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Why am I a thread killer?

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    Why am I a thread killer?

    Oh left home in BFD??) you are such a young little weak fragile baby goddess.....And do not bring Shiva into this..or I will have to start chanting again...and we don't want that now we????


      Why am I a thread killer?

      You are an evil little witch, aren't you!!! I do know what BFD means....


        Why am I a thread killer?

        Now Now ladies, take your squabbling elsewhere and leave to kill the thread .........


          Why am I a thread killer?

          That should have said leave ME to kill the thread


            Why am I a thread killer?

            Where did that wicked old witch go? I'll put a spell on her, and knock her off that broom!


              Why am I a thread killer?

              Where did that wicked old witch go? I'll put a spell on her, and knock her off that broom!
              Oh, by the way what happened to you in 1968 witchy poo????


                Why am I a thread killer?

                well little goddess...I was organizing the anti-war movement in Boston!!!! And I was on the FBI bad girl list (back then anyway) and it was called the long hot summer of '68 ...oh but of course you remember that part..don't you???


                  Why am I a thread killer?

                  Ooooh, you go woman..... I wasn't doing anything that significant. My husband of now was at the Kent State and Ohio State riots, he was an officer in the Army, just about did him in after that.... He left the military.

                  I was graduating, and off to join the world in 68 thought I knew it all!!! Well, we all know that was wrong..


                    Why am I a thread killer?

                    Those were very heady times that's for sure. the summer right after Bobby and Martin were killed. Kent state changed our lives. Yep..thought we knew it all & could change the world...well we changed it a little ..I think for the good...I for one didn't know a darn thing...and the older I get the less I know..funny


                      Why am I a thread killer?

                      I have leaned a lot tonight
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Why am I a thread killer?

                        I am an old flower child.
                        The problem with the 60's was I bought into Womens' Lib.
                        They said we could do it all...have a career, raise a family, be a great wife, and do it all very well.
                        They forgot to say how hard it would be, to perform like Super Woman.
                        So I busted my ass, and tried to be perfect doing it all.
                        That's one of the reasons I drink, I am sure. Still trying to do it all.
                        Can anyone else from that era relate to the message of Women Libbers?


                          Why am I a thread killer?

                          I was born in 1968, that's why it was the best year!

                          :h :h :h :h


                            Why am I a thread killer?

                            Hey Mona,

                            Did you ever read that stupid book The Total Woman, what a load of crap... I had a dr. tell me to read that 100 years ago... I thought I would puke..... No wonder we have issues. We are expected to do it all. At least the way I grew up, and sounds like you too.


                              Why am I a thread killer?

                              ABS..SOOO..LUTELY CAT!!! Absolutely!!! We were caught in the middle..our Moms, our role models were from the 40's...we were was too much work to be super as well as perfect..I too got totally burnt out...It was a time of extremes but I think times are getting back into balance now....there needed to be a men's is starting to happen..I think young men are very cool these days..


                                Why am I a thread killer?

                                Okay we are trying to kill this thread. Can we get back to some nonsense please? Cheesh....
                                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

