i worry that again with mods my aims will get blurry and i will end up drinking more than i agreed to.
i need to lose weight and the wine was an extra 250 cals that i don't need!
i'm drinking this weeked in germany but if i can't moderate as i wish then i think i will have no choice but to go back to abs.
I lost 3 pounds last week and it would be nice to repeat it!
feling v miserable at mo and no idea why, I'm tired all the time, have no enthusiasm,feel irritabel with people, don't get excited about stuff e.g. planned festivals - which is a really great thing, worry things will go wrong, am constantly thinking i'm not good enough, worry constantly what others think.i'm busy at work but bored and don't know what next move is.
I'm off to see a hypnotherapist on 30/03 to help with low self esteem issues which hopefully will help me out.feel like a bloody teenager!anyway off to wwork and then to spinning to compensate for wine.