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messy monday

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    messy monday

    Hi everyone,

    I'm still here but can't write much still because of this computer. It would just take all day for a longer post.

    I think I will try to post something a little longer and then you will see what I am talking aboutthe cursor skips wheyeye ont the cursor at nall times or I have to go n ever it wants to anbou understand why I haven't been posting much.thing!!! I hope this all makes sense to you and that ype everyback and retyd I don't usually know when that is so I get half way done with a post and it will look something like this with this computer. So I have to keep m

    Have a terrific day!

    Love Ya,
    :h :h :h :h


      messy monday

      I decided it was time for an avator change. This one works for today.

      Over 4 months AF :h


        messy monday

        jen the cd man makes me wiggy. i cannot ever listen to it ( sorry rj). hello muffins i have missed you. i hope you are all well. although i have not been here very much i think of you often and have made huge strides. I am going days and days without drinking and mod great when i do. koo koo achoo!:hallo:


          messy monday

          Sorry for your computer troubles Rachele! Hang in there...
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            messy monday

            Jenneh, oh mods muffin with the bad 'tude today. Are you listening to the CD at night? Listen if you can before you go to sleep. I swear you will get used to him, but I really try and focus on the ocean in the background and think about what changes I want to see myself make. Pretty soon you will not hear his voice as much.

            PP, what a nice weekend it sounds like you had.

            Mojo, so glad to see you back.

            Rachele, what did you say?

            Did it, my daughter is 9 too and she is SO chatty that I have to remember to cherish this time instead of letting it get on my nerves sometimes. Blah, blah, blah!!! LOL. You did great this weekend.

            Chrysa, thanks for such kind words. That really made my morning!!! And weren't you calling yourself a bitch on the bitch thread? I think not my dear!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              messy monday

              Got the oven on self clean right now and my eyes are burning (guess I need to do it more often or quit cooking) I am getting the heck out of here before I become asfixiated. Will check in later, hope your afternoons are going good.



                messy monday


                I PMed Mighty Mouse the other day and she has been real busy with the web site design she has going with her hubby and will return when she has time if anyone was curious..
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  messy monday

                  Thanks PP I was wondering actually.
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    messy monday

                    good look jenneh...a new day and new goals too!!weekends are always the worst time..something about the rewad mentalilty..Get through a working week and the reward is.....alcohol??? and the consequence might be???I wish you well. I,m not ready to try moderating yet as it scares me in case i cant do it!!!So for now AF is the only way(day 29today)
                    I would like to have a couple of wines with a meal maybe when out with friends..but dont want to end up sloshed . funny how we pick friends who drink too to make it more acceptable maybe?

                    good Luck Regards Cassy


                      messy monday

                      Hi all

                      Just a quick check in... started the "whole" program in addition to the Topa yesterday. Added the supps, and will be adding the CD's courtesy of Allie...(thanks Allie ) shortly. WOW, what a lot of pills!! But I am optomistic, and that is good. I saw an amazing show yesterday...Wicked, with my daughter. Worked today. Tomorrow I am off, but taking my in-laws to the airport (not the closest one...oh well), and the afternoon is up for grabs. This weekend I am going to visit my sister and her family in PA...CAN'T WAIT...lots of busy work stuff between now and then...(and lots of vitimans and supps to take...yikes!!) Hope you are all off to a good start to the week!!

                      formerly known as bak310

