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The Mod Hatters!

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    The Mod Hatters!

    Hey, Jay14,
    Sounds like you are doing some good thinking. I would suggest a book that a lot of folks here have read, and it certainly has helped me. It would answer your questions in a better way than I can. The book is "Controlling Your Drinking" by Miller and Munoz. (I think those are the authors... don't have the book here with me at the mo.) DEFINITELY worth picking up.:welcome:


      The Mod Hatters!

      Hi Lasha, I have read and posted all over this site for a while trying to figure out what I really need to achieve. Thanks for your post; I am in a similar frame of mind. I drink a lot less by using the same approach you do.
      I do have times when I overdo it but I have become much better at watching my intake. I never drink too much at a party, a bar, or an event, but when I am alone and feeling left out of all social life when my husband (a great guy!) always hits the hay by 7:00 even if it's Friday or Saturday. He never feels like going out anywhere. Boy I really need to handle that better. But yes...the "you just have to get to ..." works well for me. I really enjoy a few drinks and do not want to go completely AF.


        The Mod Hatters!

        I have to get back to posting as I've been busy this summer and have had a family situation that has impacted all of us so MWO became sort of back burner. However, I miss everyone and have always loved the support here given and received. LG, was good to really *see* you per your post above. You and I were pretty regular here a while ago (at the same time). It helps to have that group of familiar names (and sometimes faces) so I am going to try to get back on a little more frequently now. Have a good day everyone.

        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          The Mod Hatters!

          Please help me

          OK. FRIDAY EVENING! END OF WORK WEEK! Asked my hubby to take me out to an early supper (4:45).
          Went to our local tavern, ordered drinks and food, and in 45 minutes he said one thing to me in spite of my attempts at conversation. He said: "Onion rings are good, huh?" Not one other thing.

          I ordered another drink with my club sandwich and struck up a GREAT conversation with the two guys who were next to me. I had a great time talking to them about this and that. Ultimately hubby and I left, and are now home and it is 6:30 and he is sound asleep.

          I love him. I look at him there all tucked in and I love him, but I want to have some fun on this Friday night! Fortunately, I made sure I only have one more glass of wine in house. But I sure will drink it, and go to bed at 7 and feel cheated. I am 64 years old, and feel VERY young. The only friends I have are my kids...who regularly take me out to hear music and dance, and my good friends from church who would never dream of doing that. Signing off...Please help me!


            The Mod Hatters!

            Hoping someone is out there

            OK, now it is 10:15. I am having a wonderful time listening to the Beach Boys and e-chatting with my kids. BUT.... I DON't want to go get another beer. BUT...I know I will be up until probably 11 or 12 and I want to find another way to go. Please someone offer an alternative to another beer!
            My first go-to option has always been to play some Stevie Ray Vaughn or some Clapton and dance around the house until 3. I am trying to curb that. I am folding laundry just now, but I am going to put on some music. I am open to ALL SUGGESTIONS!


              The Mod Hatters!

              Trying to change my avatar

              crocus;1541872 wrote: OK, now it is 10:15. I am having a wonderful time listening to the Beach Boys and e-chatting with my kids. BUT.... I DON't want to go get another beer. BUT...I know I will be up until probably 11 or 12 and I want to find another way to go. Please someone offer an alternative to another beer!
              My first go-to option has always been to play some Stevie Ray Vaughn or some Clapton and dance around the house until 3. I am trying to curb that. I am folding laundry just now, but I am going to put on some music. I am open to ALL SUGGESTIONS!
              Well...I decided to post a real picture of me, in my hope to just be out there and make a change! Tried to change my "avatar" to a real pic, and need directions. Putting on some mellow Beethoven now. Also, Schubert's Ave Maria! Gorgeous!
              Thanks all!


                The Mod Hatters!

                loving this summer night

                OK. Now it is almost 11:00. I have resolved NOT to get another beer, so I know I won't.

                I will, however, finish the one I have to some good music. If my husband would talk to me during our leisure time, I think I might not have a drink problem, which I definitely do have.

                Worse!...I will make myself a fantastic time dancing around the house until near dawn.

                My only daughter is getting married on the 24th. I don't worry about drinking too much; I know I won't. I just feel so down that for whatever reason, my beloved husband will remain a sphinx, and I know I will leave him behind during the reception. RATS! But I WILL have fun!!!!
                And that is enough to make me eat away at my innards with guilt!


                  The Mod Hatters!

                  Hi Eve and Library Girl. I tried to post this earlier, but did not succeed. Tonight, my wonderful hub of 39 years once again began to order me around like I was a household servant (generational habits? He is Italian.) Something snapped and I held forth with how I refused to be spoken to EVER AGAIN like that! I assembled my own dinner and ate alone. He didn't miss me.

                  BUT...true to form, after he went to bed at 8:00, I went into the kitchen (I'm sooooo Irish), opened a beer, I drank 3, put on some music, and cleaned until there was nothing left to clean! I'm going to bed now...10:45...and feel as guilty as a girl can feel. I am 64 years old, and I am sick of feeling guilty when I work so damn hard!


                    The Mod Hatters!


                    I have just been thinking about why I am so prone to staying up so late. Maybe there will be a time when God needs someone who can do that. Just a thought. I'm still up, but NOT drinking, for a change! Coming up on midnight! And maybe I'll do some ironing, Sigh!


                      The Mod Hatters!

                      Good Grief! I have just discovered something! I don't stay up late to drink! There IS nothing in the house tonight to drink tonight. I'm up drinking no-Al beverages in the quiet of my living room because I want to be aware of my OWN LIFE! Christmas!!! What a revelation! I just want some time to myself! My kids assume that. My beloved husband ...well, he will never see that. I think I assumed that if the A ran out, I would just go to bed. Not so! I still want to stay up! My time!


                        The Mod Hatters!

                        Hi Crocus. Glad you found MWO, this is a great place. I haven't been over here to Mods in yonks and funny how I came over here tonight and found your posts. Keep talking! Sounds like you don't have anyone close you can talk to, am I wrong? If I am, sorry. We all need a place to vent. So, you are sober and talking. I'm just about to head to bed so sorry I'm not able to hold your hand tonight and I don't know if anyone is in chat for you to talk to because I don't have the right kind of computer to get into chat on MWO. Maybe you do. I'm 60 YO, American. My husband is British. My work schedule upcoming is nuts. I'll try to check back and hope some of the other Mods check in.
                        vegan zombies want your grains


                          The Mod Hatters!

                          Hi, I'm new to this forum and have been posting on other threads...someone very kindly steered me to this one...I feel foolish having posting about planned drinking with others who want to be AF completely. I hope I didn't stress them out.
                          Truth is, I never worried about my drinking, my Doctor did. I was drinking a bottle of red every night AT LEAST. I didn't see the point in beating myself up over something that I couldn't change...then I tried to go a night without a drink...and it was fine!
                          I thought I'd try a night of planned, controlled drinking (3 glasses of lower alcohol wine %9) and that worked too! I even went without a cigarette!
                          I can see that I'm going to be saving myself a fortune if nothing else...I've started to read Roberta's book and have been listening to a hypno cd for moderation too.
                          I must thank the Universe for this website!


                            The Mod Hatters!

                            I'm glad I found this board. I have not experienced attitude from anyone wanting to be AF but did get a strong push from them that I was fooling myself not to believe that complete abstinence was the only way. I do feel bad about posting on most boards now because I think it's a little unfair to expose those AF people to my drink planning. Their reactions are more based on personal experience, and they only give you advice out of great fear for your 'alcoholic safety' I think.
                            Anyway, I'm pleased to be here.


                              The Mod Hatters!

                              Does nobody use this board anymore? I was sooo happy to find it! Yell out if there's anybody there? Em


                                The Mod Hatters!

                                Hello to whoever may be there. I just felt like telling someone how I'm going. I had a planned drinking night last night and I think it went ok. I did end up having 5 glasses of wine but they were small standard glasses and 4 of them were lower alcohol Rose. The evening stretched over 6 hours from dinner, to theatre to talking and watching a film at home. I am happy to wake up fresh and in a good mood. I won't drink tonight, and maybe not tomorrow, depending on any social plans. Quite happy so far. Em

