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weekend drinker?

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    weekend drinker?

    I am thinking about trying drinking only on weekends.

    I figure this is a means of damage control. If I fail, I don't mess up the good things that can help me during the week, like exercise, diet and work.

    Does that work? Does Kudzu help with this?

    What are the pitfalls?

    weekend drinker?

    Hi Nancy,
    The big problem with weekend drinking for me was stopping once I had started and keeping things at a reasonable, moderate level. Most weeks I didn't feel back to normal until the following Thursday, which meant that I basically had one normal, clear-headed day a week (sometimes). I don't want to be negative. Because it didn't work for me doesn't mean it won't work for you. Give it a try. Any plan to cut down is better than no plan.
    Good luck.


      weekend drinker?

      Welcome Nancy,

      You have found a good place. Please hang out here at least for a while.

      I tried "weekends only" at least a million seems like anyway. I realistically think I never made it once. My uncle however changed his daily drinking habits into "weekends only" many many years ago. I do think and still do think he is an alcoholic. He has learned to manage it that way tho. So which ever works. For me....moderation couldnt been my road. Even tho I wasnt a daily drunk....I drank daily. Couldnt moderate......just had to stop. I do wish you the best of strength tho. And a dash of luck as well. But in the name of alcoholics....its not about luck....its about addiction - and you need all the strength you can muster up.

      Gabby :flower:


        weekend drinker?

        I too had tried the weekend only drinking. Well, after about two weekends of 'sucessfully moderating' I ended up back where I started from. I can't stop once I start. But, you know, we all are different. So if you can manage the weekend drinking, then my hat goes off to you. I thought about maybe drinking only on Saturday nights lately.... It really was the monster in my head trying to get me back into drinking again. I won't even tempt it. I have never been able to do it, so why bother trying. It is such a battle to get the alcohol out of our lives and find control and peace again. I like where I am at, and want to keep moving forward. Anyway, I tend to ramble.... sorry.

        Let us know how this works for you.


          weekend drinker?

          Hi Nancy:
          I am a Nancy Too. I have not been able to quit, but have been trying to moderate my intake of alcohol for some time. One of the problems I had with trying to drink only on weekends (if I may share the tricks my brain plays on me) is that I had some alcohol left on Monday. Well, it couldn't hurt to just drink that on Monday right? But it was enough to decrease my resolve and get me to buy more. Then I'd still have some left in the house on Tuesday and the cycle would begin again the next day. You get the picture. I'm not trying to tell you to not try. Please do ANYTHING you can to get your drinking under control, whatever that means for you. I am just saying beware of the little tricks your brain may try to play on you. Mine is a master of trickery!!! Best of luck in whatever you do!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            weekend drinker?

            OK:welcome: to the brand new "Nancy" club!!!

            Can't do the weekend thing either.....spills over into the weekdays..

            I just HAVE to tell myself that I am Abs...Only thing that works for me.

            :l Another Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              weekend drinker?

              almost made it to the weekend!

              Thanks for all the advice, even if it isn't what i want to hear.

              I did well Monday to Wednesday, AF all days.

              But last night I had three 24-ounce beers. I suppose that isn't very good is it....


                weekend drinker?

                Then again...

                Last week i drank almost every night and was ill for most of the week.


                  weekend drinker?

                  Hi Nancy,

                  Glad you followed up your negative with a positive. 3 days AF this week is awesome. That is what I did as well and you know what? I am feeling pretty damn proud of myself, and you should too. It is the cycle of negative thinking that feeds into us drinking more, and it needs to stop. The more positive we are, the better. So you had 3-24 ounce beers. Next time have two. And then add one more AF day to your week. You will get there, just don't beat yourself up.....
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    weekend drinker?

                    words of encouragement

                    yes, I think you are right.

                    I was barely functioning last week.
                    i had way more than 3 24-ouncers in a night.

                    and you are also right about self-esteem. feeling like you messed up doesn't help anything.

                    i figure, anything you can do to improve the situation is good, sometimes you take small steps to achieve a goal. i started taking kudzu too...


                      weekend drinker?

                      Hi Nancy,
                      3 days AF is nothing to squawk about. My father drank from the moment I can remember. I had my first sip at about 18 mos from my grandfather's bourban and ice.
                      My dad is now only drinking AF beers on the week days and weekends and have 1-2 glasses of red wine a night.
                      I find myself that if I go overboard on Friday or Saturday it takes the entire weekend for me to get back on track. It's a viscious cycle.
                      Moderating all week works best for me and I know that in time you will find the plan that works for you. Just keep working at it.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        weekend drinker?

                        yes Nancy

                        :welcome: I think whatever works for you is best Nancy!! I tried, like many others, to moderate and only drink on weekends, sometimes I did GREAT.....Sometimes, like others, my drinking spilled over to Mon, then Tues, then Wed, THEN, "what the heck, may as well drink on Thurs, cuz it is almost the weekend, right"!?!?!?

                        I hope you find your path, I am SURE you will w/ all the help on these boards, everyone is WONDERFUL over here in mods ville!! Same w/ abs!

                        Lots of love:h and good luck on your "journey"!!

                        Mary Anne:l


                          weekend drinker?

                          Dear Nancy, I have found success in moderating, but I could never do it just on a weekend. For me that would be too much like binge drinking because I would not have established the behavioral changes that allow me to stay in control. For me the secret has been to set realistic goals that I can achieve every single day. Then after I was confident I mastered them, I'd make the next one a little tougher. I am now where I want to be in drinking two glasses of red wine a day (the AMA suggested daily allotment) at cocktail hour and switching to tea at dinner and thereafter. But it took me five months to get to this point. This forum was what gave me the strength to do it. The people here are great because no one judges anybody else. The feedback is wonderful and everybody helps everybody through. Everybody is different and finding solutions are unique, but by sharing with each other we are able to find our own way. There is no one way to achieve your goal. So, you may be able to accomplish just drinking on the weekends and stay in control. But for me, I have found that slowly changing my everyday behavior over time has been my best tool. The best thing is to just keep trying. Note what works and drop what doesn't. Plan for the moments in your day when you know you will be challenged and fill it with something else. Good luck and let us know how it is going, and more importantly, how we can help!!!
                          Saving the day one minute at a time!

