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White Wednesday, Jan 31

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    White Wednesday, Jan 31

    Allie, I'm sooo hoping we'll be able to get together in April for a walk or a kayak paddle! My Father in law has 2 kayaks... (he's a lot more fun than his son! LOL)
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      White Wednesday, Jan 31

      Flying rats is what I call them now. 1st I had to buy two very expensive zap collars for my goldens cause they would run down to the lake and start eating the stuff like it was some kind of gourment treat. So now every spring I put those collars on them and if they start to eat it I give them a tone like your phone on vibrate thank goodness I did not have to actually zap them. 2nd the pier and lawn can be full of them and of course they leave behind a load of craaaaapppppppp!!!

      Sammys ( they are public ememy number one around here)


        White Wednesday, Jan 31

        MKR Mary

        :h :h :h :h


          White Wednesday, Jan 31

          Hello everyone,
          Late posting. Mary and Jen sorry that you are having rough days and that poo is taking over in other parts of the country, The geese cleared out of NY. When they are here they leave their path of destruction. The swans are pretty though.
          I swear to god the minute I start typing I am a magnet. People want my attention and that drives me crazy. So I will type what I can. No one wants to talk to me until I am here. My mother also has her own computer but takes over mine to play games for hours even after I ask and ask her to get off.
          I am still annoyed I can't figure out those smileys.... I kept trying on the word association game last night and was really confusing some innocent victims.
          So today I went to tour different kindergarten programs for my son who has autism with his teacher (autism specialist). I have decided to advocate that he stay in his current placement for one more year because he's just not mature enough to go into kindergarten yet. He can't even dress himself. He won't even be 5 when kindergarten starts...close but I will use that. The teacher agrees and said that she will help me. She has suggested that I start contacting agencies that assist parents with special education rights in case the school systems don't agree with me. That should be interesting.
          At 6 am I was looking through the 5 bottles of medications in my frig for the kids and gave my son his morning dose of antibiotics. Then at 7:20 I was on the phone with Poison Control b/c I realized I gave him a dose of penecillin (one of the other kids) which he is allergic too. He never had a reaction and was fine THANK GOODNESS
          What a day.
          Well gotta run and feed some kids...gotta a toddler hanging on me.
          Love to all
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            White Wednesday, Jan 31

            Hi All,

            Well I have to say that I wish I come and hug you all today, there is so much sadness and loss around here at the minute.

            My heart really does go out to you all and I would give all I could to take away all of your hurt.

            Love you all so much ...


              White Wednesday, Jan 31

              Hi everyone...I guess a late check in is better than none at all. It's past 6:00pm here and I am still at my desk..have a little more to work on then, an hour commute, kids homework time (two have tests tomorrow), then pay bills and balance the check book, book our Costa Rica trip (hubby is insisting I do it tonight) and lastly pack for my hubby who is going out of town tomorrow for a week. Calgon take me away!!
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

