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Gray Thursday

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    Gray Thursday

    Yes it is a very gray day here today

    I have another child that is sick and home from school today.....grrrrrrrrr!

    On a high note, we got our 52 inch big screen yesterday and will have it all hooked up in time for Super Bowl Sunday!

    Got all tense last night trying to hook it up and had Hubby pick up a bottle of wine on the way home. But that was all I had......we just shared that bottle. Oh, how I wanted more! But when it's not in the house, it's not an option.

    C'mon Friday!

    I love you all!

    :h :h :h :h

    Gray Thursday

    Good morning Rachele and to everyone else
    I am sorry its a gray Thursday for you. I hope things improve and that your child feels better.
    Was AF last night. Will be AF tonight (weekday thing). Hubby comes home tomorrow night from his business trip and we have already agreed no drinking this weekend. Tomorrow night he is making me a special dinner and we will watch some movies. On Saturday we will go driving in the country (I love doing that) and then do whatever we want that night but no drinking. If I have to be AF during the weekend for a while as well to get this thing under control then that is what I will do. No more of this binging on weekends because "I can". Enough is enough. I am stronger and more capable than this. I am going up to 125 mg of topa today to help me with this..all the help i can get right?
    I love you all!
    Love Jen
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Gray Thursday


      It sounds like a lovely weekend you have planned.

      You are capable and strong you can do this
      :h :h :h :h


        Gray Thursday

        And so are you Rachele. We all can. I believe in us! :h :l
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Gray Thursday

          You be well too Mike.
          We love you.
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Gray Thursday

            Morning all!!

            Finally got another AF day in last night and will do so again tonight. I have to just skip the weeknights altogether if I am going to find a new job and be productive in the one job I do have.

            Jen, sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Rah! Rah!!

            Imagine that is quite the TV you have. How fun!!!

            Had a very bizarre dream last night that involved a whole group of us going to visit Precious Pinot in her all-glass tower of a house right on the ocean. It was very funny the faces I put to some of you. It would be a ball to have a convention sometime and try and pick each other out.

            For those of you interested it is Kanga Day today.

            Fan, good morning to you sir!

            MKR, I know today is a sad day for you with the funeral. I hope you are holding up okay. :h :l

            To the rest of my lovely friends here, Happy Thursday!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Gray Thursday

              Well it looked like a grey day here when I first got up, but the sun's shining brightly now!

              Rachele- Hope the little one gets to feeling better soon...

              We only have a 48 inch TV... But you know what they say about "size"... Doesn't matter...unless you're gonna...

              Well ya know!

              I got a nice suprise this week we're closed @ the cafe for Super Bowl Sunday. I guess it's so slow they've decided to just go play. I'm not really a big fan of it, but I'd rather do something else than hang out there if it's gonna be that quiet anyway.
              So I'm gonna go do some touch up painting, at the chiropractor's.

              Jenneh- you can do whatever you set your mind & :h to do! Sounds like a great weekend planned too!

              Lush- I've been having real vivid dreams lately too! The full moon is just around the corner... Hope nobody was throwing rocks at the glass house!
              Sounds beautiful.

              Mary- Thinking of you today, especially. I'll bet it'll be a beautiful service, for someone so loved.

              Fan- Don't work too hard... save some room on that dance card!:danthin:

              Hugs & love to all... Judie
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Gray Thursday

                Mary I am thinking of you today too, my dear friend.
                Love you and hugs
                Over 4 months AF :h


                  Gray Thursday

                  Hello all!!! Rachele and Jen I'm sure you guys will do great with your goals! Jen sounds like you've got an idealic weekend planned with hubby. Lush, you have to tell me more details about this dream. I hope I was wearing something fabulous and we were having a blast and laughing...that's how I picture it anyway...I have had dreams about you guys too but, can't remember them at the moment...Judie you always crack me have me laughing again today...Fan, yes don't work to hard...and much love and support to my friend Mary..:h

                  I do have to tell you guys that hubby is going out of town tonight for a week and I am very nervous.... this tends to be a big trigger for me as I have no "babysitter" looking over my shoulder....and with the superbowl here in town, this whole city is a PARTY.....I almost want to hide somewhere
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    Gray Thursday

                    Looking for the gift in a situation, typically means there's a belief that the situation's outcome could have been better.

                    And thinking that an outcome could have been better, only happens when there's a belief that one's joy could have been greater had there been a different outcome.

                    And thinking that one's joy hinges on the outcome of any time-space occurrence, almost always means that some cool cat somewhere, has ever so briefly forgotten not to interpret events with their physical senses alone, that all the elements, then and now, are lining up in their favor, and that their own happy feet needn't have missed a beat.

                    Bust a move -
                    **** The Universe


                    Thanks so much all of you sweet, sweet mods, with posts and PMs helping to cheer me up. You all mean so very much to me. I think of all of you so very much every day. You help in so many ways beyond keeping me sober.

                    Lee Anne touched many lives with her caring ways, we were all quite lucky to know her. The service was wall to wall people so that truly says how wonderful she was.

                    I do believe one of the best ways to try and have AF days in there is to keep it out of the house . . . at least the favorite drink of choice . . . for a few months, until you are past the habit.

                    Taking a drive, changing your routine, like you are planning to Jen, is just a wonderful idea. I think believing in the health that we are giving ourselves everyday helps spur us on also. It is a "flip switch" in thinking . . . It goes from I can't have to, I can but I choose not to today. I hope you have a really great weekend Jen!

                    Awesome Lush on AF days. That is so good to hear that! Happy for you that you are getting over the hump. Very cool dream dear.

                    Judie, things better today? sounds like if it is sunny and you made it to the beach, it should be good! Hey . . .48" is a nice size too!!

                    Rachele, you too on the AF and I hope your little one gets better quicker - love the rain cloud following the little guy! 52" is nice Rachele!

                    PP, are you out of HMO hell yet? Too cool on your job promotion! Sorry about the hours though. I just loved your "furpume" story the other day! I understand what you are saying but I know you can do this and you can be your own best babysitter! GO! GO! GO!

                    Mike, don't work too hard is right. We look forward to your posts.

                    Allie, how are you feeling today? thanks for the offer of the Lexapro, so sweet to share that and not the geese goo.

                    MM, that was such a sweet PM, I totally appreciate it!

                    Lori, how is your leg today? Thanks again for checking in on me!

                    I love you all that are here and those to come,


                      Gray Thursday


                      Well done on the AF Lusch.

                      Thank goodness for Once Upon A Time.

                      :thanks: to you all for the laughter tonight.

                      Enough is enough


                        Gray Thursday

                        Quick hello to all. Still recovering from yesterday's craziness....not much new to post. Happy for all the AF days everyone is having....that's great! I'm doing pretty well at moderating.

                        Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Hope to be back on later. Got night school with my daugther.

                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Gray Thursday

                          Hello everyone

                          I too am planning on being AF this weekend (and next), but I know it will be hard. I will make plans to keep me busy. As others have found, I need to keep it out of the house, otherwise it's way too tempting whether my goal is AF or moderation. Kudos to those who can keep it around and still meet their goals!

                          It's good to see others getting in their AF days or moderating on schedule.

                          Happy Thursday everyone!

                          AF since 6JUN2012

