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Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

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    Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

    Mary Anne, are you okay? Tell us what is going on.......thinking of you!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

      Fan...ditto what Beth said.....yes, Lush where the heck is Mary Anne..I think she's done traveling
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

        I am back and embarrassed

        Did REALLY bad on most of my trips, just plain SICK of traveling is killing me, have been drinking WAAAAY too much, if you all know what I mean.

        I haven't for 6 days and counting, my goal is to go abs for a while, so I may check myself in over on "the other side"(Abs boards) for a while. I was wondering if that is a good idea, and poured my heart out in the last post, but it looked stupid when I posted it, so I deleted it, but I care for all you so much, I guess I should share where I am at right now:h

        Think the topa is not working at all, am up to 150mg too, cannot tolerate it too well, and on top of it drinking like a fish!?!?!

        Love you all, I want to pop over and keep in touch if that is ok w/ you guys?


        Mary Anne:l


          Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

          What ever is best for you is good with me...thanks for checking in ....don't disappear..use the support here Mary Ann..we know you and understand completely. Big Hugs
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

            big hugs back

            It actually feels good to have 6 days AF, so may go there for a while...and come back here when I feel I can ...was just reading over there, and people mess up there like we do here, very similar!

            I am going to watch "You Me and Dupree", so I will see you all tomorrow:h :l



              Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

              Mary Anne, six days is more than I have ever strung together so pat yourself on the back. And I am sure you do feel good. Of course post here and keep us updated on you. We should not feel restricted from posting anywhere on this board even if we are not achieving the goals we set out for ourselves. :l
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

                I have to admit once again.....I'm a cross poster.......

                It's ok, I think.....I have to commit to abs but live in a mods world!
                Love you all.
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

                  Mary Anne, I am a cross-poster too. We all have the same goals in here and it is 'self control'. Whether it is to moderate our drinking or abstain from drinking - it is all about self control.

                  Good job on your 6 days - that is great! I think any amount of AF time is a wonderful thing. Sometimes we simply need to give our bodies a break. See you around on the Abs board and see you here to!


                    Stimulating Saturday, February 24th


                    So now I can think of myself as a "cross-poster"!! Never thought of that terminology:H Like cross-dresser or something! Got greif early on from someone, but I wil let that go now!

                    Thanks for the feed-back:thanks: , guess I just got paranoind from that past experience!! You guys and the abs guys will be hearing alot from me now (and that is a good thing) I will always make it a point to check in as often as possible, even though work is still killing me!!

                    Love you all!!!:h
                    Mary Anne


                      Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

                      Good morning everyone,

                      Wow Mary Anne beautiful horses... are they yours?

                      Had 2 glasses of wine last night, feel a little guilty but have to focus on the fact I held it to 2. Not feeling real great this AM, I think my body is punishing me.

                      Have a terrific Sunday everyone!
                      Colorado Chick!
                      Your support means the world to me...:h


                        Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

                        Hey everyone...cross posting here again (:0) Hi Mary Anne...ya'll will have to kick me off this post.
                        I'm just checking in...Fan, you are the man! I have to admit, my first thoughts also were, 'why the heck wasn't the boyfriend shoveling the snow'...but it doesn't matter one bit. You just keep being you. I also have to say that even my youngest daughter 21, who has lived with me and my current husband since she was 4, has no shadow of a doubt who her daddy is...being a child of divorce, I made great efforts to keep my 3 children's father in their lives..even if I couldn't look him in the eye for a few's the best thing I have ever done and you can see the difference in my kids' life...even though their parent's were divorced, they have had the gift of having both parents working together in their's a priceless gift...and, it did take us a few years to get a good healthy rhythm going in our relationship..the pain does go away and it does get easier.

                        Still fluish..staying in bed today..reading and working on my vision board (to those who are The Secret fans...) For Lent, I gave up writing in my journal..I've been having withdrawal symptoms so have HAD to do something..focusing on my vision board has been great and has showed me why I needed to take a break from my journal writing (have done it for 20 years)..I sometimes focus too much on the dark side in my journal..rumenating over the hard stuff and not spending as much time on the good this is good...I hope after Lent, I can resume my journaling with a renewed sense of spirituality and a more positive mind..which, does create my life.

                        have a good Sunday all..raining here..a good day to be in bed!


                          Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

                          HEY ALL!

                          Thanks for letting me be me!! Out for a haircut (the whole family!) in the rain too Di! I live jus a few hours to the south of you, so agree, good day to stay inside, however we all need haircuts DESPARATELY!! Will take the kids to see the movie "Bridge to Tarabithia" (spelled correctly?) Good movie day

                          Hope you feel better Di, and Fan, you ARE the man!!

                          Love to all, have a good morning, will check in later..............

                          :h Mary Anne


                            Stimulating Saturday, February 24th

                            Hi Mary Ann, great to see ya! Sorry you've been going thru a tuff spell, but like everyone else has said, we do have the same goals and we're all here for ya!

                            6 days AF is great! Last time I did that was just about a year ago! Give yourself a well deserved pat on the back!

                            Too funny about the "cross posting":H

                            :l Judie
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

