You’ve fallen down the rabbit hole and have found our wonderland...our monthly moderation site. Don’t worry, you will find your way out. The difference is you will make the choice to find your own way and not have others find your way for you.
As you look around you will discover we wear many hats here. We are a diverse group of people. We are teachers and nurses, businessmen and professional women, librarians, lawyers and technicians… we are Jacks of all trades, white collar and blue. We are men and women, with the excitement of youth and the wisdom that comes with age. We are diverse and different in many, many ways but very alike with one common denominator... we have all found this site because we finally faced the fact that we were having a problem with alcohol in our lives.
We want to extend a warm welcome to all newbies (newcomers) wishing to reduce their drinking, whether as a lifestyle or as a pathway to eventual abstinence. We recognize that these decisions take time, and reducing your intake to safer levels will improve your health whatever your final choice.
According to the NIAAA and many other independent researchers, there are four times as many problem drinkers as alcoholics in this country. Yet there are very few programs that specifically address their needs but thousands of programs that address the needs of the smaller population who are seriously alcohol dependent. Moderate drinking cannot be achieved by everyone and a program to moderate ones drinking is not recommended for alcoholics, chronic drinkers, or those who experience significant withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking. It is intended for problem drinkers who have experienced mild to moderate levels of alcohol-related problems. Recognition of one’s risky drinking behavior is promoted here, while learning to moderate (1-7 drinks per week for women and 1-14 drinks per week for men) is the achievable recovery goal.
Moderation usually does not work for those who are alcohol dependent. Dependency is usually manifested by three or more of the following criteria occurring at any time in the same 12 month period.
• Withdrawal Symptoms: Examples include sweating or high pulse rate, increased hand tremor, insomnia, nausea or vomiting, and in some cases, transient visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations or illusions, psycho-motor agitation, anxiety, and grand-mal seizures.
• Markedly Increased Tolerance: Need much more alcohol to achieve intoxication or desired effect, or notice that the same amount doesn’t affect you like it used to.
• Unintended Use: for longer period or larger amount. Examples include drinking to the point of vomiting or passing out.
• Unsuccessful Efforts to Cut down or Control use: Cannot stop drinking at any point without difficulty, unable to stop drinking alcohol after 1 or 2 without a struggle.
• Preoccupation with Use: Time spent obtaining substance or recovering from its effects. May include drinking at multiple locations in one evening, spending inordinate time purchasing alcohol, or planning how to obtain alcohol, or spending significant time recovering from hangover effects.
We recommend you take an alcohol dependence scale test to see how severe your dependence on alcohol is. Individuals wanting to moderate do best with if they score less than 14 on this scale.
We aso encourage you to read our thread here entitled 30 days AF if you are considering giving moderation a try.
Feel free to peruse all the sites where you will find valuable information regarding the book Roberta Jewell wrote, supplements she recommends, and hypnotherapy tapes that have proven helpful to those as they venture on this new journey of recovery.
So, welcome, grab a seat between the March Hare and the Mod Hatter and tell us what brought you here. We look forward to getting to know about you and are excited to share our stories and experiences as we get to know each other better. Hats off to you friend! We’re glad you found us.