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    I just received my book and CD's and I am wondering about the part where it talks about a 6 week supliment peroid. Do I continue taking the Kudzu and L-Glute after 6 weeks? I also baught the All-One original and I am thinking I need to go get the Friut or senior as they have less iron. I don't want to overdose my body on suplimentes so any advice will help. I am enjoying an AF evening and getting ready to begin listening to the CD's. I am so glad I found this program!
    Thanks for the help!


    Hi Jules,

    The kudzu and l-glut is something you can continue to take after the six weeks if you feel it helps with the cravings. Would love to hear how you like the CDs. They made a difference for me.....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me




      Thanks for the info about the sups! So far I love the CD's........I just did the "clearing" this weekend and it was so relaxing. I have listened to different CD's for years before going to bed. I always figured even if I fall asleep I will still benefit from the content. I did find the 2nd CD a bit bothersome for some reason and I can't put my finger on it. It did not relax me but kept me a bit agitated. I suppose it could have just been one of those nights so I am going to try again. I am going to listen to the social drinking CD this evening and I will definitely post my thoughts. Hope you had a great weekend! I am going to be AF this week. Thanks!!!



        I just ordered the kudzu, L-Glut and a cd. does it really help? can't help being a skeptic.



          I was a bit of skeptic too but it can work, but an open mindset helps with it also. I found those two supplements to be the best for me.

          Jules, how are the CDs going? I know what you mean about the second CD but I learned that if I focused on the ocean sound in the background and not so much his voice I was fine. I am usually asleep/hypnotized through most of it anyhow.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



            I haven't tried the CD's but am interested in feedback on them. I tried the Paul McKenna 'I Can Make You Thin' ones a while ago but they didn;t really do it for me, I prefer to hold a book and read it. Let us know your different opinions on the CD's.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......




              Tea....The L-Glut and Kudzu are GREAT! I am not on the Topa and don't believe I need it at this point. I had a long stretch of ABS and I must say I actually don't feel like drinking every day. When I do.....I have 1 or 2 and I am done. I actually leave unfinished cocktails. The L-Glut has also curbed my desire for carbs and sugar.

              Lushy....I will try your suggestion. I absolutely love the Hypnotic (#2) and the Clearing CD it's the sleep one that is bothersome but I am going to give it another go with your advice.

              I don't know what has made a difference for me these days but I will say it is nothing like I remember when I use to drink 9 years ago. It is really not something I think about like I use to so I am greatful about that. My life is also much different now and I have grown emotionally as I did many years of therapy AF. The desire just isn't there like before. I actually understand how people can take it or leave it. I go days and realize I haven't even thought about it. I like the supliments especially the All One. I will continue on the path and try to remember to be the WATER NOT THE ROCK!!!
              I wish you all much peace!



                Jules I have had the same experience and I swear it is those CDs. Don't you? I am free of the obsession of thinking about wine, how much I have in the house, when I can start drinking, etc., and it is so freeing. And the supplements just help reinforce it all. So glad to hear you doing well.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                  Hey Lushy
                  You really feel free of hte obsession? Did you find that started with the CDs? In case you cant tell, I still havent dedicated my time to them...can you tell me, when do you listen to them, which ones and at what time of day?
                  Love you
                  Over 4 months AF :h



                    Oh Jen, how many times do I have to tell you to listen to them? I listened diligently for only about 10 days, every night, right before bed. I would fall asleep but that was okay. I listened to the first part of the first CD three nights in a row and then listened to the second part of the first CD, which is much shorter, for the next nights. I have not had a chance to listen to the others (one you can just listen to anytime during the day, it is just ocean sounds). All I can say is that the week before starting them I was really having trouble moderating, not wanting to have an AF day, etc., and then after listening to them something just changed. Try them!! Would be anxious to hear how they work for you.....I plan on listening to them here again next week when I am on vacation too.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                      I listen to them to when I go to bed and also noticed a huge difference. I listen to the Hypnotic one right now and Lushy is also the one who convinced me to try them. It works.
                      Good luck.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

