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Prism-colored Tuesday

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    Prism-colored Tuesday

    Hi Everybody! Can't believe I am starting the daily thread two days in a row!!! I decided to use the word "prism-colored" because I think that sums all of us up as a team. The prism, like a rainbow, contains every color in the spectrum and works together to create a beautiful unified color. Metaphorically, I think that describes all of us. We are all different, unique in so many ways; varying locations, backgrounds, interests. We each bring our own unique "color" to the forum, which is wonderful in and of itself. But, in addition, together we have created something beautiful -- a source of strength, caring and love, and friendship -- and a lot of great advice and support.

    PP - hope you are feeling better. And Beaches, hope you can shake off the blues.

    Hope everyone has a very colorful day!!!

    Saving the day one minute at a time!

    Prism-colored Tuesday

    Wow MM - can't even start to top that. What a beautiful start to the day.
    Hope everyone is doing well.
    PP I hope you are feeling better too. Allie I dont know if you broke the news about the kitty yet to your family but i hope they took it alright - its so hard losing a member of the family like that. My mom's kitty got out yesterday in the bitter cold and hasent returned and she is heartbroken. Actually, he was my kitty first and when I moved away to BC, she adopted him so I am pretty sad too. He is a big fluffy sweetheart. I hope he is ok. It is too cold outside.
    Becca, please check in, I hope you are alright!!
    Well, day 4 of my indetermine period of AF. I ordered the CDs yesterday after I got a burst of inspiration and some very wise words from someone I look up to very much here. Thank you.
    I love you all!! Good Tuesday morning!
    Love Jen
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Prism-colored Tuesday

      Mornin muffs!
      Jen - my oldest son noticed the kitty has not been around for a few days and asked. I told him, and he didnt react one way or the other. He just asked if we were going to get a new one...(he's 20). My daughter didnt like him to begin with because her cat she had since she was four had to be put to sleep a year and a half ago right before we moved to Florida, so she viewed this cat as an unworthy replacement of her big fluffy "Calvin". My youngest hasnt noticed yet, so I am just not going to say anything until he brings it up. In the meantime, I'm in kitty withdrawal....:upset: Actually, I'm handling it pretty well, again, thanks to my new best friend, Lex.

      Beautiful day here... warming up to 71 degrees so anyone who wants to catch a flight down and join me for a warm walk on the beach later can come on down! (Or I might go join PP and Beth a little further south..)

      Have a great day!
      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


        Prism-colored Tuesday

        Allie, have you talked to Becca? I havent seen her around..? Dont want to be intrusive or anything, just want to make sure everything is ok>
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Prism-colored Tuesday

          MM - What beautiful words ...... thanks, you made me smile ....

          Jenneh - Well done on your 4 days AF ....:goodjob:

          Allie - so sorry about your Kitty, and as for flying down to you ..... 2 more weeks !!!!!!!

          My AF days are getting a bit scarce i'm afraid!!! I've not done anything stupid, but been enjoying a few glasses with my hubby, we seem to be getting in holiday mode i'm afraid .....

          Anyway, much love & hugs to all on here :h :l :h

          Love you all xxx


            Prism-colored Tuesday

            Good morning to all and again I thank all my well wishers. Today is in fact a new day and I'm ready to face it. I woke up alot less overwhelmed and ready to get things done and face whatever challenges.

            A very poetic way to start the day Monica, thank you for where are the rest of the colors???
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Prism-colored Tuesday

              When it comes to the words you choose, whether in your mind or amongst friends, let them be of what you like and love. What you care about and cherish. What makes you happy. What gives you wings. What makes you dream.

              And very little else.

              **** The Universe


              MM, you did just that this morning. So glad to see you in better spirits!

              Jen- WAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO! Let me borrow that avatar and I will cheer you on!! glad to hear you bought the CD's I think you will find them inspirational and something to take the place of "drink o'clock" whatever time that is! Sorry about your mom's and your kitty. Too cold is right!

              Allie, so sorry on the kitty. Lex is pretty cool to keep you in such a good mood. I am so happy to see that! I think our kitty needs some depends or new born diapers. No matter how many litter boxes I have around the house, (4 right now) her diabetes keeps her having accidents. All of our animals are on the very geriatric side of life.

              Betty dear, weird calling you that! Anyway, as long as you are moderating are you OK with this, I think you are doing very well! Sometimes we need to get into vacation mode ahead of time. You are inspiring to all of us!

              PP, overwhelming what you had to deal with yesterday. You are so many people's rock. That is so wonderful they can all count on you. You are very special that way.

              Bit of an overwhelming deadline day, hope to catch back up with you all later.

              Love to all here and all to come later in the day,


                Prism-colored Tuesday

                You are all so sweet about the feedback! Thank you!

                PP, I'm glad things are looking up for you today!

                It is only 7 degrees here! Uch!! Jenneh, so sorry to hear about the cat! It is so hard when these things happen because our animals are truly part of the family. I found this on the net, hope it provides some solace:

                Poem For Cats

                And God asked the feline spirit
                Are you ready to come home?
                Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
                And, as a cat, you know I am most able
                To decide anything for myself.

                Are you coming then? asked God.
                Soon, replied the whiskered angel
                But I must come slowly
                For my human friends are troubled
                For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

                But don't they understand? asked God
                That you'll never leave them?
                That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
                That nothing is created or destroyed?
                It just is....forever and ever and ever.

                Eventually they will understand,
                Replied the glorious cat
                For I will whisper into their hearts
                That I am always with them
                I just am....forever and ever and ever.

                Author Unknown

                Web Cat-World - Cat Forums, Cat Care, Cat Breeders, Cat Discussion & More.

                I hope some really pleasant things come by the way for everyone on this forum!


                PS Has anyone heard anything from Eustacia and Gypsy lately?
                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Prism-colored Tuesday

                  Good Morning, Hope everyone is feeling ok. Thank you MM for the thread starting, It is so #$%@& cold here I am starting to get cabin fever. And all kittys should get back inside right now.



                    Prism-colored Tuesday

                    Sammys - Thanks, I enjoyed the expression of the cold -- gave me a real chuckle!!!

                    Saving the day one minute at a time!


                      Prism-colored Tuesday

                      MM you are so sweet - really. Thanks for that.
                      Sammys good morning!
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Prism-colored Tuesday

                        Mornin' Everybody :flower:
                        Thanks for the great starting post MM! Verrry Niiiccce. (as James would say)

                        PP, glad you're day is going better. It can be hard to always be the strong, reliable one...Gotta re-charge sometimes.

                        Speaking of re-charging... just like clockwork, I've got another one of these darn headaches. GRRR :upset: It started coming on yesterday, and kept getting worse as the day progressed. Sure enough, it's still with me this morning. Seems to go right along with my cycle... just when I thought I couldn't get any more fun!
                        I just took a new med I'm trying for it. Hopefully it'll work. I'd hate to loose the next two days to hiding in the dark. I do have to get off the puter right now though... will check in later.

                        love & hugs, Judie
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Prism-colored Tuesday

                          Morning all!

                          Hey Jude, have you ever looked into taking feverfew? Do some googling on it. It is supposed to prevent migraines from occuring and I have heard a lot of people have had success with it. It is an herbal supplement. Hope it goes away soon.

                          I can join some of you in the feeling blue mood this week. I know I need to get going on my exercise program instead of just talking about it because I know it will perk me up.

                          Have a great day everyone!!! Congrats to all who are reaching their goals be it AF or mods........

                          Oh and Allie, eat something!!!!
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            Prism-colored Tuesday

                            Jenneh, you are welcome. I am praying that your cat comes home to your mom and both furry friends (you and Allie's) will be in my thoughts and prayers.

                            Thanks, Judie. Might your headaches be from paint fumes?

                            Lush, sorry that you are feeling down, anything we can do to cheer you up??? Where's Mike???

                            I better get back to work, I'll try to check back in a little while.

                            Saving the day one minute at a time!


                              Prism-colored Tuesday

                              Blue and STRESSED!! I will be sooooooooooooo happy when tomorrow is over! Maybe I will have a slight chance to catch up I have never felt so overwhelmed at a job before!

                              Once the audit is done, then I am off to Vegas, for business, but I will manage to have a little fun in there somehwere!!

                              Last week was Dallas, I think I could use a rest from the traveling for a while!

                              Sorry about the kitty do you stay so warm, and we are only 2 1/2 hrs away, it is FREEZING (mid 50s , yeah I am spoiled:H ) but it is bone chilling!! BRRRRRRR

                              love all you guys, and great thread starter MM!!Make me smile too!!


                              Mary Anne

