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thrilling thursday

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    thrilling thursday

    morning all, day 1 of my new positive thinking regime.
    I'm going to do affirmations every morning and every evening - also really watch my thoughts and each time I have a negative one - reverse it into the positive.
    I've also started taking st johns wort - it can't do any harm!

    I am excited about the weekend now which I wasn't before, and I know that I need to deal with something big I have been burying/avoiding/pretending it's all fine.Think that's partly why i feel down it's always there in the background, it's time for action!

    good day all, busy day today planned at work but will be nice to go away and have alal my work finished.
    Off for a run tonight too - see you next week and have a good weekend xx
    one day at a time

    thrilling thursday

    Morning bear, Its so nice to see you feeling more positive ....

    Have a lovely weekend xx

    Love to all to come,

    Paula xx


      thrilling thursday

      Mornin' everyone..Bear and Paula!
      I think I'm back amongst the living...some things happened a couple of weeks ago that just caught me off guard..the result, I've drank wine every night for the last two weeks except for last night! All of this after four and a half months alcohol free, so kind of a bummer, but I'm good now. I didn't drink yesterday and am totally enjoying waking up and feeling good. I've pulled myself out of the family drama..oh how that can just suck you in if you are not careful and am putting things back in order. That being said, I'm so much more at peace when I can remember my center, to do the things that help me stay, my goal for the rest of the week and the weekend is to tend my garden (literally and figuratively). Nothing else matters right now! I have weeds to pull!
      Thanks for always being here. I'm not great at keeping up with everyone personally..but I read everything and just love you all!


        thrilling thursday

        Hi everyone -

        Like Dianne, I am at the end of a rough patch and had wine nearly everyday for several weeks (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot). The last 2 days have been AF and what a difference in makes in my ability to tackle the many tasks on hand each day. Looking forward to continuing this forward progress. Though I haven't been posting I have been trying to keep up on the reading and I do think of all my MWO friends daily.

        Judie - sorry hubby is being a schmuck. I hope he comes around. At least you know you each are wired differently - sometimes getting to that understanding is half the battle.

        Allie - hugs to you and your Mom.

        Lush - Kill the crud! Feel better!

        Gypsi - praying for you sweetie.

        To all not yet here, have a great day!


          thrilling thursday

          Hi everyone, getting ready for St. Pattys day at my job, lots of work preparing corned beef, peeling carrots et. I feel like we feed an army that day. The temptation of course to party is there, but I have learned something about myself I do very well the day of the event its the day after when my brain says go ahead you were good, you proved you can go to events and not drink thats when I have to much like I am so relieved and happy I go overboard.

          Erin go braugh,


            thrilling thursday

            Good Morning all!
            This has not been the most successful week for me with the drinking.
            I will try again, for what the millionth time? to formulate a plan and get firm about all of this.
            Proud of all of you with AF!


              thrilling thursday

              Yesterday my DIL called from work and asked whether I had any wine. "I need it," she said. "I just found out that my mother has breast cancer." So I went to the wine store for the first time in months. Including dinner, I think I topped out at about four glasses. So many lives here are affected by this awful disease. She just found out, but I'm worried because the last time we saw her was around Christmas. She had lost a lot of weight, and she said that her food had started tasting funny. So what I'm worried about is that her breast cancer, which is very, very small, is a secondary cancer. We won't know that for a little while. Anyway, I've been praying. I've got a full day ahead. Have a good one.


                thrilling thursday

                I'm sorry to hear about your DIL's mom.
                My mother died of breast cancer 11 years ago. I would like to think that medicine has progressed over the past decade and that if this is caught early, wherever the cancer began, can be treatable and she'll have a quick recovery.
                I will say prayers too.
                I hope you did not spend your entire Spring Break doing report cards!


                  thrilling thursday

                  So sorry to hear that. It is hard going through the "not knowing" time frame as well. Being the cancer research queen that I've become lately, it is very normal to lose your appetite as one of the first noticeable symptoms of any form of cancer, so I dont think that necessarily means that there is something worse going on in addition. I'm glad its small and hopefully they can remove it with minimal treatment. I'll be praying..

                  Thanks Hawk for always thinking of me and Mom. Actually she is feeling so much better now that her chemo treatments are over and all those drugs are getting out of her system. She has been getting out and doing things, doing a little gardening and overall in good spirits. It kind of strange because she almost doesnt seem sick anymore except for the bandana she has to wear because of not having hair. Even her hair is starting to grow again. I still hold out that she may possibly once again defy the odds and make it past the 12 months she was given a few months ago.

                  I too have been in a rut with the drinking and it is because unfortunately, the Lexapro that I so raved about earlier has begun having weird side effects on my mood. It has helped tremendously with the depression for which I was taking it, but I swear it makes me uptight and snappy all the time. My husband asked me the other day if I was taking "angry pills". I would skip days here and there to see if that was what was making me that way and it definitely was. I was so much more calm and "normal" feeling, but then I have the depession issue that quickly tries to return. Its so frustrating!! So I have been weaning off of it and will talk with my doctor again soon to see if there is once again, something else I could try. I am also as of next week going to start meeting with a pyschiatrist to deal with some long buried issues and wounds that I am sure are at the root of my emotional reasons for drinking. I've been putting it off, but its time to pull weeds for me as well!

                  On a brighter note, I'm sitting at Panera with my laptop having a latte and about to go meet Mom for lunch at a really cool restaurant. I'm having to stay out of the house today as we are having some work done on the tile, so I'm torturing myself with good coffee and good food today! I have earned a 100.00 gift certificate there from my Discover card, so we are going to splurge! (and might I say my appetite is back??)

                  Wishing everyone a positive and successful weekend!
                  What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                    thrilling thursday

                    Morning guys,

                    May I please borrow some of the positiveness from you guys today? I am still not feeling well and think I may crawl back into bed.

                    Bear, glad to hear you sounding so positive.

                    Allie, sorry your friend Lex is not who you thought he was. Sounds like you have a nice day planned with mom. So happy she is feeling better.

                    Sammy thanks for the corned beef reminder. I completely forgot this weekend is St. Patricks Day. Oh and that also means I forgot hubby's birthday is Monday!!!!! Arghh.......

                    SM-you know you can always turn to me to lecture you about being consistent with your supplements and CDs. They really help.

                    Sophiah, sad news about your DIL. I hope her mom will be okay. I know what she is going through.

                    Di, glad to hear you are back on track. I have no doubt you will be back on that abs wagon that you are so good at.

                    Hawk, thanks for the get well wishes. And congrats on the AF days. They always feels good, don't they?

                    Betty, hope you are not in too much vacation letdown.....

                    All of the rest to come, have a great Thursday.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      thrilling thursday

                      Accidents, coincidences, and serendipities don't create dreams.

                      Your dreams create them.

                      Dream away -
                      The Universe

                      Hang in all. Feel better, those that are sick. Stronger for those that feel like they need that and congrats to those who are doing their plans and feeling good about them!

                      Can not do this right now.

                      Hugs and Love,


                        thrilling thursday

                        Bear - glad to see things are "up" today. Am sending out strength to those who might be in need - I'll be thinking of you when I make and devour my potato pancakes for lunch (my feel good food) - love

