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Why am I a thread killer?

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    Why am I a thread killer?

    The first step to getting a life is:

    STEP AWAY FROM THE WEBSITE- it is ok, you really can do it. Use it as a reward only after the work is done, loved ones are kissed, and exercise is complete for the day. If you do all of that, there is very little time to drink.

    OK, I guess you can tell that this is really my new motto! LOL


      Why am I a thread killer?

      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Why am I a thread killer?

        Lucky, I think we were a bit too co-ordinated there!

        But, most importantly, you don't want anyone to send you money? You just gave out the info without asking for payment? Whew! Obviously you're not heavily involved in fundraising.


          Why am I a thread killer?

          No, Beaches.

          You need cookies.


            Why am I a thread killer?

            I don't want $. I need more help than $ can buy. I need someone to wave a magic wand and make certain things different.

            Off to bed I go. Good night crazy people. And I say that with the deepest respect for all of you!



              Why am I a thread killer?

              Sweet dreams ducko.


                Why am I a thread killer?

                Blue, it is against MWO policy to bribe other members for money when you owe one particular member (me) money. And now I have forgotten why you were paying me. Can you refresh my mind? Guess I am not a very good business woman.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Why am I a thread killer?

                  I will refresh your memory.....friend (almost to be best friend! )

                  I am working every hour G-d sends making cookies to sell so that you will take me of your "People I Don't Care For in MWO" list....

                  Now, you will also remember, if your memory has not completely gone, that I have already sent you $5,000 so I think that does earn me the title of Best Friend? The next consignment of cookies, worth, on the street, $5,000, is in process to earn me the title of Very Best Friend.

                  I am sooooo excited.


                    Why am I a thread killer?

                    Bluebell, have you got any sort of contract with lushy to say she will make you her very best friend on reciept of the $5000.. If not I would advise you to get one drawn up pretty d**mn quick..

                    Oh, by the way, you now owe me $5000 for the above advice.. The bill is in the post.. Have a nice day..

                    Irishlady, PERSONAL ADVISOR TO THE SUPER STARS.. No job too small....
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      Why am I a thread killer?

                      I'm still waiting for that cookie, and it's sad some of you have to pay to get a friend!!!


                        Why am I a thread killer?

                        I find it sadder that she lied about sending me money. I have not received any yet Blue. Perhaps you sent it to Irish by mistake?
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Why am I a thread killer?

                          Sorry lushy, I KNOW NOTHING..

                          Set up a meeting with my people in the morning..

                          By the way, I bill by the minute....
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            Why am I a thread killer?

                            Irish, your $5,000 is in the post.

                            But please realise that this puts me way behind schedule. I hope you are able to get that contract drawn up, ready to sign ASAP.

                            BTW do you need a head massage? Only $50 - special today.


                              Why am I a thread killer?

                              Head massage!!! People as busy as me do not have time for head massages.. Contracts to sign, clients to see, lots of bills to send to lushy, I helped her to get to where she is today you know, she would be nothing without me.. Its no good, I need a secretary for my secretary, I need a holiday...
                              A F F L..
                              Alcohol Free For Life


                                Why am I a thread killer?

                                Well, Irish.. you've come to the right place.

                                A holiday you say?

                                How about a holiday in beautiful South Australia? Lovely house, fanastic views, soon to be built in-ground pool. 5 minutes from the beach?

                                Yours for only $5,000 a week!

                                As long as you don't mind sharing.

