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Terrific Tuesday

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    Terrific Tuesday

    Jen, there are usually some very cool and wise folks at AA meetings if you can stick around long enough to hear them..remember, AA was around when nothing else was, so some of those folks have long term wisdom!

    Hey Judie..the book is funny..they should make one that is titled "Things men WANT to know about women" would be blank pages too!!!!!!!! I'm going to check out your neighborhood site..I'm sure I'll be sick with envy '0)


      Terrific Tuesday

      I just took some fresh Biscotti out of the oven. Why don't you come over. I'll make you a cappuccino to calm your nerves. LOL.

      Jenn, if you managed to buy a house in the sizzling Toronto real estate market without a bloody betting war going on, I take my hat off to you. Congrats and am looking foreward to see your new den.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        Terrific Tuesday

        I'm sitting here fuming because I had an afternoon FULL of stuff to do... running around, and needed to be home by 3:30 to be here for my son's bus. But NOOOO.... my daughter whom I had to switch cars with yesterday b/c I had to take it to the tag office has decided to take my only pair of car keys with her to school today. Of course I didnt discover this until I was ready to walk out the door an hour-and-a-half ago. GRRRRR!! Her school is 40 minutes away, so I called my husband who had JUST left to go out of town to please, please go to her school and grab her by the freaking hair out of class and get my keys! So he did (with a big sigh, understandably), and then just called me to say that SHE says she left them on the kitchen counter. No the heck she did NOT! I sent her a mean text message telling her she could never drive my car again even if it meant staying home from school if her car was in the shop. Why am I so mad about this?? Its the first day I've had to get out and do stuff for me that has piled up and now I am stuck. Probably going to have to go to the dealership and get a new set because my other set has been missing for months. I just want to pour a glass of wine if I have to sit here! I'm extremely restless.

        Okay, sorry... who else can I vent too that wont tell me what a B I am acting like?? LOL....

        Other than that, its a gorgeous day, and might I remind you that I am stuck inside? Oh well... for all of you who have a car to drive today, count your blessings!

        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          Terrific Tuesday

          Oh Allie, I'd be mad too! Definately get a spare set made ASAP!! I keep a spare set in a "hide a key" in the back of my truck... not that anyone would bother my "$50 truck" anyway... But I know how frustrating it is to feel "stuck". Do ya have a bike you can go for a ride on?

          Wish we had good weather here...

          Lush, your CD player should have a jack for AC power you can plug into it. Just get an AC adapter @ your local Radio Shack.
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Terrific Tuesday

            Lori..I'll be right over! MMMM smells so good! :0P
            Allie, I know the feeling! Can you go outside and just sit still and enjoy the day? I know that I've been complaining because I've been sick and haven't been able to enjoy the beautiful days we are having..maybe here is your chance. I know I can get angry when the fact that I'm not really in control is so in my face...I HATE that feeling, but it can also be humbling in a good way. Hang in there...breathe...


              Terrific Tuesday

              It has been a wicked busy couple of days but, I have gotten soooo much done it's hard to believe myself. Anyway, hubby is going out of town again which actually works out better for me. It's much more peaceful and quiet and having control over the remote is priceless!

              I have been checking my stress levels and not taking life too seriously these days but, despite my best efforts my carrier mokey children have me sick again with a cough and conjestion. So, tonight I am going to take it easy and relax with my kids.

              We had plans to go either skiing or to the Bahamas for the kids spring break and both have fallen through due to flight avaliblity to Vail and hotel accomadations at Atlantis in the Bahamas. Does anyone have any suggestions cuz at this point I'd love to hear them! I refuse to let this stress me out though. I'm lucky to take as many vacations as I do and the kids won't die if we go somewhere more local.

              Beautiful pics by the way Judie!
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Terrific Tuesday

                Hi Everybody! Another school luncheon so I'm checking in late.

                Dilayne - beautiful is the only word to describe how beautiful your entire famil is !!!!!!

                Hawk, it was good to hear from you -- how are you doing? Are things coming together for you?

                Rocky, I didn't think I would ever stop laughing about "the muffin bellies" -- that is soooo hilarious!!!!

                MKR Mary, thanks for the support.

                Jen, can't wait to see the house!!! It sounds marvelous. I'm also glad you are ok and it was just that you were busy. The AA sounds great if it gives you an opportunity for some in-person bonding. Like you say, its one more tool in your belt.

                PP - we may be going skiing over spring break too! We're not sure, though, whether we can get away because of our son's college prep stuff and our new online store business. We'll see. If we do, my vote is for Aspen. We've been all over, but there is nothing quite like the Little Nell at the bottom of Aspen Mountain. It may have to wait for me another year!

                Allie, I totally relate to the car thing, though I have no one that I can blame. I just lose keys. Its part of my personality. So, I have it so that any key can start my car. And I have a convertable, so I just leave the zipper part way down so I can crawl in the back if I accidentally lock the door. But usually, I just leave it unlocked.

                Good luck to all. Hope all is going well. Will be in DC all day tomorrow in training for the new internet store. Hubby and I are having a blast with it.

                Take care,
                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Terrific Tuesday

                  LOL Judie. What a good wife to be hawking your husband's business things. I will look into it though and see if my CD player has it. It is one of those portable ones. Thanks for the tip!!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Terrific Tuesday

                    Hello everyone,
                    Just checking in, it's been a crazy week and missed yesterday. Anyway, you guys are the greatest and when I can't read the posts, I miss it!

                    Have a terrific week and wish everyone the best.
                    Colorado Chick!
                    Your support means the world to me...:h


                      Terrific Tuesday

                      Hi all, late check in. Back to having a sick family. Now the adults have flu stuff and the kids look sinus-y again. I CAN NOT WAIT FOR SPRING. I had signed them all up for swim lessons at a local college and they went once because of all the illnesses. My mother takes care of the kids and she was just dx'd with bronchitis and is running a fever with aches and pains. My husband has been in bed for 2 days. Seriously, he has not really moved. That kills me. I was on vacation with a virus the day before we had to leave and was up packing, getting the kids ready and running back and forth to the bathroom. Grrr

                      I read over all the posts and am just happy to be here. Thanks for being the support system that I had lacked before.

                      Have a great night
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Terrific Tuesday

                        Hi Denise! Sounds like you are doing so well.

                        Beaches, I could cry for you. Sorry men, but there is nothing worse than a sick man. Or should I say boy? And all the kids are sick? I really hope you do not get anything again! Stay well!
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Terrific Tuesday

                          Hey Lush
                          Let's see the toddler had the virus, the twins have the cough and the yucky nose right now. I have to wait the 7-10 days to rule out the "common cold". However we have the hubbie. Ya know...he has to have his rest. He has to be ready for work tomorrow. He has meetings and needs to be on the ball. Really???? I don't?????

                          I am woman...hear me roar.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

