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Sunny Sunday Feb 11

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    Sunny Sunday Feb 11

    I am off to the Autism Speaks/ NAAR ( National Alliance for Autism Research) Walk for my nephew Michael. I wil be walking for my MWO friends who (whom?) have also been touch by autism in their lives. Love you all. Have a fabulous day!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

    Sunny Sunday Feb 11

    Have a great walk PP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure is a great cause
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Sunny Sunday Feb 11

      Good Morning!
      PP--Have a great walk. That is very powerful!
      I intend to go for a long walk myself and sweat some of this unwanted wine out of my system that has mysteriously accumulated in my pores this week. For a very busy week, I certainly managed to consume a few more glasses than I would have liked.
      Sometimes, for me, ending a very busy day results in sitting up with wine, instead of just going to bed. Ahhh..but I will learn.
      Love you all. Sm-mary


        Sunny Sunday Feb 11

        Hi SM-Mary,
        Funny about the accumulated wine in your pores...Hope you feel better

        And you all that come. I hope you have a nice and peaceful Sunday. Love to all

        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Sunny Sunday Feb 11

          Good Morning Moddies!

          I'm feeling hopeful about the week ahead!

          I hope you all are too.


          :h :h :h :h


            Sunny Sunday Feb 11

            Hi Modsters -

            Sounds like we aree off to a good start today. I didn't abstain last night but it was under control. Four drinks over 6 hours and I felt great this am (despite the lingering cold I have). So going for 3 AF days (I know I'll have wine on VD) then 2 more AF and we'll see what the weekend brings. That's my plan at least!

            PP - Great cause to walk for. I hope it was an invigorating one!
            Allie - Hope the spuds got dinner and dinner was a success - i am sure it was bbut you must be tired girl!
            Jude - Feel better!
            SMMary - wine in pores - I love it. Hope you have a cleansing walk!
            Rachele - So glad to see you up and about and in a good place
            Mike - Always appreciate your words of encouragement to me and others.
            Lush - Feel better and today is a whole new day!

            To everyone yet to come, have a super day! Stay warm or cool - depending what part of the Earth you are occupying!)


              Sunny Sunday Feb 11

              Just saying Hi everyone, PP the walk your doing is wonderful thing. Just seeing all your names makes me happy.



                Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                Hope you have a great day too Sammy!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                  In light of PP's walk today and some of our children here on the's a little info I'd like to share:


                  Autism rate in U.S. higher than thought
                  1 in 150 children affected by little-understood disorder, major study finds
                  The Associated Press
                  Updated: 1:23 p.m. ET Feb 9, 2007
                  ATLANTA - The largest U.S. study of childhood autism to date has found that about 1 in 150 have the disorder — a higher prevalence than previous national estimates.

                  The autism rate was about 6.6 per 1,000 in the new study based on data from 2002. It was released Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last year, the agency had estimated the rate was about 5.5 in 1,000.

                  The research involved an intense review of medical and school records for children in all or part of 14 states and gives the clearest picture yet of how common autism is in some parts of the country, CDC officials said.

                  However, those states are not demographically representative of the nation as a whole, so officials cautioned against using the results as a national average.

                  Also, the study does not answer whether autism is increasing — a controversial topic, driven in part by the contention by some parents and advocates that autism is linked to a vaccine preservative. The best scientific studies have not borne out that claim.

                  “We can’t make conclusions about trends yet,” because the study’s database is too new, said Catherine Rice, a CDC behavioral scientist who was the study’s lead author.

                  Autism is a complex disorder usually not diagnosed in children until after age 3. It is characterized by a range of behaviors, including difficulty in expressing needs and inability to socialize. The cause is not known.

                  Scientists have been revising how common they think the disorder is. Past estimates from smaller studies have ranged from 1 out of every 10,000 children to nearly 1 in 100.

                  Last year’s estimate of 5.5 out of every 1,000 U.S. children was based on national surveys of tens of thousands of families with school-age kids. That fit into a prevalence range found in other recent studies.

                  More accurate count
                  The CDC also has been developing an alternate way of measuring autism prevalence, building a network of university and state health departments for ongoing surveillance of autism and developmental disabilities. The study released Thursday is one of the first scientific papers to come out of that effort.

                  “This is a more accurate rate because of the methods they used,” said Dr. Eric Hollander, an autism expert at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

                  The study involved 2002 data from parts or all of 14 states — Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

                  Researchers looked specifically at children who were 8 years old that year. They said most children with autism are identified for medical or educational services by that age.

                  The researchers checked health records in each area and school records when they were made available, looking for children who met diagnostic criteria for autism. They used those numbers to calculate a prevalence rate for each study area.

                  The rates varied from 3.3 per 1,000 in the study site in Alabama, which was made up of the state’s 32 northernmost counties, to 10.6 in the site in New Jersey, which involved four counties, including metropolitan Newark.

                  Researchers say they don’t know why the rate was so high in New Jersey. They think the Alabama rate was low at least partly because researchers had limited access to special education records there.

                  ? 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
                  URL: Autism rate in U.S. higher than thought - Kids & Parenting -


                  ? 2007
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                    Hi all,

                    I feel homeless or board less, not sure how to put that. I don?t feel I can post on Abs because I have not been abstinent this weekend and I think you all might be done with me being so wishy washy. I made 18 days on Abs and I am glad I did it, but it?s just not sticking for me. I ended up with a rash last week and although I?m pretty sure it?s not from the Campral, I had to quit taking it until it?s gone.

                    Doing Abs has helped get me back in the right mind set. I have been using my hypnos and supps regularly and moderating this weekend was not hard. Yeah!
                    Long term abs might be in my future because I am a binger, but I?m not ready for it yet.

                    Molly, Thanks for all your support this last couple of weeks. You know I would come up there and make everything easier and perfect for you if I could. Maybe a road trip is in order. I don?t know how to drive in the snow though. :h

                    Good Sunday,
                    Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                      Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                      Hi All,

                      PP - have a good walk, well done.....

                      Hawk - excellent plan .....

                      Mike - Cleaning???? Want to come & do mine .....

                      Beaches - Thanks for that information, it's nice a have an insight to something that I know very little about ...

                      SM Mary - I probably have it in my pores too - a little bit more has been creeping in lately ....

                      Rachele - Glad to see you sounding more positive ....

                      Sammyys - Hi ...

                      Laura - :welcome: You're welcome to post here anytime, Keep your chin up love ......

                      Sincere apologies if i've forgotten anyone ......

                      Love & Hugs to all xx

                      Only 9 more days to my holiday ...........:whee:


                        Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                        I was in the exact, exact same place as you last week. I just didn't feel like I fit anywhere.

                        You fit. As I was told, you are loved and we are all here to get better and find our way....whatever that may be.

                        I hope that you are feeling better soon. I just forced myself to keep posting and I do feel better now thanks to everyone here.

                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                          I just really love all of you! Laura, welcome back! We are here to support whichever path you are going on.

                          PP, have fun on the walk. Great cause!!!

                          Beaches, you really had me laughing last night.

                          SM-Mary, I know how you feel. Hubby is forcing me to get out for a walk right now which I desperately need. So off I will go......

                          Fan, Waves, Rachele, Hawk, Sammy and all to come, Have a great Sunday. I, too, am hopeful about this week..........cannot have a repeat of last week.

                          Paula, I am excited for you and your trip. You will have such a great time.

                          Hugs all the way around.
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                            Lush, I was dying! That was such a great release. Then Victoria arrived and we freaked her out...too funny.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Sunny Sunday Feb 11

                              Laura---I love you!! 18 days AF--that is amazing!!

