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    Thanks PP..I just gave the Blue Dress to my sister for her birthday (I surprised her)..she has always wanted it and since I can't seem to sell a painting to save my life :0) i decided to let it go..she actually made the dress..she does beautiful smocking and is a master seamstress when she isn't working at the bank :0)



      Good Morning (or Good Afternoon) You Beautiful Muffins,

      I don't have time to say hi to everyone. must be the strongest woman I know. Keep the faith.
      dilayne -- I hear you. Yesterday I took the Gaba as an experiment mid-day. I think it may have helped the 4PM craving. Today I am going to take a large dose of kudzu later in the afternoon & observe the craving. Also CDs tonight as hubby going to a church thing meeting.

      I am unemployed right now & scared witless about that, but not that is good. Is scared better than depression?. I think so.



        Hi again all,

        Just wanted to post some pics of Kerrie when she had the op done last year so that you know who you are sending your thoughts and prayers to xx

        2 hours after op

        The day after

        Thanks again everyone, must thank my friend winey for helping me find you all xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/212580=817-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/212580=818-attachment.jpg[/img]



          Hi all,

          You are all in my thoughts. :groupluv:

          Mary, Big congrats on your son's achievement. That is superb.

          Betty, Kerrie is so beautiful. Children with illnesses always seem to be such wonderful, caring people in my experience.

          Love to you all as always.
          Enough is enough



            Thanks for sharing Paula. Kerri is in my prayers.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



              Getting such a late start today but wanted to come in and wish everyone a nice weekend.

              And I do believe it is Laura's birthday today!!!! Happy birthday Frmca!!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                You are astute. Yes, I changed my name from Lush to Lushy. Sounds more positive and fun to me, and since Jenneh always calls me that if I can just get her to spell it correctly.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                  I have my radio show in a half hour, so why am I here!!???!!! Needed a little pick-me-up! I don't know how I got so lucky to meet all of you. Kerrie is BEAUTIFUL, and really thank you for sharing, Betty. We have put her on several prayer chains.

                  Mike and "Lushy" thanks for making me chuckle. Don't get to do too much of that these days.

                  MKR, Mary and Beaches -- thanks for your support. It really made a big difference for me.

                  Well, I better go and get ready for the show or my bad may get worse!!!

                  Love to all,
                  Saving the day one minute at a time!



                    betty --what a beautiful, beautiful girl. I missed soemthing--didyou decide to go ahead with the 2nd operation?

                    fan -- I really like that Fri afternooon reminder. thank you -- can you do it again next week?



                      Chrysallis, I think that we will depending on the results of the MRI scan, I feel that we heve to give the chance of a life without seizures.

                      Thanks for all of your lovely comments, I think that she's gorgeous but then i'm a little biased.

                      Love & hugs to you all.

                      Happy Birthday Laura :bday7:

                      Paula xx



                        Happy birthday Laura

                        Welcome to our new girl : Luschy
                        Enough is enough



                          Happy Birthday Laura!
                          Nice to see ya Fan!!! I was just gonna email you!
                          Lushy - fine I will cave and spell it that way, and I must say I am flattered that I at least partially inspired the name change
                          Happy Friday all!'
                          Love you all
                          Over 4 months AF :h



                            Happy Friday & :l s to All!
                            I've missed everyone here so much, just haven't felt like I had much to offer lately.
                            But look out 'cause I'm BACK!

                            Happy B-day Laura!:danthin:

                            Betty, sending you prayers & hugs. I know what it's like to worry about seizures, I've had my share of em. Thankfully, as long as I take my meds I'm ok, but I have to take em every day. There's always a question in the back of my mind if I get stressed or overdue it.. if I'm gonna wake up on the floor with horrified faces looking at me.

                            For today, I'm feeling good & strong again. Back in the saddle! I'm off for a bike ride up along the river, the Osprey's are returning, & flowers are blooming!
                            Kinda nervous about my first night back to work after my "dissapearing act". Thankfully they've been very understanding.
                            I think if anyone asks where I've been, I'll tell em I had to go to the Proctologist to find my head!

                            Love you all.

                            Peace & Hugs to ALL!
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                              Glad to hear you sounding happier Judie.......
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                                Great to see you back Judie.

                                Reckon that Proctologist gets real busy at times ...

