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Sunday 2/18/2007

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    Sunday 2/18/2007

    It's just after noon on Sunday and no Sunday thread yet?

    Okay, I'll start it.

    But I don't have anything to say......except.......

    Have a great day!
    :h :h :h :h

    Sunday 2/18/2007

    Me neither.

    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Sunday 2/18/2007

      Hello everybody! Looking like a beautiful day in the neighborhood...
      Day 7 of no topa, feeling great! I was definately worried about going off of it, and binging... So far, so good. It feels good to be more alert, and energetic, I didn't realize how much I was missing...

      :l Judie
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Sunday 2/18/2007

        Hi everyone
        Jude its so great that you are feeling so great! Keep it up girl!!
        It's a nice sunny day here though still too cold for my liking
        Love you all!
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Sunday 2/18/2007

          Hi everyone. Thanks for the messgaes yesterday. It helped me to tie a knot in my rope and hang on. I had a good evening and got a good 11 hours of sleep last night so I feel significantly better today. I am laying low - very low today and just trying to plan out my week so that I can deal with everything in a better manner. I really appreciate everyones support - it made all the difference in a very difficult day. Love you guys.

          The slightly less streesed Hawk.


            Sunday 2/18/2007

            Hey Hawk, glad to see you're feeling better! Hang in there...:h
            It'll get better. These things/moments do pass...

            Hope your day continues to be low stress...maybe even a moment or two of magic thrown in there! Have ya tried cranking up the stereo & dancing around to some great music?:danthin:

            :l Judie
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Sunday 2/18/2007

              Hi All, Glad that you are all well....

              Hawk - glad that you are less stressed ......

              Judie - Glad that you are feeling OK ....

              To everyone else, Love you all, I'm really gonna miss this place while i'm on holiday ...... must find an internet cafe to check in ........

              Paula xx


                Sunday 2/18/2007

                Hi everybody...
                Slept lastnight 10pm-8am this morning!!!!!!!! Feel great!

                Huggs to all!
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Sunday 2/18/2007

                  Awwwe Fan,...:goodjob:

                  :l :l
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Sunday 2/18/2007

                    Ah Fan, Bless ...............


                      Sunday 2/18/2007

                      sorry to hear

                      I don't even need an autistec child as an excuse,have 2 normal ones and still doing POORLY!!! Fan, you are a champ!!

                      Jush checking in, not doing well, but thought I'd give some words if encouragement!!!

                      love you all and glad for all who are doing ok!!

                      Mary Anne


                        Sunday 2/18/2007

                        Fan, you are trying. You have to remember that alcoholism is an 'adult' problem, as are the problems derived from it. You can tell your kids (autistic or not) you are trying until you are blue in the face. They do not know the logistics of this horrendous disease. They don't have the ability to understand it.

                        You know you are trying. We know you are trying. You will gain everyones trust back again with consistency and in time. Your ex should be helping with this in regards to letting your children know you are trying and making positive strides in your life. (sorry if I overstepped my bounds here). You have been fighting a disease, one that can ruin peoples lives. All the shitty stuff that happened in your life was the disease, not the real you. The children don't understand it all but she can help them see you as a person who is loving, trying, and someone who has their best interest at heart. I am also not saying she has to pad the blow for everything either. I think it is so important for the both of you to work together so the kids have a better understanding.

                        I really shouldn't be saying anything. I honestly am not there and don't know what is going on. But, from your posts it sounds like you are struggling to win the relationship with your kids back. If I am wrong, then I am sorry. Ever since my joining here it has been noticed how much you love them.

                        .... if you hate me for saying this - just PM me.

                        Hang in there. I know you will pull through this as well.


                          Sunday 2/18/2007

                          Ah Fan. That's hard. Keep at it. You know you are trying. Its going to get better. It has to - remember? :hug:


                            Sunday 2/18/2007

                            Words came out wrong

                            I just got back in town and had a PM from someone who said that I had hurt people's feelings here with my comment last week about Becca. I went back to review it, and I can understand why. It was my comment that she had made more progress with AA in a week than she had the whole time here on this website. I can certainly see how that must have come across in a negative way, and I certainly did not mean it too. What I was trying to say was that she had been struggling for a long time and after things getting really bad, had finally found her nitch with AA, and had seen breakthroughs that she had not been able to attain prior. I only meant that AA was working better for her; not that MWO was bad. I know we all realize here that the path to recovery is different for all of us. It was not intended in any way to say that this website had not been a valuable asset to her and part of what lead her to where she is today. She was happy for me to share that with you all, so I apologize if my wording was off. I was a wreck of emotion with news about my Mom that day, and not up to my normal proofreading before sending a post, or probably would have caught the way it came across. Hope you understand, and I apologize if I offended anyone.

                            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                              Sunday 2/18/2007


                              Don't worry, we all love you .....

