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    Mornin Muffins and Muffin Heads!
    Well, I'm feeling pretty good this morning, even though I almost sabatoged my commitment to being Abs during the week..I even called my husband to see if he would pick up some wine after work. He reminded me that he had his men's meeting and wouldn't be coming home...that was good. I just went to bed early and read a book. I dreamed about was pretty wild..I've been journaling my dreams for quite some time and they can get pretty interesting. I'm ready to do what I need to do to avoid a binge this weekend since I'm still on the rope about making any commitments to how I'm going to manage this. Last year when I joined MWO, it was important for me to enter into the program with a gentle and compassionate disposition because I can definitely, using someone else's words I heard recently...I can take on the project..and the drive can be as unhealthy for me as the binge I walk softly with this..the dream did show me that it was time to guard myself..take the supps, listen to the CDs (will do that this morning before I go to work) and plan something tonight..and if we have wine, to not buy enough to get drunk on. I also started using the drink counter last I feel like I'm in a pretty good place right now.

    I'm also looking forward to getting in my's time and the temps will be in the low 80s...nothing can heal me like working in the garden, if I can just get my arse out there.

    I also wanted to just say that I read these threads every day...I feel like a clutz when it comes to articulating some of the ideas I have and where I'm coming from...I think I just taint what I'm trying to say by trying to say it...maybe that is why I'm supposed to paint...words are not necessarily my medium...but what I wanted to say, is that I'm just so very struck with awe and admiration for the wisdom here, the love, the amazing ability to communicate that so many of you have. To read some thing that I read..well it's like looking at art..even if it's just one line of encouragement..doesn't matter. There is so much heart here. OK, I'm done. Just feeling grateful to know that I can come here...even if to just read.


    Me too Dianne, have a fun weekend. B



      I'm thinking of you, Betty Boop, today and praying for you and your daughter. If it were my kid, I'd get several opinions on the brain surgery thing. I'd make sure I had the best there was. Getting rid of epilepsy is certainly alluring, and amazing things are being done, but for something that radical, I'd look at what's available. If you can make sure it's the best, you might feel better about it, maybe even encouraged.



        Morning Dianne, Bella & Sophia, & all still to come.

        I'm feeling better about things this morning Sophia thanks, I have a bad head though from the Red wine!!!!! :upset:

        Love & hugs to everyone xx



          What on earth happened about stoatqueen? Occasionally, there is a big ruckus and someone threatens to leave, and I have no idea what happened. I know I should just forget it, but I have a voyeur's curiosity about conflict.



            fsophiah, she was playing on one of the word association games and Lucky and Fan were playing..the way I see it, Lucky was covertly being nasty..southernbelle made mention of it and stoatqueen thought it was directed at her..I'm sure mistakingly. I guess we all can continue to be reminded that there will always be some darkness coming through the threads..afterall, if someone is coming from a long period of alcohol abuse, there is usually some negativity in there, it is bound to come through. I just try to ignore it, not to feed it, or to respond to it...I've certainly had my feelings hurt, but I try not to take it personally and to understand that people are coming from some pretty scary places sometimes..some people are just waking up and others are shining light.



              Good morning muffins!!

              I am glad betty boop you are in a better place this morning! I just posted to you in general...Huge hugs!!! Hi sophia, bella, dilayne and all to come! I am up and ready to face the day. I have been taking the supps since sunday, cutting back on my drinking and gearing up to be AF this weekend. I am actually quite psyched! I am going to visit my sister and family in PA and I can't wait.

              I am feeling optomistic about this site, and will assume the negativity is there!! LOL...there is way too much wonderful support, advice and wisdom on here to get mired in the muck. Nothing is going to bring my positive mindset down today, so I hope my positive vibes are infectious!

              Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

              formerly known as bak310



                Morning Muffins!
                Long week, but I'm so glad it's Friday!
                Wish I had more time to post and tell you how much you mean to me and how highly I think of each and everyone of you.
                Happy Friday!



                  Good Morning Everybody!

                  Betty Boop - I am sorry to hear what you are going through! You are in my prayers.

                  MKR Mary - Congratulations on your son!!!!! WOW!!!! Of course, I'm not too surprised -- look at his Mom!!!!

                  PP - sorry about the altercation -- wow, that must be really difficult to have to deal someone off the beam!!

                  Hoping everyone is having a great day and wonderful plans for the weekend. Sorry I am not as attentive as usual -- its hard for me to read everything these days. I'm hoping things will settle down next week!!!

                  Saving the day one minute at a time!



                    Southernbelle did what???????
                    Di.....I don't know what you're talking about!
                    I have to go read now..

                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10



                      Morning everyone!
                      Dilayne, I thought "your" post was art! So there. I wish I could paint to save my life. I was just telling Beth that yesterday. I am going out today to buy (dont laugh) a "color by number" thingy at Michaels as one of my things to do at night to occupy myself during wine time! I have always loved coloring, but cant draw or do anything outside the help of lines drawn for me and they actually make those color by number things for adults now with beautiful colored pencils in about 40 different shades and very complicated picturesque scenes that take hours to finish. I cant wait! LOL!! (I'll have to keep my nine year old away from it).

                      Ahem. That being said, I have very mature things to do today such as laundry, and.... hmmmm cant remember what else. Oh yeah. Go to Michaels!

                      Have a great day weekend everyone and plan for some fun stuff to do to stay out of trouble!
                      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....



                        OK.....I'm back. Wasn't me!
                        Don't know why but as a wise man (Hubby) once said when one of our kids wrecked the car....."_ _ it just happends"

                        Going to have tonight and tomorrow with son and daughter-in-love.
                        I hope you will all enjoy this beautiful weekend and stay safe...Love yourself!

                        :l s and kisses to all!
                        Allie...I love to color! shhh! don't tell!

                        :h Nancy
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10



                          Southernbelle...Oh so sorry, my mistake. I meant to say Irishlady. I love you both, so I mixed you up! apologies again.



                            Allie, I think you can actually learn to paint by doing the paint by is a great way to learn how to juxtapose colors, which is one thing you learn in introduction to painting classes..and I think it's a great idea to occupy your can be quite, why not buy your nine year old a couple of simpler sets and you can do it together.

                            I miss my painting...I've taken a hiatus from it..which has been very good in many ways, I'm feeling the longing though..which actually feels good...maybe soon, maybe very soon...



                              I wish I could paint. I am the least creative person but, do appreciate the arts. Di, I have seen your web page and the Blue Dress is my absolute favorite! Paint by numbers actually sounds like a lot of fun Allie!

                              Another busy day here at the office but, I am treating myself today and going to the salon to pay way too much to get my hair cut! It's expensive but, it's the only place that I like.
                              I have a dinner tonight with friends and a gala fundraiser tomorrow night. The fundraiser is for a school for autistic children where my nephew attends. The tuition is very high and this fundraiser is to help those families that cannot afford it.

                              Betty Boop, Gypsi, Katie, Happy Camper you are all in my thoughts and prayers for your ongoing family issues.....
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

