and it shouldn't matter where you'll be sleeping. Parents have that hold over us that can throw us into a guilt trip that no other human in the world has the ability to do. It drives me crazy as well. Enjoy your trip, enjoy your husbands birthday and enjoy the time with your mother. Don't let her get you down. Hope I helped a little bit.

                Paula, Rachele, Macks, Becca, Preciouspinot, Mojo, Tawny, Lush, Mary Anne, MKR Mary, Soccer Mom Mary, Jenneh, Laura, Judie, Gypsi, Fsophiah, Allie, Eustacia, Waves, Trish, Dilayne, Mike, Tumadre, Mighty Mouse II, Cheeks, Lilyluvr56 , Bak310, PaulaW, Hawk, Ivygoodluck, PaulB, Owly, Dove, Denise, Beaches, NickC, Bestlifeldms, Marcie, Lou Lou, Sammys, Pixie, Lorisunshine, Suzanna, Lucky, Mandy1983, Satori, Nancy, HiddenGem, Tartenterror, MomOf2boys, Metamorphosis and Pedro (Did I miss anyone?)---And all yet to come.......Love you all and have a wonderful Saturday
                I copied too.....
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Sunday 1/28/07

                  Beaches, I know that there is a time difference between us and you, but isn't it sunday? Please tell me that i'm wrong because that would mean I have another day off tomorrow :H :H


                    Sunday 1/28/07

                    Oh my

                    HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Sunday 1/28/07

                      Morning All!!! Much too quiet around here this weekend. Sophiah, I have a friend who has a mother that sounds EXACTLY like yours. She is the only one she takes out her anger on. Sadly, I think this is the dynamic you two have created for yourselves over the years and the pattern is hard to break. I am sure you have, but if not I would tell your mom how hurtful it is when she is so mean to you and see what she says to that. I have helped my friend through many "fights" with her mom and it really tears her up. I never had that with my mom thankfully so it is hard for me to understand it. I hope you will get into a better place with her.

                      Judie, I ended up not cleaning yesterday!!! Arghhh!!!! In fact I could not get my act together yesterday at all so today I am determined.

                      Come back muffins!!! Where are all of you?

                      Okay, this is a little risque but so funny. I posted it under laughing out loud but for those of you that did not see this give it a look.

                      [ame= ]YouTube - Mastercard Blow Job Ad[/ame]
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Sunday 1/28/07

                        Sophia, I don't know when you get over what your parents say to you.
                        Words just hurt you so bad no matter how old you are. And no matter how old they are and you want to blame it on their memory or old age, it still just hurts you when they say mean things.
                        My father can be so insensitive. He's an ass to women in general. So it doesn't help that he had five daughters.
                        The trip will be a good one..because you are a strong person.


                          Sunday 1/28/07

                          Shucks that means i've gotta go to work tomorrow :upset:


                            Sunday 1/28/07

                            TOO FUNNY!!!!!


                              Sunday 1/28/07

                              Well said Lush :H

