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Prism-colored Tuesday

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    Prism-colored Tuesday

    Mary Anne, I feel for you on the traveling!!! I had a similar problem Oct-Dec. Though Vegas sounds like it might be fun!! (never been there). I also empathize with how cold you feel. Even though it is only 16 degrees here, I am never comfortable unless it is 78 degrees and up!

    Have a wonderful day and safe travels (and thanks for the compliment).

    Love to all,
    Saving the day one minute at a time!


      Prism-colored Tuesday

      Monica I like the prism color idea and that was a great idea to start the thread. I agree Sammys it is cold here too. Too cold. Glaciers are forming in our ponds and I believe I saw a polar bear roaming in the back yard.

      Sorry to hear about your cats Jenneh and Allie. That is so sad when one gets out and they don't come back. Ugh you just worry and worry.

      Anyone heard from Waves?

      Thankfully I am feeling better today. Thanks to a lot of positive support. I was staying away for awhile because I didn't really feel like I was fitting in. I wasn't moderating (not well at least) and not abstaining so I was pretty down in the dumps with myself feeling pretty pathetic. Not today. Back to the basics and back to getting on track....again.

      Have a great day.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Prism-colored Tuesday

        Great to hear it Beaches! You always fit in here and are always welcome. You are one of the gang and we need eachother.It goes both ways...
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Prism-colored Tuesday

          Wow that stuff worked! I feel a bit sedated... but my headache's gone! I was just talking to a friend on the phone & all of a sudden realized I didn't have my hand over my eyes any more, and it didn't hurt!

          The medication I took is called Maxalt-MLT. Think I'll buy stock in that company!:H

          Lush, hope your blues go away soon. Put on some Bonnie Raiit and dance around...or just sing along....

          Hey Mary Ann! Long time no see! Have fun in Vegas! Still wishin we'd made it to Fremont street when we were there... That's suppossed to be the best! That Zumanity show was incredible tho!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Prism-colored Tuesday

            Yep Beaches, Ditto what PP said.
            :l :l
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Prism-colored Tuesday

              Lusch you are waaay too great and funny and you make me smile way too much to have the blues. In fact, can you move to Ontario? Cheer up damnit. I want to move to Seattle. Or would that be dangerous?
              Love you!!!
              Over 4 months AF :h


                Prism-colored Tuesday

                Or the two of you could come to Miami and it could be very, very dangerous!
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Prism-colored Tuesday

                  Yes, I believe we could get ourselves into a lot of trouble. Then again Jen you could be a very good influence with all of your AF days.

                  I am letting myself down in many areas of my life, not just my drinking. It is time for me to start DOING things instead of just thinking about doing them but I am finding myself stuck. Am I having a midlife crisis?

                  Beaches, I am glad you are not staying away anymore. None of us are perfect and that is okay.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Prism-colored Tuesday

                    Lush, you can share your other things with us if you want to you know ....

                    You're always there for everyone, replying to cries for help ....

                    But we are all here for you as well you know ......

                    Beaches, lovely to see you .....


                      Prism-colored Tuesday

                      Ha Ha! I used to be perfect... it's SOOO boring! And so over-rated! Not to mention lonely!:upset:

                      Glad I figured that one out!:H

                      PP- have you heard that really bad joke?

                      "What's a Princesses' favorite wine?"

                      "I wanna go to Miami"... ( I know, that's SOOOO bad!)

                      Don't think the whining gets any better than that!

                      My aunt & uncle were in the restaurant I was working in on New Yrs Eve a few years back, my uncle asked if I had a good wine, for them...(it was a real classy place)

                      I took a few seconds & said kinda loudly in a nasely/winey voice... "I have to worrrrrrrrkkk!"
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Prism-colored Tuesday

                        LMAO Jude, I can totally picture that! Good for you!
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          Prism-colored Tuesday

                          It was pretty funny! The room was quiet... it was perfect timing!:H
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Prism-colored Tuesday


                            :goodjob: :H :H :H That is 100% something I would do!
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              Prism-colored Tuesday

                              In fact I'm kinda suprised my Aunt didn't get up and wait on me! She's pretty nutty too!
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                                Prism-colored Tuesday

                                Believe it or not... I'm not the only NUT in the family!:H
                                By the way Jen... I'm quite sure you'll fit right in!

                                My Aunt Florence & Uncle Albert, used to get up & go around the table @ Thanksgiving, if someone said they were too full. They would each grab a shoulder and start shaking the person, bouncing up & down in their chair, to "pack it in" make room ... so to speak... Yep, a bunch of nuts in the gene pool!
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

