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Simply Sunday

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    Simply Sunday

    Hi all,

    I have found ( to my dismay ) that if I have that third drink then I lose the willpower to stop.

    Lusch I would love to be on here all day every day but unfortunately work is demanding more and more time at the moment.

    Love to all of you as always
    Enough is enough

    Simply Sunday

    snap!I think that's because that's when i get drunk so lose my willpower, but with white wine i can't stop at 1.
    I'd like to come and join you I did 28 days af in Jan, and have pretty much been af apart from once a week sessions - have drank more than planned and smoked sometimes too.
    but on the whole moving in the right direction.

    I plan to just drink on special occasions (birthdays/weekends away) and be af inbetween.
    what I have noticed is I can't moderate on white wine and also that I need to make sure I don't end up drinking 3 times a week - which is what happened last time.
    Apart from anything else I am trying to lose weight/exercise regularly so being too hungover to move doesn't help with that.

    Anyway, looking forward to a mostly af life with bits of moderating inbetween.
    Putting new music on i pod today, sorting out house and off to gym with new i pod music - hurrah. then seeing a band later with friends - very exciting.
    one day at a time


      Simply Sunday

      Snap again! After the 3rd glass of white wine,thats it, Searching for more....and more.. I have been AF for 26 days now but can't bear thought of being af for the rest of my life, so its birthdays, weddings, hen-nites, etc. when i will drink and hopefully not need too much to get that buzzy feeling i like. I hope i'm not kidding myself, am I??!! We will have to see. Just looking forward my husbands birthday now!


        Simply Sunday

        I agree with you - some heavy drinkers have the knowledge that they will die, lose kids, family, job etc if they don't quit - which spurs some on to quit (though not all)

        With me however sometimes I can convince myself that the 'buzz' is worth the hangover, the recriminations, feeling lousy, like a failure and this is the scary nature of addiction.

        It is in your head and knows how to work you... knows what to say to convince you to have a drink..... We are not normal drinkers and will always have to fight to have just 2 and therefore not enjoy those 2 so whats the bloody point!!!

        I know if I have 2 glasses its like a spark, which ignites a small flame for craving another which stokes the fire and increases the craving for MORE MORE MORE !!!!! I am looking to stamp out all warm embers that may ignite into a spark !!!. Not there yet but trying!

        So my only option is to abstain.... but this is after many attempts at trying to stop and failing - I know it doesn't work for me (sorry for rambling, trying to suppress cravings as we speak!!!)
        Love S


          Simply Sunday

          Well Good Morning/Evening everyone,

          Looks like everyone is working hard with being AF or moderating. I too have found that if I have that 3rd drink it's all down hill from there. Serenity that was a great way too put it about the constant battle and what's even the point also about stamping out the embers. I think I will keep that visualization in my head.

          Waves always good to hear from you and hope work lightens up soon
          Bear I need some of your energy today, you sound so motivated that's great
          Bella great job at getting to the point you can just drink at celebrations.
          Serenity-Hang in there it will get easier. Just keep talking like you are doing and getting support.

          Have a great day to everyone
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Simply Sunday

            Good Morning, going to work for a while and then I will check in later.

            Everyone have a good day!!!



              Simply Sunday

              Happy Sunday Everyone.

              Sniff, Sniff. Baseball season opened up here and I got to spend almost 2 hours in sitting in the grass in 80 degree weather yesterday. It was nice, but I got a little sunburned and my eyes are sticky and my nose is stuffy. Time to get out the allergy meds already. We seemed to be having a little heat wave. I will try to get out and enjoy it with my sun screen on today.

              About the 3 glass limit. That is a hard one. Since I quit (at least for now) drinking hard alcohol. I find 2 glasses of wine is pretty good and 3 is ok if they are spaced out. I am having company later today so I know I will end up with 3 glasses today. I would suggest to make the taking an extra dose of Kudzu and L-glut with your first drink a habit you do everytime. I don't know the magic behind it, but it sure helps me stop at the second glass. It takes away the urge to go for number 3 to quickly and we all can relate to what can happen then.

              Good day to all,

              Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                Simply Sunday

                So 3 seems to be the magic number today. I need to try and remember Laura's trick because I know the kudzu/l-glut combo helps with the cravings when I am trying to be AF for the night.

                Waves, anytime you can get on here is great. I hope things slow down for you soon.

                Laura, if you want any sympathy from me as I sit here in the pouring rain and fog you can forget it baby!!!

                Serenity, you are right the brain can be a loud talker. It gets better with time and practice and lots of yelling at it, but it can be hard at the beginning.

                Beaches, nice to see you as always.

                Sammy, Bella and Bear hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

                After a little work this morning I plan on having a "me" day and getting caught up on some books I have been anxious to read. My idea of the perfect day. Well not the work part, but the reading part.

                Love to all of the other muffs to come today.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Simply Sunday

                  Lush, LOL. Oh come on now, I have big sunglass racoon eyes and they do not make the almost 40 year old lines on my face look good. I need a vat of moisturizer. :H Have a nice "me" day!

                  I'm throwing some sun out to all of you, really I am.

                  Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                    Simply Sunday

                    Ohhh, the racoon eyes? Okay, now I feel sorry for ya!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Simply Sunday

                      Oh Laura I hate that! 80's I love but not the sunburn.

                      A "me" days sounds great Lush. I want one. Could you take my kids please? Thanks!
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Simply Sunday

                        bear73, you sound like me! white wine is my demon. I strted to drink too much after my divorce and have gained 30lbs. I do work out but not like I used too. I have been AF for 2 days. It feels good, after going to work with a hangover mon. going for a bike ride and trying to stay AF for today too! good luck


                          Simply Sunday

                          Good going Springrl and welcome to mods
                          Enough is enough

