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Terrific Tuesday

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    Terrific Tuesday

    Hi gang!

    Just thought I would start a Tuesday thread!

    All is good here on the funny farm....
    I'm off to get my hair cut.
    I hope everyone has a terrific day!

    :l Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    Terrific Tuesday

    Well, Nancy, it looks like it's you and me only. To all the Muffins yet to come, have a wonderful day.
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


      Terrific Tuesday

      :H Very funny Fan!

      Nancy have a great cut, I am so overdue. I did a cartoon of my hairdresser for her logo, we did postcards years ago. The other day she actually sent me the one that asked if my hair was beggin for a visit. :H OUCH!

      Lori, hope you have a great day also.

      Spring is in the air here in NM. Allergies abound this morning but I can deal with that when I am seeing such blue skies.

      Everyone have a great day. It is a super busy one for me.

      :l :h to all,


        Terrific Tuesday

        OOOOOOOOPS the Universe note:

        The great thing about change, is that it absolutely, positively, always means things are going to get even better.

        Even when you don't know how.

        The Universe


          Terrific Tuesday

          mornin' glories...
          I need a haircut...or something so bad, but I'm inbetween images and don't know what to do. I have an old fashioned french twist going on today! I can never hold a 'style' for more than a year.

          I'm going to try to schedule a massage and a facial today if not early next son gavve me a gift certificate for Xmas and I think it would help me feel better.

          MKR..thanks for the note from the universe..I'm all about change these days!

          have a great day everyone.
          Love Dianne

          p.s. thanks for all the sweet comments about my family...truly warms my heart!!!


            Terrific Tuesday

            Morning muffies! How can the thread be this slow today?

            Rachele and PP, get posting please!

            Jen, pics of the house please. Sounds like it is a done deal?

            Got an AF night in last night. Feeling good this morning, although I would love to know why on the nights I do go AF hubby decides to start snoring up a storm so I get no sleep? I also am starting the CDs (finally) and I was all set to listen to them last night. Got five minutes in and my brand new batteries died! Grrr....

            Lori, Nancy, Mary, Di and of course our lovely Fan have a great Tuesday.

            Please muffs, come out of hiding and post.......
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Terrific Tuesday

              Lush..have you tried the rechargeable batteries...OH, and ear plugs (took me 10 years to discover them..a marvelous invention!!!)


                Terrific Tuesday

                Yes, I need to get some better batteries, or I think I am going to get a plug-in CD player. I have yet to find ear plugs that are all that comfortable but will keep looking......
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Terrific Tuesday

                  Hi everyone, sounds like everyone in doing A O K here. I hope you all have a really great day.

                  Love Ya!


                    Terrific Tuesday

                    7 inches of snow on the ground and it is still coming down. I'm looking at the bright side though. Ummm, can anybody help me think of the bright side of that? Hit the gym this morning even with the weather and I guess that has helped make me feel better. My youngest daugther told me this morning that she is supposed to bring a rock to school tomorrow for a class project and I'm thinking, how the heck are you going to find a rock in all of this? LOL, Let the teacher look for 20 rocks! There's the bright side I needed! Hope all is well with the rest of you!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      Terrific Tuesday

                      Good morning - ooops afternoon all!
                      Well yes, I think it just might ba done deal, Luschy dear!
                      I am so excited. I love love love this house.
                      I would send pics except I dont have a digital camera. (I know I lknow) and I forgot to get hubby to download the pics off of his camera onto the computer. But when he comes home on friday from the latest trip I PROMISE i will dowload them onto the computer I have at my parents' house onto the site. God, I am such a slacker
                      Anyways things are pretty good right now. I have actually been going a couple of nights with mom to AA meetings, even though at first I was really annoyed by the thought of it. You see, mom and I have always had (and continue to have) a pretty antagonistic relatoinship and she has tried to push AA on me for years. But now I am figuring - hey, its one more tool in my tool box to help me. And, I am really finding some OTHER people in the program that i can talk to and relate to that I enjoy seeing when I go there. So, a night or two a week here and there doesnt hurt. I did tell her not to pressure or nag me though or I will stop going.
                      Anyways muffins and muffin men. Love you all
                      Love jen
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Terrific Tuesday

                        Congratulations on the house Jen. So anxious to see the pictures. Don't forget. I am glad the AA meetings are working for you and there are people you can relate to. That is the key to wanting to stay part of the group, for sure.

                        Didit, I am so thoroughly impressed you went to the gym with all that snow around. Geez, a grey sky is a good enough excuse for me to stay home!!

                        Sammy, are you snowed in as well?
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Terrific Tuesday

                          Morning Ya'll!

                          Di, thanks for sharing those beautiful photos! I loved em.

                          Congrats on the AF day Lush, I haven't done that in a long time... I have been wine free though. Decided with these migraines, maybe wine isn't a good idea. I've just been pacing myself with light beer...(doesn't seem any "less filling" to me! The good thing is that I get full & can't drink that much of it...

                          MKR, that photo is taken out on the point @ the bottom of Cape Sebastion. There's so many great hiking trails along the Oregon coast, we are blessed with. I might just bundle up & go for a hike in the rain today.. doesn't look like it's gonna stop for me this week...
                          Here's a site if ya want to check out what our neighborhood looks like.
                          Home Page - America's Wild Rivers Coast

                          Jenneh, can't wait to see your new house! How exciting! Ours is looking VERY lived in at the moment... definately need to do some housework....Where's Lush?

                          Did It, can you go to a hotel lobby or maybe a plant nursary to "steal" a rock?
                          They usually have terrariums or something! I'd send ya some but don't think they'd get there in time...

                          I got the funniest book @ the book store yesterday. I was looking in the used book section, & the first one that caught my eye was a book titled "What Men Know About Women", the new improved & politically correct edition, by Knot Mutch. You open the book up (its about 1/2 " thick), and it has nothing but blank pages the entire book!:H
                          My Dad's B-day is coming up, think I'll give it to him!
                          No offence Fan, I'm sure you could fill a page or 2 of that book...

                          Lori thanks for the PM, glad ya liked the pics. I'd love to get up to the Coast of BC & do some kayaking one of these days. Queen Charlotte Islands, I think that's where the Totem Poles are...?

                          Allie great to see ya again!

                          Hello to everyone I've missed, and those to come... Have a wonderful day.
                          :l Judie
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Terrific Tuesday

                            My day is turning into a s'not kind of day. My head is stuffy, my neck is achy and I'm a big grump. I've got about an hour left in me at work and then I'm going home to hot tea and a blanky.

                            Congrats on the house Jen and good show supporting your mom at the AA meetings.

                            We had snow about 10 miles north of us this morning. My kids were so glum looking out the window, they want a snow day so bad. We might get ice tonight, but I don't see our schools shutting down for it.

                            Good day all, see you tomorrow
                            Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                              Terrific Tuesday

                              GRRR...none of my freakin' passwords are working..and when I call the IT people, they just lecture me.."don't save your passwords on the computer...ya da, ya da..." I have 7 million passwords to keep up with and I have peri menopausal memory (always have) and can't remember more than 4 digits at a time..........I just want to slap someone!

                              OK, I'm through.. I needed to vent...exhale...exhale...exhale..oh, an inhale now and then might help!

                              Jenn, I want to see your house. I'm all about finding a house near my work, so I'm all excited for you...

