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Friday 23rd February

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    Friday 23rd February

    Hi all! Well this muffin is not disappearing! I am back and feeling stronger everyday. Just to give you guys a little insight on what was going on with me....I was working really hard, long hours, stuck in unbelievable traffic everyday for at minimum an hour to then come home to three children who want and need my attention. So, once I am home, it's time to go to Tae Kwon Do, supervise homework, go through paperwork, straighten up the house,pay bills, PJs, brush teeth...ect and so on... a husband fits in there somewhere too...not sure where exactly but, somewhere Anyway, the point is a was really burning the candle at both ends and exhausting myself. The funny part is, part of me thought this was somehow a "noble" thing to do. It was my duty to be a martyr...if that makes any sense. I was not taking care of myself and actually felt guity if I did anything just for me. Well the result was...I was a tired mommy...a boss you did not want to cross...and completely unavailable to my husband.....Then, I got really sick and I mean REALLY sick. My immune system shut down and I got multiple infections all at once. My father is a surgeon and ordered me to bed rest and sat me down and spelled out what I was doing to myself and my health. I did manage to stay in bed for a day and a half and went back to work on the third day...was useless and went home. Then something finally "clicked" and I have decided that I am worth taking care of. I have slowed down best I can and am enjoying myself a little more.

    Anyway, the reason I am sharing all of this with you is because it should serve some of you ( Hawk & MM) as a cautionary tale. Take care of yourself or you can't take care of anybody else. :l

    Thank you to Lush and Fan for checking up on me when I wasn't feeling so hot...It meant alot...

    Love you guys!!

    Allie and Beth you are in my prayers.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Friday 23rd February

      I am sorry about your little doggie mom...and I WONT tell you which one is me and which is the dog, kay? lol

      Lush BLACK hair??? too funny...actually, I am a true light haired brunette, but...well, you know...

      love to all
      formerly known as bak310


        Friday 23rd February

        Letting the opinions of others dampen your enthusiasm, restrain your joy, and stifle your creativity, is often exactly what they were after.

        Pity for them, huh?

        Let's rock -
        **** The Universe

        Sure hope I have never done the above to someone else. That would not be a good thing.

        Ilex, you are doing really well. It isn't the easiest of tasks but it is well worth it!

        Hawk, feeling better? I am hoping so.

        MM, Congrats on the store! I hope you both find it quite productive and it follow well your thoughts on the environment. Very proud of you moderating on the lunchtime drinking. Slowly but surely your plan is working like a dream! Diving is finished state championships last weekend. She is in remission though still pretty worn out. Thanks for asking.

        SM Mary, glad you are coming back here more often. Hope you are doing well! LOL on the avatar story!!

        Denise, it's huge steps you are taking and you are quite inspirational sticking to this plan of yours!!

        Lushy, Senior, senior majestic muffin club president, your title is getting longer everyday!! You really should go into counseling as you have such a gift. thanks for bringing it to us.

        Beth, great avatar, you are really lovely and I think Terri is a riot. Understand completely about the animals as our family members. Thanks for looking at the good in life, great idea.

        Mike, hope your day is a great one! Hope you get to have a wonderful weekend that includes some hoops!

        Jen, do tell on the house.

        Waves, still wanting to hear about your special birthday party!!

        Judie, I LOVE that about the ocean. I truly miss hearing it at night too. . . Maybe when I retire . . .

        PP, Rachele missing you guys!

        Beaches, BB, hoping vacations are a blast!

        I know I am missing a bunch of people!

        I feel so lucky and healthy . . .after taking my wheelchair / walker bound friend to the networking meeting the other night. I have a brace that I can walk in and drive and dance and ride a bike, and . . . . Hopefully go on vacation, get in the ocean again, YEP it is all good stuff. Thanks Beth!

        Hugs and Love,


          Friday 23rd February

          Thank God you are back PP. I am so glad to hear you are feeling stronger and healthier!!!! :l
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Friday 23rd February


            we were posting at the same time..

            I didn't realize you were so sick!!!!

            I hope you are on the gotta slow down!! we cannot do everything all at once...we just can't!

            Take care of yourself...


            ps...I STILL would love to meet up with you sometime....
            formerly known as bak310


              Friday 23rd February

              PP, glad to hear you are feeling much better. It is a tough lesson and super tough with the kids at those ages to maintain. I am happy you are now taking care of yourself!! XO Mary


                Friday 23rd February


                we much all be posting at the same time!!!
                formerly known as bak310


                  Friday 23rd February

                  we really should just be on chat LOL
                  formerly known as bak310


                    Friday 23rd February

                    PP--glad you're back too!! We all have to learn to take care of ourselves in this.


                      Friday 23rd February

                      Happy Friday everyone~

                      Beth, I love the avatar! Your dog is adorable... I can totally picture the barking at everyone and then running to her crate and shaking! And I'm not even a dog person much... lol.

                      Thanks everyone for thinking I'm brave.... I feel more like a hypocrite. My Dad has no idea that I also struggle with alcohol (passed down from his side of the family I'm sure), so it was hard to say the words to him that you hope no one will ever have say to you. I am no where near to the level that he was before he stopped. He was going through one of those BIG jugs of vodka almost every night. Mom said he would maybe not finish the last inch, but then it was opening a new one the next night and so on. I talked to Mom this morning and she said he has not spoken since I left yesterday. One thing he had said when I told him that we had noticed he was having trouble with remembering things accurately such as time frames, etc., he had said that "I guess I should not talk anymore then." I told him no.... that was the last thing he needed to do, but that I only wanted him to be aware that it IS an issue and that its very possible he can correct a lot of damage with vitamin and nutritional therapy if he would be open to it. He never responded yay or nay. So I'm hoping I did the right thing with being so honest, but now feel responsble if he takes a turn for the worse.

                      Well.... enough about that! Thanks for listening and the support! It is truly a gorgeous, gorgeous day here and I am on a roll with the beach runs everyday, so I may even try to catch a few rays this afternoon. Supposed to be high of almost 80!

                      Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I am going to try to not touch any wine or anything alcoholic this entire weekend. I never try to do weekends, but I think yesterday was an incentive for me. Like I need to practice what I preach! lol. I also feel bad that Paula (Betty Boop) is two hours south at Disney and I have no contact info for her.... I was hoping to drive down one day and meet her. I was not on the website much the week before she left and it snuck up on me. Bummer...

                      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                        Friday 23rd February

                        Prayer said for a safe ride back for them Mike. I get nervous about that sort of thing too. Where was that avatar for my 2000th post. Huh??? Huh???!!!!
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Friday 23rd February

                          Oh, I thought she was talking about my stripper avatar being back. Darn it all!!!
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            Friday 23rd February

                            I am confused because I do not see it under edit avatar. Why not? That's okay. I am sure RJ will make me something nice when I hit 3000 posts next week.
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Friday 23rd February

                              Oh wow, I did not see the drop down menu. Thanks for enlightening me..........
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                                Friday 23rd February

                                Geez! It's only taken me about 1/2 an hr to get in here to post! Puter trouble...

                                Morning everybody, :danthin:
                                Thanks again for all of the feedback on my dilemma...
                                I finally just turned down the ringer, & I'm not answering anymore unless it's someone else. Feel kinda mean still... but nothing else seems to be working.
                                I got a call @ 10:30, 11:53,12:21,& 4:33...this AM!! Not to mention about 5 of them when I was off on my hike...I'm just tired of trying to explain to deaf ears... (She doesn't hear anything I say!)

                                Hiking yesterday was wonderful! At one point while on the beach(phones blinking for a I type... but it's silent now... ) I had this great idea for "advise" ... Think I'll just say, "Take 2 asperin, duct tape your mouth, put the phone down...and DON"T call me in the morning!"

                                We did have a great hike though. It's been cold & rainy here for weeks, but yesterday there was just a small window of sun that came out ... it seemed to be just for us! From 1:00 to 3:00 no rain! As soon as I got back to the truck..within 5 minutes it was raining!

                                MM- Thanks for the book idea, I think I'll do that. Wish me luck....

                                I know this sounds so trivial..compared to everything else going on in people's lives, but I feel like I'm being "stalked or harrassed" at this point!

                                Love ya guys, have a great friday Ya'll!
                                peace & prayers, Judie
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

