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Is Moderation a Myth?

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    Is Moderation a Myth?

    I'm new here.

    I've been trying to quit since Oct, '06 and after a good start slipped and have been moderating since. I'm down to two drinks at night, after 9 or 10 pm, but from everything I've read elsewhere I'm told it's not really possible to moderate.

    Then someone told me about this site and the fact that it has a moderation thread, so here I am smack in the middle of now and somewhat confused re:quitting vs. moderating

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?
    "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required."

    Sir Winston Churchill

    Is Moderation a Myth?

    I have been able to moderate after a 30+ days complete break, I believe it is essential to abstain first. But I don't drink every day, If I did, even in small amounts i'm sure i'd become dependent again. I tend to have maybe 3 to 5 units a week and I only buy the bottles that have these units in and I stick to red wine. I was a heavy and problematic drinker for 20 years and I didn't realise how much better life could be without it.

    S x


      Is Moderation a Myth?

      I believe it is a real personal question that only you can answer. Some of us are successful at moderating, others know it is just not an option for them. I would call two drinks a night good moderating, but if you are not comfortable with it then maybe moderation is not for you....
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Is Moderation a Myth?

        I do not know yet
        I can not lie

        I've been AF to now
        Moderation I have not tried...
        Control the Mind


          Is Moderation a Myth?

          you either can moderate or you can't...the tough part is really getting to the honest answer for yourself, i don't think it's a black or white thing.
          this is a great supportive place to find out.
          good luck!


            Is Moderation a Myth?

            I did 30 days AF and moderated successfully for two months but the one time I overindulged (due to people filling my glass without permission) set me right back to struggling again. Some people on here are moderating well though.

            Love Waves
            Enough is enough


              Is Moderation a Myth?

              Hi Justme,
              With the support of everyone on this board and this particular moderation thread I have found the support and tools I need to successfully moderate. There are occassions when I go overboard but they are far and few between as compared to where I used to be.
              It's a personal choice. Some have to be AF and some can moderate.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Is Moderation a Myth?

                Hi Justme,

                Love your name and your avatar!

                It is just like they said, quite an individual thing. My favorite supp has been the L-glut when I have had problems with cravings that do sometimes appear out of no where. Much wisdom written in the answers to your posts.

                I think I have been pretty successful in the mods department. It took a few months to complete the mental and physical changes and find what works for me. I look at it like Af most of the time and an occasional drink, normally one in an evening when out.

                I have maybe 5-8 drinks in a month. My one year MWO membership comes up on the 27th of this month. Before MWO, I would have that many drinks in an evening.

                I have a lot of AF days that are not even a thought now days. I no longer keep my favorites around the house, nor feel the urge to drink what is in the house for the sake of drinking it. Still I believe if I decided to drink every night, I would be back in the same place again.

                You can do whatever feels right . . .Congrats on 30+ though!!

