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Orange Monday

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    Orange Monday

    Hi Everybody! ORANGE you glad today if you are a Colt fan!!!! As you can tell by this post, I have a sense of humor, but I am not funny!!!

    Imagine, Waves, Pixie, Lush, thanks for the kind words yesterday!! Everybody here is so terrific, and it really helps me keep in perspective!!

    Jen, love the cheerleading icon -- the Cowboys are my favorate team, and yeah, its because of the cheerleaders.

    Judie, sorry to hear about your knees. I hate when that happens!! And I love your icon too! I have represented marine mammal groups from time to time, and it is an issue close to my heart.

    Love to all,
    Saving the day one minute at a time!

    Orange Monday

    ORANGE you glad you have hot water?? Because my hot water heater broke this morning..... NOT my idea of a nice way to start out the week!

    And my cat was run over Saturday. The kids do not know yet.... So the way I see it, things can only go uphill the rest of the week??

    I am so glad I'm on Lexapro!

    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


      Orange Monday

      MM - you have a GREAT sense of humour and its one of the (many) reasons I love you!
      Allie - awww I am so sorry to hear about your cat!!!! And your water heater not working also sucks!! I hope your day gets better, hon!
      Everyone else - I hope your monday is going well so far - I know how we all love mondays (rolling eyes....) I am on Day 3 of my indeterminate period of AF. I just want to see how long I can go.
      Love you all
      Over 4 months AF :h


        Orange Monday

        Thanks, Jen, for the compliment! You are soooo kind!!! Good luck with the AF!

        Allie, so sorry to hear about the hot water and the cat! Wow! You need a big hug. Close your eyes as I am sending you one!!

        Did anybody watch the game? I have to tell you that its probably like the fourth game I've ever watched (except when I was a majorette in HS -- but I was watching the guys not the game). And I am probably the only person from Baltimore to love the Colts! When I was young, they were in Baltimore. They secretly left in the middle of the night and took their name with them! Everybody here hates them. In my opinion, I think that the legal system and judiciary here where evidence suggests they are unduly influenced by the big business in the city, is probably (again my opinion) among the most corrupt in the country. So, when the Colts say that they had no alternative to move that way to escape the corruption, I give them the benefit of the doubt. And it was nice for the coach, a demure man (at least in public) who one suffered the loss of his son last year. I really enjoyed the game and I would have missed it, except someone here had icons of the colts in there message on the forum!!!! THANK YOU!!!

        Anybody else watch?
        Saving the day one minute at a time!


          Orange Monday


          What a terrible beginning of the week. This morning on the news, we heard about a 15 year old hit on a skateboard, by a hit- and-run driver. My husband said to me "who would do that? hit someone and not stop?"...I then took my son to his orthodontist appointment. The child hit was the son of the woman who works there. I know this woman. We always talk about our kids. And she is best friends with a friend of mine..the woman who I share carpool with..whose son is my son's best friend..if that makes sense. I am just devistated. I am so shocked. He is brain dead...UGGHH....

          Sorry to share such lousy news..but I just can't get over it.

          Hope you are all off to a better weeks start.

          Hug your kids...tightly...

          formerly known as bak310


            Orange Monday

            Wow Beth. My God, that is really tragic news. I am so sorry to hear it.
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Orange Monday

              Oh Beth,

              Nothing I can say...

              Hugs to you

              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                Orange Monday

                That is such a horrible story Beth. My prayers are with that family. That is just incomprehensible.

                Allie, sorry about your cat and the water heater. Not a good start to a week.

                Not to take away from the sadness around here but I must say my college crush on Prince is reignited. So what if he only comes up to my ankle? He was SO good during halftime.

                I know you will do well with the AF Jen. You always do.

                Fan, did you get your laundry done?

                To all to come have a nice Monday.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Orange Monday

                  Not everyone's ready to open the throttle up all the way. Put the pedal to the metal. Skinny-dip into the sea of infinite possibilities.

                  And that's perfectly all right. Because there's nothing you're "supposed" to be doing with your life. No one is judged based upon how much turf they cover, how many mountains they climb, or how many deals they close. And because even one small drop from the sea, is as infinite as all of the oceans combined.

                  Whatever your heart desires -
                  The Universe

                  Beth, I am so sorry, you are surrounded by hugs and love from all here. It is a total shock for someone so young and you are so correct in wondering who could do such a thing and leave.

                  Allie, so sorry about your cat and that you still have to tell the kids plus hot water is such a nice commodity, even when you are in semi tropical weather.

                  MM, glad it is all getting better!

                  Jen, you can do this, I know it. Maybe you should try for a couple weeks AF again just to clear your system? Did you have a nice weekend anyway? And yes, you look gorgeous dear!

                  Judie, the only time I have had rug burns . . . ahem . . . I guess I deserved them, awfully fun getting them. Take your time and you will know whether you want both jobs.

                  Mike, it was a great game even if I was for the losing team! Grossman man he needs some help.

                  Lush. you are right as always, Prince pulled off a great show!

                  Work is going to make me a bit crazed over the next few days which is an OK place to be. Will check back in.

                  Hugs and Love to all,


                    Orange Monday

                    PS: Cashy sorry, didn't address you personally. I think we all go through times that definitely push our buttons and make us wonder how we fell back. It is a work in progress. Just step back up to the plate, you can do this!!


                      Orange Monday

                      Hi to everyone.

                      Beth, that is simply tragic.. you never stop worring about your kids and that they will be safe....just horrible

                      Having a "bluesy" day for no reason...still very rainy and gray here so that has something to do with it...just feeling lonely and detached...not quite sure why...
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        Orange Monday

                        Morning everybody! I'm moving kinda slow today. Between too much scampi, calamari, & steak...(which was delicious), we don't need to mention the wine , we? Actually, I only had 1 glass at dinner. But I had about 3 more when we got home home, (well 2 & 1/2), because there's still a 1/2 a glass in the kitchen.

                        Still thinking about that job offer @ the restaurant... I could do both places for a while & then decide. With my luck I'd show up @ the wrong place on the wrong night, dressed in a t-shirt & jeans ... instead of black & white! :H I've probably done just that at some point before....

                        Beth, that is such a tragic story. My prayers go out to that famliy. :h I really can't imagine how someone could just leave like that.

                        Allie, sorry to hear about your cat. It's so hard loosing a part of the family...

                        Jen, you're doing great! Congrats! Keep it up! Go girl!

                        Fan, how's the laundry? Can ya dance yet?

                        Betty, love the new avatar! boop boop dee do!

                        Monica, glad you're feeling better. That dolphin photo is much more impressive a bit bigger, but I'm still pleased with it.

                        Lush have you seen any whales heading south lately? I keep looking for them, they should be coming past any day now...

                        Love & hugs... Judie
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Orange Monday

                          Hi MKR!! I forgot to say anything to ya! How rude! Oh well, i sent ya some funnies! How's the desert these days? Got any flowers starting to bloom?
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Orange Monday

                            Guess I won't be putting my poor rug burned knees into the hot tub for a few days!:upset: ... Oh well, at least I wasn't late for my dinner date! Geez. The things we put ourselves thru!
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Orange Monday

                              Hi everyone!

                              I'm so happy that the colts won!

                              We had a nice party. I ate and drank like a pig (oink oink)

                              Looking forward to this week being AF. My body needs a break from the poison.

                              Beth, I'm so sorry. When things like this happen, it really hits home and makes us realize just how precious life is.

                              PP, I love you!:l I'm sorry you don't feel like yourself today.

                              Sorry, I can't address everyone because I have to get in the shower. But I hold you all very dear to my heart:h

                              :h :h :h :h

