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wobbly wednesday

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    wobbly wednesday

    really nto sure about this - went round a friend's house and had 1 glass of wine - ok could have had more but had agreed i wouldn't have any.
    i worry that again with mods my aims will get blurry and i will end up drinking more than i agreed to.
    i need to lose weight and the wine was an extra 250 cals that i don't need!
    i'm drinking this weeked in germany but if i can't moderate as i wish then i think i will have no choice but to go back to abs.
    I lost 3 pounds last week and it would be nice to repeat it!
    feling v miserable at mo and no idea why, I'm tired all the time, have no enthusiasm,feel irritabel with people, don't get excited about stuff e.g. planned festivals - which is a really great thing, worry things will go wrong, am constantly thinking i'm not good enough, worry constantly what others think.i'm busy at work but bored and don't know what next move is.
    I'm off to see a hypnotherapist on 30/03 to help with low self esteem issues which hopefully will help me out.feel like a bloody teenager!anyway off to wwork and then to spinning to compensate for wine.
    one day at a time

    wobbly wednesday

    Hi all,

    Monica is just busy with the new website business that she is setting up. She says she will be here soon, not to worry and she sends her love to you all.

    Bear, Yes holding onto fixed ideas is hard in mods. Hope the meeting goes well.

    Judie, Hope things bounce back soon.

    Fsophiah, Hold onto that retirement thought.

    Lusch, If you do exrecise more please do not lift weights. Your arms are strong enough already for the slapping that you do.

    Jen, Hope things are progressing well with the house.

    Love to you all as always.
    Enough is enough


      wobbly wednesday

      Good morning all,
      Bear, Bear Bear - here's hoping you can feel this hug from across the pond - it's sending back the support and love I've gotten from my MWO friends - my liver numbers are up so I'm trying to ab at least for awhile - Saturdaynight is bowling so I'll allow myself two wines and that's it. Been 3 days af and keeping busy. Had a record high temp here yesterday and got a little yard work done (I love being outside). Stay strong!


        wobbly wednesday

        Bear, have you read the book? When I started this program, I went explicitly by what the book dictated. I took every supplement, I saw my doctor, I got the topamax, I started exercising, and I listened to the hypnosis CDs. Later, I did my 30 days AF. All of this helped bolster my self-confidence. Now, what I am living with is not drinking at home unless I am entertaining. But I think it's extremely important to keep with the entire program at the beginning. There are those who disagree, but not RJ, and she's the reason we are all here.


          wobbly wednesday

          I think Sophie is right. I think a lot of us try to take pieces of the program and then we get disappointed when its doesnt work like we want it to (I am just as guilty of this as anyone). One very important part of the program that a lot of people dont do as much as they should is the exercise part.
          Just my two cents.
          I am actually going to read the book again from cover to cover and renew my dedication to the program...
          Love jen
          Over 4 months AF :h


            wobbly wednesday

            Morning!!! Bear, sorry you are going through a rough patch. Perhaps going to therapy and talking about it will be what you need. It has been said here often, but many of us drink to cover up or squelch negative feelings/anxiety/depression and when we quit drinking or do not drink all of the time those feelings are going to come to the surface. I think what you are experiencing is a very natural part of this process.

            Good to see you Waves!!! I will take your advice on not lifting weights!!!

            Jen, you are right about the exercising. It is a natural anti-depressant and has always helped me in the past. After working on the computer all day it is so hard to get motivated. Have you started the CDs yet?

            Optimist good job on the 3 days AF and I am glad to hear your liver numbers are coming up.

            Sophiah, hope you are relaxing on your Spring Break.

            The second round of crud seems to be invading our house this week and I am not feeling well. Ugh. I was hoping we were done with this. I blame Preciouspinot for passing along her germs.

            Jude, hope you are feeling better today.

            Can't address everyone individually today but I wish you all a happy moderating day!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              wobbly wednesday

              No Luschy I have not dedicated myself to the CDs yet but that is part of what i am committing myself to as of TODAY. I will let you know how it goes....
              Over 4 months AF :h


                wobbly wednesday

                Please everyone convince Fan to stick with the Steve Martin avater...intelligence and humor wrapped into one.....just my opinion of course
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  wobbly wednesday

                  No, I want Mr. Cleaver back.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    wobbly wednesday

                    Judie, I?m sorry your hubby was a Butthead. No other way to say it. They do handle grief and other sensitive stuff differently. I hope you two get back on the same page quickly. Big hugs to you. :l

                    Fan, sorry there are a lot of speed bumps in your road of life lately. I just saw a biography about Steve Martin and I guess he is a big Hollywood chick magnet. I have to say, I will always think of him playing the banjo at the Boarding House in San Francisco. Some of the best live comedy ever done.

                    Bear, we mod muffins are a work in progress and I agree using all the aspects of the program, especially at the start or after a slip is very important.

                    Optimist, Great job on 3 AF days and have fun bowling.

                    Lush, Too bad about the grud., I hope you are feeling better soon. I have to say, I cannot look at June Cleaver and not get hung up on the pearls. Do you think she ever took them off?

                    Jen, always nice to see the pompoms.

                    Beaches, I always seem to be posting on off days with you. So Hi for today and hope you have a nice week.

                    Weird week with the kids. Dealing with a lot of ups and downs with the 9 year old. He had a great report card, but it came with an addendum to his IEP. The letter ?r? continues to be an elusive thing for him. The littler one is all boy and is being a bit of a chore for his mother.

                    Hubby and I are off for the rest of the week to visit some friends in Southern Cal. We are going to Universal Studios on Friday. The last time I was there, the Jaws attraction had just come out, so it should be fun and no kids. Yahoo!

                    Great day to everyone, we are such a big group now.
                    Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                      wobbly wednesday

                      Hey, all--

                      Just a dashed off note in a day that is blazing by--next up, Most Obnoxious Person. MOP is a colleague who frazzled my ego the other day by calling me an intellectual light weight. Not nice, MOP!

                      Tomorrow is an anniversary of sorts for me. I'll be away at a yearly conference that typically turns into something of a party. It was at this conference last year that I realized that my excessive drinking that followed my mother's death was taking on a life of its own and putting me in serious danger given my blood sugar issues. The most embarrassing moment was when I almost fell down on the dance floor. I found MWO about five months later and my life is changed. I hope. I'm not going to have ready access to a computer and the support of you guys and I'll have lots and lots of parties to go to and my old constitutional shyness to put up with. Any advice?

                      Mike, I'm sorry to hear that you are having your own "breathing problems." May they clear up pronto!

                      Gypsi, my love to you, as always. Please forgive me for not being able to check in for several days.

                      Its a gorgeous day where I am (and, I hope, everywhere) but this entire season has been chimerical so maybe it will be snowing the next time I have a chance to look out the window.

                      Sorry I don't have time to mention everyone by name but know that you're in my thoughts.

                      :heart: E


                        wobbly wednesday

                        Hi everyone, just wanted to pop in...

                        It's a pretty day here too. Gonna drag my butt outside & go walk on the beach. I'm way overdue for a change of scenery.

                        Thank you all for the kind words & support. I hate being such a wimp.

                        Big hugs, Judie :l
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          wobbly wednesday

                          Judie...I didn't get a chance to show my support yesterday so I will today. I know how you feel. I am not an emotional person and always keep it together but, once every 6-8 months or so I loose it...I mean really loose it. On more than one occation this is when hubby has accused me of drinking. That only adds fuel to the fire. So, I do understand friend. :l
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            wobbly wednesday

                            Thanks PP,
                            It does suck being the little "tuffy" sometimes... I guess after a while it's just taken for granted ...(expected behavior ) I told Scott this morning I wished he had more faith in me, he told me he wished I'd just get over it. We are definately wired quite differently, but I knew that from the start.

                            Just got back from a hike at Otter Point, it was windy but sunny. The salmon berries are blooming, as well as the huckleberries,there's buds on the azaleas along the trail so it does look like spring might still be coming!
                            Oh, I saw the first osprey of the season the other day!
                            I know I'm rambling, just have mixed thoughts going on.
                            Thanks God, for sunny days & good doggies
                            and of course everyone here:h
                            :l Judie
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              wobbly wednesday

                              Hey E, I hope the "anniversary" goes well.
                              Drink lots of water & juice, maybe keep some L-glut on hand. That seems to be one of my staples these days,... and have fun! (most importantly!)
                              :l Judie
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

