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Muffin Monday! (26th February)

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    Muffin Monday! (26th February)

    Morning Muffins - how are you all? Things are bright and sparkly this side of the pond.

    I was vaguely wondering if I might post my mod rules - but I haven?t really made them yet and a bit of me is scared / frightened to do so. [uh-oh - feel the old lack of commitment / facing up to reality coming sidling into my life......!] So I won't - I will think some more about what they might be, and plan in the mean time not to drink Mon-Weds this week.

    Since my 30day AF period (ending 14th Feb) I have really just gone with the flow with my drinking. Haven't been too bad - although I suspect if I thought about it I have had at least one drink every day since then. And, if I was honest with myself, drank more than I was happy with at the weekends. So maybe I do need a few rules..... Would love to do some AF days each week - would love it if that happened naturally; but not sure it will. But then you see I don't like rules 'cos I love freedom; so I tend to revolt against any rules I make; not a great head space to be in!

    So - moving swiftly on, hope you all have a great Monday. I have a week of going to the gym on my new membership to try and loose some of my muffin tyre....!

    Love to all :h
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Muffin Monday! (26th February)


    I am sure you can share your new rules here w/ the mods boards, every one is so understanding........It may make you more accountable too (?) I know I tried to moderate, but am trying to Abstain for a while, maybe forever, cuz I can't seem to moderate ok for a few days then go WAY off the deep end!

    Have a great day and enjoy working out at your new gym! You'll get rid of the muffin that way!

    Lots of love,


    Mary Anne:l


      Muffin Monday! (26th February)

      Morning muffins
      Ilex that was such a great comment about rules and not a great head space to be in. That really hit home with me. Whenever I set a rule for myself I break it because I can.

      Hope everyone is doing well. Just catching up on reading (actually need to be working now). The vacation was very nice and I did great with moderating. However the closer the vehicle got to home the more stressed I became with the thoughts of the everyday things. Money, bills, schedules, routines and then overdid it and drank too much. It was just amazing to me as we were driving how I could feel my heart start beating faster and the urge for a drink got stronger and stronger. It appears I need to find a good way to deal with stress.

      The door stayed on too

      Hope everyone has a nice Monday...Missed you all.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Muffin Monday! (26th February)

        Hi Everyone..I'm finally feeling a little better. A friend recommended a homeopathic solution for my cold..and I'm quite amazed at how quickly it has affected how I feel....FYI
        The homeopathic remedy Oscillicoccinum 200C can be taken in the dosage of one vial every six hours beginning with the onset of fever, chills and muscle aches. AND Propolis Echinacea Throat Spray 1oz
        WOW. The cold is still there, but I started this last night and just feel different and like it's on it's way out.
        Much better than the drug store remedies that leave me feeling toxic.
        Have a great day everyone..will be back later.


          Muffin Monday! (26th February)

          I got a PM from Tawny yesterday asking where I'd been. Bless her heart.

          I like what you say about rules, Ilex. Here are my new rules. Lent. Because I teach at an Episcopal school, we had ash Wednesday, complete with smudge on the head. It's as good a reason as any. I had a glass of wine on Friday night, but other than that, I've been AF since Wednesday. Since I've done 30 days before, this is easier this time. I've also made it my lenten discipline to get back to work on the exercise. 3 days on the elliptical, 3 days with my osteoporosis video. Every time I want a glass of wine, I say to myself, "I'm doing this for God." I've talked about God on these boards before, and I always feel awkward when I do it because my ideas about religion are pretty vast. I do know, however, that there is goodness in the universe, and there is evil, and we might as well call the goodness God. And I'm grateful for the goodness.

          The ongoing story with my son and his Korean girlfriend continues. (Backstory: my son is in Japan teaching English, and he fell in love with a Korean girl. They wanted to come to the states for Christmas, but she was denied a tourist visa.) This time she wanted to come to an ESL program at the University of Dallas. She was accepted. She had everything lined up. She was denied again. Poor girl, poor guy. My son has been really unlucky in love. I'd do anything to make him happy.

          I have my retirement worked out, and I've decided what I'm going to do next. I'm going to offer an online tutoring service for college students wanting help with papers. Worldwide market! Needy population! Can do it from anyplace in the world! Get ready, muffs. I'm coming to visit.

          Oh! And if you have a kid who needs help with a paper, let me know. I have a Ph. D. and 27 years experience teaching this stuff. I'll do it using skype.

          Have a magnificent week. Be peaceful. Be serene. Meditate. Look at the tiny buds coming out of the trees. It's happening!


            Muffin Monday! (26th February)

            Good morning all and all yet to come.
            I am cross posting again. I feel entitled as I had 2 glasses of wine last night while watching the Oscars. Back to AF today.

            Ilex, rules are great, but don't make them too stringent, or they'll be broken.
            Mary Ann good morning again.
            Beaches, I understand you stress level just thinking about all the choires waiting. Take at one task at a time.
            Dilayne, I am so glad that you are feeling better today. Do whatever works.
            Sophia, I too was wondering where you have gotten too. Your retirement plans sound fabulous.
            It is hard to go for a walk in all this ice and snow. There are no spring buds here as yet, but I know they are coming.
            Happy monday all and all yet to come.
            xoxoxoxo Lori
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              Muffin Monday! (26th February)

              Hi, I'm cross posting too. Tried to abstain for 30 days, didn't make it. Not too bad though and I always did want to moderate.

              My rules (guidelines, a better word?) not to buy wine to drink for home. I want to be able to drink out, at friends, for a meal, etc and am hoping I can - still early days and I can tell from lots of others, it may be a pipedream and I may have to totally abstain, but I'm going to try it for a while, if I lose control again, I'll up the topa and quit completely.

              One thing you've all taught me is, if you fail, there are ways of dealing with it, you don't have to give up. I see people crash and burn and then get back up and get on with it ...with all the support from everyone else.

              have a good day everyone


                Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                Hi Everybody!!! Well, yesterday was the hardest day I had since I snapped into my new set of goals a couple of weeks ago. I have done really well at not drinking at lunch and only drinking in the evening. My new technique of drinking only at cocktail hour and switching to tea at dinner is really working well, as I have no desire to drink after that. And drinking two to two and a half glasses at cocktail hour is my goal and going very well. But yesterday, with all the snow outside and just a really fun, romantic kind of day, both my husband and I were counting the minutes to cocktail hour. It was tough. We made it, but it was hard. I know it will get easier, but it was no picnic yesterday. If I can keep it up, I am now where I want to be in moderating. But we'll see, yesterday was a killer!!!!

                Ilex, I admire your ability to just do it without setting goals. I could never do that. And Mary Anne, Congrats on the AF. I admire those who can do that.

                Beaches, glad you had a great vacation. Sorry to here that it got stressful when you returned, but I know how you feel. Unlike you and Ilex, though, I need goals or I never even try.

                Di, glad you are feeling better! Where do you get the homeopahty stuff?

                Sophia, so good to here from you!!! Congrats on all the AF's. Sorry to hear that your son is still having problems. I'm surprised that the embassy info that I gave you didn't help. Others I know had really great success with them. Also, Congrats on your new internet business. My husband and I just signed a contract to do an environmental product internet store. We're very excited too! Good luck.

                Lori, its always good to hear from you!

                Mike, I hope as your snow melts away, your emotional issues go with it. Sending you big hugs.

                Hope everybody has a great day!!!!

                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                  Hi Pebbles, we were posting at the same time! Good luck with your goals. And you are right. It is important to recognize that we may fail, but it is important to keep trying. I can't count the number of times I have not succeeded at the first attempt.

                  Wishing everyone on this forum a terrific day.
                  Saving the day one minute at a time!


                    Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                    Hi everyone nice to read your posts, gonna get busy around the house today so I will check back later.

                    Fan it does look pretty!!!



                      Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                      Morning muffs! Busy day here already.

                      Beaches, welcome back. You were missed. So glad the door stayed on for you. Yes, coming home sometimes is a bigger trigger than being on vacation, isn't it?

                      Ilex, M-W is my plan for AF this week as well. I REALLY need to lose the winter weight I have put on so I need to do it for that reason as well. You can do it, especially since you had so many AF days already under your belt.

                      Jenneh, where are you????

                      Pebbles, that is a good plan. If it isn't in the house, you can't drink it. I am trying to not keep it in my house as much anymore either.

                      Sophiah, sounds like you have a great plan. You are so motivated.

                      Laura, how was the winery? Did you find a 5 ounce glass? Wine makers just do not like to make them "normal" size, do they?

                      Di, I have a friend who swears by that osciconnum or whatever the heck it is. Glad it worked for you.

                      Lori, I thought the Oscars were a bore-fest, did you? I did eat some good food and drink some good wine so made it more tolerable.

                      Okay, I will be here all day if I address everyone but know you are all in my thoughts. I wish for us all a healthy, moderating week!! Hugs!!!
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                        Mornin' everybody!
                        Just a quik check in to Hi!
                        Gotta head to town for a meeting this AM...
                        Will see ya later.
                        Have a great day.
                        :l Judie
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                          Ilex – Rules or guidelines are great to have if you can stick to them. I have a tendency to break my own rules so it helps me to have others know what they are and hold me accountable. Best of luck in however you address this. You seem to be headed in the right direction.

                          Mary Anne – So good to see you back.

                          Beaches – Glad you enjoyed the vacation and I understand the stress thing returning home. It can be overwhelming at times. Hang in there!

                          Di – Glad you are feeling better and found something that is working for you.

                          Sophia – Your retirement plan sounds awesome and the new business sounds like a great idea. Sorry to hear your son is still having so much trouble – how frustrating. I hope it gets resolved sooner rather than later.

                          Lori, Pebbles, Sammy – good to see you all.

                          MM – Glad to hear that your moderating plan is working for you.

                          Mike – the snow really makes things quite beautiful. Unfortunately, it makes my driveway unnavigable! Two inches of snow and I cannot get up the driveway. But once I reach “the summit,” the view is beautiful!

                          Lush – I’m with you on the AF train and the Oscars were a tad dull. And too long.

                          Judie – Good to see you. Have a good one.

                          Busy here and committed to AF till at least Wednesday. Doctor’s appointment today for the cold I picked up in Miami at the Super Bowl which morphed into a sinus infection and then morphed to some freaky upper resp. infection. So, got to deal with that today. Hope everyone has a great day and a peaceful week filled with the successes we all strive for! Make it a good one Muffins!


                            Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                            Thanks for the well wishing..
                            There are several health food stores around me that carry full lines of Homeopathic husband picked this up in Atlanta.
                   lies in the eye of the beholder! :-) What's the words to that song..Slip Sliding Away...I can't get it out of my head now!


                              Muffin Monday! (26th February)

                              oh's a classic..thanks Fan!

