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Lifting big stones

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    Lifting big stones

    Hi all,

    I am sitting here at 5am. Unable to sleep, yet only had 6 small beers last night. ( Previously would have had 6 beers after two bottles of wine).

    I am now wondering how to tackle the bigger stones on the mountain.( see caption below if this seems non-sensical)

    What big stones have you lifted and how did you do it?

    I want to move to being AF with only one (or at the most two )drinks on only one (or at the most two) nights per week. This feels like a huge boulder.

    Do I just go AF completely? I have been reading all the posts on long-term Abs and they all sound so in control and happy. I know Mary thinks of herself as AF with a drink allowed when she wants it. This would be my ideal.

    I had better get to the gym to bolster my muscles to tackle these huge stones.

    If this sounds nonsense, then please excuse me. It is after all 5.13 am.

    Love to you all as always, especially Gypsi.:l
    Enough is enough

    Lifting big stones

    Waves2 - I had a different goal, however, the boulder was just as big.

    I used a fulcrum.


      Lifting big stones

      Hello Waves and tawny,
      I don't think I can move the big rocks. I've hit one and am in the process of breaking it up into smaller, more manageable pieces.


        Lifting big stones

        Hi Waves.

        Just imagine for a few minutes this scene....

        There's this enormous boulder blocking the way forward, a man stands in front of it, he wraps his arms around it and tries to lift it, can't budge it, lies on his back with his feet against it trying to push it, again no success, finally puts his back against it and starts to push with all his might, his face is scarlet with the effort, sweat streams down his body, finally he collapses in a heap and gives up...

        A second man arrives, looks at the boulder carefully, then takes a hammer and chisel out of his toolbox and starts to slowly chisel small pieces of the boulder away... Now this may take him some time to remove that boulder, but, with patience he will do it and his way forward will be easier...

        Thats how I got rid of my boulders, just a little at a time....
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          Lifting big stones

          I'm with Louise, chip away at it, I called it baby steps. For me the big hurdle was realising that I didn't need to drink. I gradually cut down the amount and then AF, which worked for me.

          Hang on in there xx


            Lifting big stones

            Dear One, I PM'd you. Love, Mary


              Lifting big stones

              I am working on that big boulder myself. Louise you are so elegant with your words. I am making my way up slowly to the AF days. I know that I have cut down substantially so that would be the chiseling...we will do it. We all will get to where we need to be.

              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Lifting big stones

                With me it is more of a situational thing or certain triggers. I successfully chip away at the big boulder and then, like my paperwork fairies......little stone fairies come and clutter up my space. It is something that constatly needs to be tended to.
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Lifting big stones

                  Ah yes Precious, the constant tending.. But don't you find that the constant tending gives you something positive and constructive to do, makes you feel as if you are getting somewhere, however slowly....
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    Lifting big stones

                    Thank you for your valuable insights. They have all been very helpful. PP I certainly agree about the triggers. I seem to be surrounded by them at the moment.

                    The general concensus seems to be to break these larger stones into smaller pieces so that is what I will try to do.

                    I think after 7 months I thought I should have been completely able to undo the past years.

                    I counted up the number of days spent in control last year. It was 75 throughout the whole year.

                    This year so far I have 39 days under my belt out of 72. Well over 50%. So chipping away seems to be helping.

                    I am going out now to buy a really good bigger chisel, Louise.

                    Thanks again to all,

                    Love Waves:l
                    Enough is enough

