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Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

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    Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

    mornin' muffins and muffin heads! I just posted the following on the meds thread, but thought I'd put it here too...I would love your comments and feedback...

    Well, I started MWO last summer with topamax with great success. I enjoyed the weight loss benefits as well, but generally didn't like how I felt on it. I moderated ok, then, (as most of you know) went abstinent for over four and a half months after going off the topa. Over the last few weeks I started drinking again, and feeling out of control. I didn't drink Wed or Thursday night, but overdid it again last night. Of course, I could stop and go abs again...but don't really have the will do to that..which means, right now, I just don't want to do I'm considering going back on the topamax..and probably will go through another cycle that I've just described. My question is if anyone has done this and if so, was your experience any different the second time around? Did you have the same experience with the weight loss..(yes, that is a motivator for me). I hope to decide this afternoon whether to go back on it or not and would love your input. thanks friends! Dianne

    Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

    Good Morning!
    I have been off of topa now for just about 2 weeks..something like that.
    I started taking it last July and titrated up to 150mg. I decided to stop because, although moderating, I got to the point where I needed to decide to titrate up or just try the program on my own with supps.
    Well--I'm doing okay without it, but I will tell you, my appetite is back with a vengeance and it scares the hell out of me that I'm going to put on all the weight I've lost over the last 8 months, so, I totally understand that as being a motivator.
    However, my main motivator has to be to moderate or AF, so if I'm doing just as well without the topa I might as well diet and exercise like everyone else to keep the weight off.
    Problem is: I have had some slips and even though it has been a short time since I've stopped taking it, it was such a security blanket to me.
    So, I'm having the same dilemma, Di, do I get back on it or try it on my own.
    I'm also interested to hear from the repeat topa takers.
    Di--did you have any hair thinning issues on topa?
    Love to all,


      Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

      Hi Di & SM Mary,

      Sorry can't help as i've never tried topa ....

      Lots of love and hugs to all my dear 'cyber friends'

      Paula xx


        Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

        HI Mary, I don't think I had any hair thinning from the topa per se..but my hair is thinning a little bit, but I think it's my age..I've been off the topamax for 5 months now, and each month, usually around that time of the month, I'll shed some hair. If I go back on, I don't intend to take it for more than a few helped me to get back on track last summer, so I'm hoping that it will do the same now..I just feel out of control with everything, and the whole MWO routine was helpful in pulling in the reigns in every way..the cost, of course, is not feeling 100%, but if I'm drinking like I have been, I certainly am not feeling 100% and not getting the benefit of the supps and CDs. If I go back on it, I will do the program 100%, because for me, that is how it worked..not by taking pieces of it...but then again, I'm an all or nothing kind of gal sometimes!


          Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

          Hi Paula!


            Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

            Hi Paula!
            Di--funny thing is when I was taking topa I never listened to the CD's. Now I'm off topa and listen to them almost nightly. Supps have always been in the picture for me.
            Wonder if I actually paired the CD's and topa, continued the supps what I could accomplish?


              Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

              I never tried the topa but when I did the supps and the cds I had great success with moderating. I've gotten quite lazy about both and had some rocky times. I'm back to the cds (not as regularly as I would like) and I find the Kudzu invaluable. For me, exercise has had a good benefit. I do 45 minutes on an elliptical and I get many endorphines I don't know what to do with them. Finding the right combo takes some time. Heck - I'm still working on it.

              Happy St. Pat's Day everyone. Its the "high holiday" here and keeping AF will be tough as we all get together to celebrate. Will be trying my best moderating. I'm actually a bit nervous and have considered passing on festivities this year. Sigh............


                Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

                Hi everyone and Happy St. Patrick's Day
                I was on Topa and went up to about 200mg then worked my way off it. I am interested to hear what others have to say too that go back on.
                I do know that I was doing a lot better when I was really concentrating on following the program so I started doing that again. Last night was a bit rocky but overall I'm doing better.

                Have a great day
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

                  great topic!!

                  I have been on topa since July. At first, it was very helpful. I am now up to 200 mgs, and drinking on it. yikes. I have decided to do the whole program in addition, which I have not done up to this point. I actually just made the list of what I need to get, and plan to buy all the supps today. Would love to hear what you all found most benificial!! I did not have hair thinning on Topa. It does seem to help with cravings but.... I guess it is not enough for me alone.

                  formerly known as bak310


                    Saint Patrick's Day Saturday

                    Morning all and Happy St. Pats Day!!! I am still a little under the weather so do not think any green beer is in my future.

                    Di, have you considered the other altneratives such as Campral? I know some people around here swear by it. Oh Lucky?? Where is Lucky? She is the Campral Queen. And I do not think it has side effects like the topa.

                    Like many of you I have found, and we have talked about this before, that consistency with the supps and the CDs is key so why is it so easy to get sidetracked? I guess we get complacent thinking we have it all under control and then realize we do not.

                    Keep working at it everyone!!! And have a great Saturday.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

