Hi Ya'll! Wow so much going on these days here...
Love & hugs to everyone.
Ditto on Di's post- so well said. "Hugs to those that need em, cheers to those that want em... and a SALUTE to ALL!"
I've been doing a LOT of soul searching lately. I've decided to stop taking Topa. I hate to admit I'm vain, but my hair is getting way too thin & I'm starting to have nightmares about clumps of it coming out!
I've definately proven to myself & everyone around me, that I'm entirely capable of drinking beyond the effects of Topa. So I feel at this point, I need to just try to be true to myself, take my supps(not meds), and do what I know I have to do. I know it won't be easy... but it's time for me to "grow -up" and stop being such a self centered brat. That's exactly how I feel... when I allow alcohol to have the upper hand in my life.
I've asked my Hubby about joining me in going abs- he's not interested.
At this point I feel, it's too hard for me to do abs, with it in the house... so I just have to be more determined than ever. I'd like to think I can still drink a few beers, here & there...is that insane thinking?
I know I did pretty good for the better part of the past year. Just right now, I'm having a really hard time with it.

Sorry this is so long... Like Fan says... "get er done!"
I will be OK... just bouncing back again...:whee:
:l Judie