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Friday 23rd February

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    Friday 23rd February

    Morning Muffins - thanks for the explanations - I can truthfully say that I am a real muffin both physically and virtually!

    Love to all to come - hope you have a great day. Allie - I think you're so brave......

    I x
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Friday 23rd February

    Morning everyone.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful and pleasant day as we head into the weekend.

    Thoughts are with you Allie, Beth, Judie and everyone with a struggle on their plate. As well as with everyone here who has the struggle that has united us.....

    Hugs all aound.


      Friday 23rd February

      Wow! I've been away for a day and so much as happened!!!

      Jen, you didn't need to apologize to me about the "Important" thread. I was teasing you back -- I was laughing my head off! It was great to get a second of fun in a hectic day! I'm the one who is sorry if I came across serious.

      Allie, you continue to be in my prayers. My heart goes out to you.

      Beth, I continue to keep you and your niece in my prayers as well. Please keep us informed.

      SMMary - Very impressive recount of the "Muffin" development. Ilex, thanks for bringing it up. It brought back some fond memories.

      Nancy - I love that song! But more importantly, how are you doing? I hope that whatever has hurt you has been taken away.

      Dilayne, hope you are feeling better today.

      Eustacia - its always great to hear from you. I think of you often and hope that your situation is improving in whatever direction you are trying to take.

      Judie, I think you need to give your friend a reality check. I have people who do this to me quite often, both in business and in my personal life. You are a very giving person and drowning people will grab onto that generosity. It doesn't make them bad, it just makes them desperate. I would send her note -- people like that don't usually hear to well. But if you put it in writing, it processes better. You are not a bad person. You are normal -- you have obligations to yourself and your husband, and you are actually hurting your friend because she is using you as a crutch instead of tackling her problem. You might want to go to the book store and get a book on how to get over whatever she is suffering from. Put a little in the inside cover. "Though I wish I could be there with you every minute of your day, we both know that it is not practical, as I am falling down on my other obligations. I hope that this book helps and provides you with inspiration. Know that everytime you open this book to read it, I am with you in spirit". I did something like this with a friend and she got it. Just some thoughts - Hope it helps.

      MKR Marry, Hope all is well with you. Does your son have anymore swimming stuff this weekend? How is the little girl with cancer coming along?

      Deniselb - Congratulations!!!

      Well, its official. My husband and I bought an internet store yesterday. We spent all day in DC training for it, and we go back next week and put it on line. I'm excited! My husband was so nervous. He never would have done it had I not been there to push him through the process. Owning a business can be a scary thing the first time through. But once he signed the papers, it was a whole different story. He is approaching it with enthusiasm that was really great to see. In recent years, he has become more and more depressed over the loss of his parents and our two animals (cat and dog), and the slow closing out of his lab for retirement. It was great to see him so happy! And I love doing business!!!!!

      Drinking wise, I am making great strides. Yesterday was the 9th day that I did not drink at lunch, and I only had a couple of wines with dinner. It is a wonderful feeling to truly be doing mods. I hope I can keep it up. I think I can because I don't even think about drinking at lunch anymore. And in the evening, I want to stop after dinner so that I can continue to do some family things in the evening. It has become a great motivation for me. I hope I don't regress!

      Well, off to do Congressional reports and the radio show. Probably won't be around much today.

      Love to all,

      Well, I'm off --
      Saving the day one minute at a time!


        Friday 23rd February

        MM--congrats on the new business. That is really great to be able to jump in like that! I wish you all the success.
        Ilex--good morning---glad you fit right in with the Muffins!
        Allie--that was very brave of you. I don' t think I could ever address my father with words like that. And I have a lot of words I would like to say to him. You handled it well.
        Beth---Prayers!! for you and your family.
        Hawk--thinking of you---always---hope you're doing well
        Jude--screw that friend! She's taking advantage. Sorry---just makes me mad when people do that---and believe me---she knows what she's doing!
        Laura---I'd forgotten about your overflowing muffin top---I'll have to go back and re-read that thread. Of course, I had forgotten about Lush crowning herself King of the Muffins too---that is funny!
        Have a great day my Wonderful Muffin Friends!! Love you so!!!


          Friday 23rd February

          Thanks SM Mary. I hope all is going well for you.

          Hawk, I think we may have been posting at the same time. I, too, am wishing you well -- hoping things are getting easier for you.

          Love to all,
          Saving the day one minute at a time!


            Friday 23rd February

            Good morning everyone,

            Thanks MM, I know a week isn't much compared to most of you but, it's a milestone for me. Anyway, just checking in and hoping everyone has a terrific day and weekend as well!

            The headaches are gone and feeling pretty good today!
            Colorado Chick!
            Your support means the world to me...:h


              Friday 23rd February

              Denise--you are doing awesome!! At this point in the game, I'd be proud to say I'd made it a's a lot!! Great job!


                Friday 23rd February

                Dear Denise, I agree with Mary, you are doing awesome. I have never even tried to go AF, as I have always wanted to be a mod. It took me months to get where I wanted to be, and I still couldn't even imagine going AF. Congratulations.

                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Friday 23rd February

                  Thanks Soccermom (hey I'm a soccermom too) and Mighty Mouse (not a mighty mouse though LOL), The sups. take the edge off but it's your support that makes the difference. :thanks:
                  Colorado Chick!
                  Your support means the world to me...:h


                    Friday 23rd February

                    Happy Friday everyone!

                    Ilex, welcome to the muffin club.
                    Sm-Mary, I am PRESIDENT of the club. Please get it right.

                    Denise, you are doing awesome. Five days is my max, so you should be patting yourself on the back.

                    Hawk, I second your post. Allie, I am sure you feel lighter this morning having gotten that off your chest with your dad. I hope he will make some changes for your mom's sake.

                    PreciousPinot, please check in and say hi!! I miss you.

                    Jude, your dilemma is a tough one because it is very hard to be that direct with people without hurting their feelings or making them defensive and mad. I had a similar situation with a friend who did not work and would call me all the time while I am working. She thought because I worked at home I was not really working. I tried so many times to joke about not calling me and finally it erupted into me yelling at her one morning when she called. Well not yelling, but I was very firm with her and said that I felt she was not respecting my requests, blah, blah. Well you know what? She got defensive and we are no longer friends!!! So much for trying to be honest and upfront. I hope you get it worked out. She is taking way advantage of you.

                    Who did I forget? Sorry but you know I think the world of all of you. Jen, any word on the new house?

                    Have a great weekend all!! Rachele, where have you been all week? I feel like the muffs are disappearing.......:upset:
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Friday 23rd February

                      trying to see if my new avatar worked...
                      formerly known as bak310


                        Friday 23rd February

                        Wow!!! It did!!!

                        Good morning all!! I am trying to focus on the good today...Thank you all for your well wishes for my niece. For better or worse, looks like she will be coming home from the hospital today, so I guess I will take that as good. The rest....we will have to see.

                        This is me with my dog...she is a good thing :h Her name is Terri, and she lights up my life Actually, she is the center of our famiies would think we just got her, but we have had her for 5 years. She is completely neurotic..(of course, what other kind of dog could I have). She is 60 pounds, barks like crazy if someone comes to the house, but hides in her crate and shakes. She is scared of everyone except us. We adopted her at 4 months old from a shelter, and assume she had a really bad beginning but don't despair...she is spoiled ROTTEN in our home!!! She has more toys than Toys r Us, and any blanket or pillow she has decided she likes...including my favorite body pillow I USED to sleep with. She has an affinity for sleeping upside down, with paws straight up in the air, which looks pretty funny on a 60 pound dog, and she lets us do anything to her we want...she is adorable.

                        SO, I am focussing on the good. Nice day outside, again. No work...yikes....not so good...but I will enjoy the day. Don't know how long I will keep my pic up....Hubby would kill my for would my many times have I drilled into them NEVER give private information over the internet...geez...I have given my most private thought here...and now my PICTURE??? well, anyway, so what...

                        Oh, and it is Friday...yea...I hope you are all having a nice day....

                        formerly known as bak310


                          Friday 23rd February

                          Another beautiful muff!!! Funny, I imagined you with black hair.

                          I am wishing peace for your neice. Have a great weekend!
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            Friday 23rd February

                            Beth-great pic! I know all about having a little dog as a big part of your family! We lost our little dog recently and it has broken our hearts.
                            I love your positive energy!!
                            And---I had my daughter up as my avatar, but with everyone changing names and worrying about other's logging on and reading the private details of our lives that we share, I thought I better get her off of there. Not that anyone could see her face, but someone who knew us could recognize the picture and that's all I need! Not worried about you guys---just probably not great to have my daughter up on an alcohol recovery sight.
                            And I won't question if that's really you and your dog or a fake family, like I have been so rudely accused of in the past..ahem...Lush.


                              Friday 23rd February

                              Notice I did not accuse Beth of posting a fake picture? I learned my lesson from teasing you.........
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

