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    Morning all, Had a bad couple of days - up early to get a shower and be to work at 7 am - could use some encouragement today - feeling anything but optimistic


    hi optimist, How was your shower- invigarating? Ready for a new day, i wonder what today will bring for you? Happy thursday, enjoy today and BE YOUR NAME!!! XX



      Hello Optimist

      Hope the shower washed your woes away, a new day enjoy it - "God saw that it was good" remember that everything and everyone is "good" we are all created equal - so enjoy what he has created - you - you are great!
      Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending



        Thanks - shower didn't wash all the woes away but my hair sure looks better - appreciate the support - and yes I named myself - today will be a better day - at least in so much that I can control in what I do - picture me giving myself one huge hug!!! Now my arms are open and hugging you all - thanks again



          Hi optimist..dont know what your drinking pattern is but hopefully if its the evening you can plan a busy evening doing something different. Why not get on this site for an hour or two after work to get some inspiration?/
          i feel the need to read or post daily to get the support and motivation not to drink.The weekend is coming up..a danger zone to many of us on this site so be prepared with some activities to combat the crvings.

          Its hard going but i find i have to have a the showerr each am i have to plan the evening ahead. So tonight i am getting hair done after work.. a 2 hour job!!hubby is out this evening, so reading material at the ready, bubble bath, will get the wok out and cook something healthy. I will go for a 20 - 30 minute power walk before the bath and eating,

          Maybe get on this site for an hour or on the internet planning hols etc.

          As i,ve often said my danger time is 9 -11 for drinking..i have learnt to plan that time carefully as I dont want to sit at home craving for a drink. This weekend planned out with 2 nights at the pub!!!couldnt have done that a few weeks ago. Saturday is meeting up with friends who to talk over holiday plans and then hubby and I hav eplanned to escape off to pick up a take away and watch DVD..with a Soda water and ice.
          sunday evening is more tricky as thats the first night out with close friend whoa re both heavy drinkers. the great support for me is hubby and i both agreed to give up alcohol for lent(40 days) i started a few days prior to Lent to test myself out and to try anf get my head around it. My close girlfirend a who is also a drinker has come on board with the LENT thing/

          No way could i have got this far without this site, you people, my catholic faith, the support of doing this with hubby and friends and the power of prayer.

          i am not smug as i dont know where this journey is going to lead..who does?? My hope would be to moderate but not ready to put myself to that test yet.

          so for now i feel strong for today that i wont drink tonight anfd thats as far as i can hope with my evening planned i move forward through today in hope for another AF night.

          good luck to you all...

          regards Cassy



            Good morning Optimist, Bella, Kimmy and Cassy and all that come,
            Optimist I hope that the day gets better for and we are all giving you a big hug too, Cassy congrats on 32 days AF that is so wonderful.
            I have doing really well this week with mods and I know it's because I wrapped my mind back around the program and also because I started listening to the hypnosis cd at night...thanks Lush for the kick in the butt to start doing that It's nice to see the same bottle in the house for an entire week.
            Thank you to all who have also given me your kind words of encouragement with the new world I am entereing into with my son and trying to figure out his schooling and programming. It helped calm my swirling head down.
            Hope you all have a great day.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



              Good morning Mod Squad,

              This is for you Optimist...hey where's your avatar?
              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
              Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays.

              Ralph Waldo Emerson
              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
              I found it! One of my favorites. Anyway, "today" is the new day.

              Have a good day everyone!




                Good Mornin' all!
                It's a new day, right? Thank God, there is always that to count on, heh?
                Well, I feel better with a couple of AF days behind me...imagine that!!!! My husband and I are going for AF during the week and allowing wine on the weekends for a while..we'll see how it goes, we did pretty good this week, with the exception of giving in on Monday, and my suffering from a hangover on Tuesday...waking up, feeling really, it's a process. I did pull out all the supps and CDs and am planning to get back with the program, probably without the topa for now, to see how I do. I do ok with AF when I set my mind to it. I don't think I have physcial cravings except around PMS time, but definitely have emotional cravings for escape when the stress button gets pushed..

                I hope everyone has a lovely spring day ahead of them.



                  Hi it! thanks!



                    Cassy, Woo Hoo on 32!!!
           sound good..I'm following your lead!
                    hey Bella and Kimmy and all to come!



                      Hi everyone - No time to write much as things are imploding here on a number of fronts. Thinking of you all and wishing a great day for everyone. Be back soon (I hope!)



                        Hi Everybody, I too am on the run. Wanted to thank all of you for the wonderful support. It has helped more than you know!

                        Have a great day!

                        Saving the day one minute at a time!



                          This has been a busy morning hasn't it!

                          Optimist: hope you are feeling better and more optimistic!

                          Bella & Kimmy : hello to you as well, nice to have you guys here

                          Cassy: great job on 32 days! all I gave up for lent was white bread

                          Beaches: looks like quite a few of us are back in the saddle with our program, I'm sure everything will work out with the school situation

                          Chrysalis: great quote! thanks..good way to start the day

                          Di: glad to see you in better spirits and working things out

                          Hawk: hope everything is OK; "imploding on many fronts" does not sound good, come and vent any time

                          Mighty Mouse: busy, busy, busy as always, hope you're feeling better and taking care of yourself

                          Hi to all the muffins yet to come! I have to fire someone this morning so, not looking forward to that...will check in later!
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



                            Morning everyone!

                            Optimist, sorry to hear you have had a bad couple of days and I hope tomorrow morning you will wake refreshed and feeling better.

                            Beaches, do you think the CDs are making a change for you? Sounds like it. I am glad you are listening to them. My batteries died last night and I was feeling sort of fidgety without being able to listen to them.

                            PP - Ugh, firing someone. Not a good way to start the day. Hope it goes well.

                            Cassy, congrats on SO many AF days. You must be feeling so clean and healthy.

                            Di - Yes, you definitely have proved you can do AF if you want to. I think weekends only is a reasonable goal and hope it works for you and hubby.

                            Hawk, you okay? Hope so.

                            Chrysalis, thanks for the quote. I love it.

                            Bella and Kimmy, nice to see you two around here.

                            I am very excited today as hubby and I are going to see Eric Clapton in concert tonight!! I can hardly wait.

                            Hope the rest of the gang is okay today. Jude, you feeling better? MKR - you are always in my thoughts and hope things get better for you.

                            Jenneh, where are you? News on the house please!!!

                            Okay, have a great Thursday all!!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                              Hi All,

                              Just checking in again, hope that you don't think that i'm being rude but my brain is mushed at the minute (not from alcohol thankfully).

                              I daren't try and and say hi to you all personally, but my thoughts are with you all......

                              Love & Hugs to you all :h :l :h

