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White Wednesday, Jan 31

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    White Wednesday, Jan 31

    Morning muffins -

    Keeping with color theme here.....We have a dusting of snow here (less than .5 inch) so that should screw up the rush hour pretty good. People here simply do not know how to drive in snow. I grew up where we got a lot of snow and I'd rather drive in snow than rain. Here - idiots. I fear going out not because of me but because of them!

    Taking the day off to get some personal stuff done and get ready for trip. We are headed to Miami for a few days (no snow there....) so just checking in, getting the day started.

    Have a good one eveyone.

    White Wednesday, Jan 31

    Good morning! I know what you mean, Hawk, about the snow in this area (I'm in DC/Baltimore). We, too, got a slight dusting yesterday and it took my son and husband over an hour to get home (usually a 30 minute ride). I hope you have a great trip!

    I have been doing really well this week after finally commiting to my New Years Resolution. It's working really well for me. But work is really stressful this week. I have a client dying of pancreatic cancer. His wife has slipped a disk in her spine and needs surgery. I had helped them establish a watershed association last year before he was diagnosed. It got off to a great start but began to decline as he got more and more sick. They decided she would take over for him but between her depression over him, and now her spine, it has all but stopped. Yesterday, I had to tell them that we needed to take down the website temporarily until they were ready to move on. She got him on the phone at the hospital to tell him. It was aweful -- I feel like such a crumb-bun! So, we're trying to work it out that we can somehow keep this thing going to keep his spirits up -- I really care about them; they are such an incredible couple and I love them so much. It is horrible to be in a position to have to deal with business at a time like this -- it is very against my personality. Yesterday, I wanted to drink myself into oblivion yesterday. But, I stuck to my goals.

    Today, I have to do taxes so that I can fill out my sons financial aid forms that are due tomorrow. Since I have to keep a clear head, it is unlikely that I will indulge today.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day. I hope I can pop in from time to time today. I'm sure it will be one of the few things goiing on in my life that will help me keep my sanity!!

    Saving the day one minute at a time!


      White Wednesday, Jan 31

      Well its BROWN Wednesday for me.... that's all I can see out of my windshield for all the Canadian geese taking a poop on my new car..... :upset:

      Had to have my oldest son take my nine y/o to school today because my visibility was too impaired from all angles!

      I hate geese.

      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


        White Wednesday, Jan 31

        Hi Allie
        How is the new medication working? Is it still taking away the craving?
        I hate geese too. Did you see my response to your thread? One got me on the head once. It wasent pretty.
        Over 4 months AF :h


          White Wednesday, Jan 31

          Oh and hi to everyone else too!
          Sorry, I am just really busy this morning but will check in later
          Over 4 months AF :h


            White Wednesday, Jan 31

            Hi Jen -
            Yes, I saw your response about the goosies....
            Did the poo make your hair shiny? I was just wondering if I could find a good use for this stuff since I have so much of it. Maybe I could refill my daughter's "Brilliant Brunette" shampoo bottle?

            Okay sorry... I have to laugh or I will cry. So about the Lexapro; yes, it is working wonders so far! Can you tell I have come back to life for one? The first night I had no desire to drink at ALL. But I was telling Beth that I also had no desire to drink water or anything the entire day which wasnt good. I had to make myself drink water, eat, etc. I didnt even want coffee yesterday morning or this morning... speaking of which, I just thought about the fact that I have not had any coffee yet and I've been up for hours! See? And I am as addicted to coffee in the morning as I am wine at night! So today I am filling up a half gallon jug of water and keeping it on the counter and my goal is to finish it by 5:00. And it will be a chore. As with any side effects, they usually dissipate after a few weeks, so I really need to be on it for a while to know whether this side effect will be a lasting one. The appetite issue is a factor as well. Some people may like not having one, but I am not thrilled about that as my weight is at all time low for me, which is now affecting my immune system. ugh.

            I'll keep you posted about whether it continues to curb my alcohol craving though! I have to go fax an order for hubby... catch you guys later!
            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              White Wednesday, Jan 31

              Good morning .......white-brown.........whatever it is....Well.."It is what it is"!! That is a quote from the father of my daughter in law, just before the wedding in Sept! We get down to the very last minute and there's not a thing we can do to change anything..........except our attitude about IT!
              I think life is like that sometimes. It's about accepting that some things are what they are. Of course I believe that we can change SOME things and should , but does that change really ever come before we accept?
              I know I had trouble accepting that I have a "problem" with alcohol. As long as I didn't accept that truth, I was helpless to change anything.
              I'm a year into this and I've come a long way, thanks to many of you and this program, a loving family, and by the grace of a very loving and patient God.

              I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

              :h Nancy
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                White Wednesday, Jan 31

                Allie - I wish you a poo-free remainder of the week!


                  White Wednesday, Jan 31

                  Me too Allie - and who would have known I would have EVER said that to anyone today?? Have a poo free remainder of the day/week!
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    White Wednesday, Jan 31

                    Mornin all!!! Allie, I would be going out of my mind with all of that sticky poo. Ick!!!

                    Nothing profound from my little corner of the world. I am trying to find a new job and not feeling motivated at all. I think I need to dig up that thread I started months ago asking for donations so I can just spend my time on here all day long......I am such an entrepreneur!!!!

                    Happy Poo-free Hump Day to all!!! Once Upon A Time has picked up again. You guys should check it out...............
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      White Wednesday, Jan 31

                      Good Morning all,

                      Reading this note this morning, I thought it was certainly appropriate for almost all of us here on the site. Although most of us have not met, we are/were at one time the complete strangers, passing each other, understand each other better and are basically closer than we are to many of our friends and family.

                      Talk about two ships silently passing in the night...

                      Even your own path crossing with a complete stranger, on a sidewalk, down the hall, or at Starbucks, on this holiest of adventures, amongst the billions now alive and the zillions who could have been, means so much more than most can even comprehend. Suffice it to say, however, that in such moments, these fellow adventurers are closer to you than a brother or a sister, no matter who they are.

                      You are the "King" of the world -
                      **** The Universe

                      Hugs and Love to all,

                      PS: Still AF, smoke free and very sad.


                        White Wednesday, Jan 31

                        Please dont be sad.
                        Actually, I cant say much because I am sad too. I have been wallowing in a bit of self pity today. Why can't i be "normal"? Why can't I have a "normal" life and not have to worry/think about drinking all the time? I wish I could be like other people that don't have to worry about hangovers and what they did last weekend etc.
                        I am sorry guys, I am just in one of those moods.
                        Love you though
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          White Wednesday, Jan 31

                          Mary, I wish we could all give you a big hug. I am sorry for your sadness and pain. So much so. I love you friend!!! :l :h
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            White Wednesday, Jan 31

                            Yep, Mary that quote from the universe definately hits home with me...As you probably noticed from my PM...

                            I talk to complete strangers on the beach for 15 minutes and feel like I know them more than I know my own Husband... Seems the only thing he cares about is golf, smoking, & beer,... and work getting in the way of it!

                            At least my Doggies a great listener!:h

                            And of course I have all of you guys!:l

                            Congratulations on 1 year here Nancy!:goodjob: Always love reading your words of wisdom!

                            Looking like another beautiful day here. We've been blessed with quite a few lately, been logging in a lot of miles on the beach. I guess there was a 4.2 earthquake just off of the Oregon Coast about 7:30 this morning, apparently no damage. I'll have to go see if it has affected the tides.

                            I was upset & mad @ Hubby last night so I hit the wine a bit harder than usual... had about 4 BIG glasses (or was it 5?) But thankfully, I feel OK today. Had plenty of water in between. I really have to watch that one. "Drinking on a mission" when I'm hurt or mad... spells trouble!

                            Hope everybody has a great HUMP DAY!
                            Love & Hugs,... Judie

                            Congrats on being smoke free Mary! Big Hug to you! Thinking of ya bunches!
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              White Wednesday, Jan 31

                              I too am sorry you are feeling sad, but I understand. I am heading out for a long walk/ run on the beach, so I will definitely take you along in my pocket...consider yourself hugged. I hope you feel better soon... i could send you a Lexapro??

                              Judie.. strange to think we will probably both be logging in miles on the shore at the same time, but opposite sides of the US.... maybe if we log in enough miles, we will run into each other??? Too bad we cant walk together.... gorgeous day here too, and much warmer than yesterday, although a tad nippy for Florida.

                              Jenneh, sorry you are feeling sad too... just think of the poo! (Speaking of which, I hope the seagulls have not learned anything from your geese!)

                              Love to all...
                              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

