Hi Everybody,
Just got back from a bike ride, trying to shed my winter muffin! I hate how that creeps on me, even though I've been exercising all winter... just doesn't seem fair . A real bike is no comparison to my exercise bike though(that ex bike doesn't do a thing!) I actually work up a sweat & start puffing hard on those hills... I got to see a few river seals, 2 Canadian Honkers, a Great Blue Heron, a bunch of Blue Jays, and a few deer, only met 2 cars on the road. Funny I really wasn't in the mood for a ride, & had to force myself to go, but I always enjoy it once I'm out there with my tunes cranked up & peddling along by the river.
Di, hope you're feeling better:flower: I'm suprised I don't have a hang over today. I had some wine last night too, (about 4 glasses! oops! didn't plan on that many, but it tasted pretty good & I got a bit upset thinking about Mema's service coming up) I guess I haven't really had time to mourn her, as I've worked every night since she's passed...
Might be that hormonal thing going on with me too...
Hope ya'll are having a great day...
Peace & prayers to all,