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Satisfactory Saturday

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    Satisfactory Saturday

    Betty I can relate to that because my twins were born at 27 weeks and they were struggling for life everyday. I wasn't even allowed to touch them for a week. I just remember all the tubes and life support and being in a daze. I couldn't believe it was happening. Then I remember coming to terms with it and saying to myself that I had to be strong for them and damned with my own self. I couldn't let them see me weak because they would feed off of that. That was such a turning point for me.

    I think that you are such a strong person and Kerri knows that. She is precisous and you are a great mom.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Satisfactory Saturday

      Beaches, you are a special mum too, It's really true what Mary says about special needs children having special parents.

      Thes last few days i've actually been grateful to have a drink problem because without it I wouldn't have fabulous friends all over the world.

      I am soooo happy to have you all in my life xx

      Paula xx


        Satisfactory Saturday

        Hello to all the muffins!

        BB so glad you are feling better about the situation

        Di, about the moderating, I also think is is important to think about how far apart you are drinking those glasses.

        Yesterday I had as glass of wine while they did my hair, then one glass while out to dinner and while everyone had dessert, I had an after dinner drink of Sambuca with coffe beans (I love those after a good meal) . Anyway, I had three large glasses total yesterday but, they were spread out. Dinner with friends took 2 & 1/2 hours. To me, this is successful moderation.

        Tonight, I have the fundraiser for a school for autistic children that my nephrew attends and although I will drink once there, I will not drink while getting ready. This was something I used to do. Anyway, pacing yourself and giving your body time to motabolize the alcohol is also a factor.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Satisfactory Saturday

          Sambuca with coffee beans. Wow, PP, you are so sophisticated.

          MKR, you are so right. Crazy or brilliant. Probably crazy.

          I just got back from "Princesses on Ice." This is something I have managed to miss until I became the grandmother of a girl. Her excitement brought tears to my eyes. 2 years for MWO. Congratulations to RJ! Think of all the good she's done in 2 short years.

