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Muffin Monday (26th March)

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    Muffin Monday (26th March)

    Morning all Muffins of all shapes and sizes!

    Haven't been around a while I'm afraid - seem to have been caining it instead. Not happy about that or proud. Have been getting into trouble with the wrong boys and have come here to hang my head in shame. But I also need to look to the future and NOT DO IT AGAIN!!

    Time to take responsibility for myself.

    There, has that worked?

    No, not yet - but maybe just writing it down helps.....

    How did I go from abbing for a month to this?

    Every Monday I say that I'm going to Ab during the week and then don't - it's getting me down.... Just need to bite the bullet and do something about it ................

    Positive thoughts only!

    Hi and hugs to all to come.....

    I x
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Muffin Monday (26th March)

    Hi Ilex and all still to come,

    I - Can you feel those positive vibes travelling down the country to you .....

    Hang on in there,

    Love Paula xx


      Muffin Monday (26th March)

      Good morning Ilex and Paula and all to come,
      Ilex I'm sending you good vibes over the pond. I know how frustrating it can be to do so well then get on a bad stretch for awhile. It does sound like you are ready for a change and that's what it takes. Do you take any of the supp's? Kudzu works great for me. Hope you have a great week.

      How are you doing today Paula? Hope all is well!

      Back to work and back to normalcy...whatever that is Overdid it this weekend with drinking but not as bad as I used too. Didn't wake up feeling horrid and I still had memories of the night before but I know that my behavior was different. I hate that. Just another reason to work harder on weekends to keep a tighter handle on myself.

      Hope you all have a great Monday!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Muffin Monday (26th March)

        Hi Ilex and Betty boop, Ilex, this is just a blip, Keep focused on what you want and you will get there. More Positive vibes coming across the country to you and BB and all the rest to follow. Love Bella xx


          Muffin Monday (26th March)

          We typed at the same time Beaches, hi to you!


            Muffin Monday (26th March)

            Mornin' everyone!
            I had a pretty good weekend..I drank too much on Friday, but started the supps and really can tell how effective they are. Last time I took them, I was taking topamax, so I don't think I could really tell how they worked, but I'm feeling pretty stable right now..that's good.

            Ilex, I know how you feel. I was Abs for almost 5 months and am having to address the same thing. I guess I went nuts for a few weeks after getting some stressful news..not a big deal, but enough to throw me off kilter, and I'm just now getting my groove back.

            I just posted the following on the 'Ugh..' thread posted by Doo...I thought it was appropriate to post here..if nothing else, because it's what I'm thinking about..maybe it will be helpful to you too.

            Mornin' Doo...(((hugs)))
            Most people that know me on this board know that my spiritual interest run deep and are influenced by psychology..Carl Jung talks of the shadow, the unacknowledged parts of ourselves..which can be negative or positive. What I've learned in my studies is that 'owning our shadow' is an important part of individuation, which just means, becoming whole..we (all human beings) spend their lifetime on that journey and our faith (whichever brand we subscribe to) can be a big part of it. Long story long, is that it is not uncommon, when we do something really good (your retreat), or are being really 'good', that the shadow will exert itself to seek balance. Think sun and moon, the opposites...I always thought that was interesting. I've read that we can 'manage the opposites' by acknowledging them. One way would be going out and doing something that will help balance your state.. For example..if somebody is the 'perfect' wife, mom and employee..ALL of the freakin time, it would be very healthy for her to do something totally wild and crazy from time to time..have a night out with the girls, go to a bad movie, etc. etc. The same holds true for someone who lives a highly negative charged it working in an emergency room or police station...going to mass, taking a walk or anything positive, quiet and nurturing would help balance their energies. My point (and a reminder to me) is that if I can remember this, maybe the urge to over do the drinking won't overtake me..if I give myself permission in more healthy ways to balance my energies..then I'll generally be more centered. As I've grown older, I've loved accepting the fact that I don't always have to be the 'good' girl...what pressure!!! I very much enjoy being the bad girl in a good way, if given the chance...maybe you should visit Lushy's, 'how to be a bitch' could be a very zen thing to do. :0) Sorry it took so long to write this, but your post really got me to thinking about it.

            Have a good day everyone. Be gentle with yourselves.


              Muffin Monday (26th March)

              btw - I'm not doing the topamax right now and my moderation goal is to drink only on Friday and Saturday, if I want to, and no more than 4 drinks during a reasonable period of time.


                Muffin Monday (26th March)

                Morning everyone...

                D, a bad movie? That cracks me up for some reason. Why dont you give us some suggestions... lol.:H

                I did really well over the weekend moderating. Taking all the supplements by the "book" really is helping much more than I was expecting with the urges to drink, and then when I do drink, it really does curb the amount. I also think it is the combination, not just "one" thing. I got my "Kudzu Rescue" on Saturday that I ordered from this site. I had been using another brand prior that I had ordered from "Viable Herbal Solutions" which make your herbal supplements fresh to order. But when I read up on this site about the Kudzu sold here, I was shocked to learn that every other brand tested; even the "fresh to order" brands had less than 1% of the active properties in Kudzu that are proven effective in the clinical trials to curb your drinking! I have felt since I started this program that Kudzu really never worked for me -- never noticed anything one way or the other, so because of that, I never took any of the supplements very seriously. But I took one of the "Kudzu Rescue" as soon as I got it about 2:30 p.m. Saturday, and BOY what a difference! I really noticed it cut WAY back on my desire to drink. Unfortunately, it also left me with no appetite at all, so that was a little strange. I mean I had no appetite for anything the rest of the day. I did eat a salad regardless and I had two margaritas, but it lasted me a long time and for a Saturday night, that was pretty darn good. I woke up early and refreshed this morning, so I am all pumped about jumping in for week number two! I bought another can of ALL ONE yesterday, so I have everything now and also the Topa.

                I am noticing a little "Topa Dopa" here at 50 mg which is not too bad, but find myself doing stupid things. The biggest being last night when I went to do the dishes, I normally wear rubber gloves because I have acrylic nails. So as I started to wash the dishes I was finding it really tricky to rinse the glasses and my husband promptly asked me why I was wearing "oven mitts" to wash the dishes..... I knew something wasnt right, but just couldnt quite put my finger on it! That's pretty pathetic, huh?

                Okay, off to get my exercise in. I'm being a religious about this... 20 minutes of exercise at least every day. Did anybody see the link to that workout website? It is really cool... I LOVE it. Download Fitness Videos @ Target Workouts

                Have a great day!
                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                  Muffin Monday (26th March)

                  Morning all!!! Allie, the Kudzu from here is great stuff, isn't it?

                  Ilex, sorry you are having a rough go. I hope things start looking up.

                  Di - agree with what you wrote. My job can be very stressful and negative and I need to keep learning to balance it with more positive things (not wine).

                  Betty, hope you are feeling okay and getting closer to an answer about your daughter and that you are okay with that decision. You have been in my thoughts a lot.

                  Bella, Beaches, and all of the rest of the crew have a great day!! Here is hoping we all have a week we can be proud of.

                  PP, you cracked me up with all of the things you bought your dog. Does the family like the name Flutter?
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Muffin Monday (26th March)

                    Morning All!

                    Great to see everyone trying towards a positive attitude!

                    BB, hope things are good with your daughter. You are an excellent Mom!

                    PP, a puppy wow! How fun!!

                    Ilex, hang in there, this is a process, tough sometimes but you can do it!!

                    Dilayne, always right on - Balance that is what it is all about! Playing with my great niece (9 months and nephew, 2 years old) on Saturday, I realized how much joy that brought to me and how whacked out the balance was in my life as it stands!

                    Beaches, you can do this too. Isn't the great thing about MWO is even if we overdo it is always with an eye for not putting ourselves in the very same place again. I was crying over your story about your twins. You have such strength!

                    Bella, what a positive spirit you bring to us! Thanks! We needed that!

                    Allie, I love the Kudzu here but never tried anyone else products on any of the supps. Oven mitts . . .LMAO!!

                    Lushy how are you today? did you have a great weekend?

                    Busy day again at work but will try to check in throughout the day.

                    Hugs and Love to all of you here and those to come later in the day!


                      Muffin Monday (26th March)

                      Allie..just use your imagination, I'm sure with yours, you can come up with some great suggestions...bad movie? one that you would love to see, but embarrassed to admit it. Dare to curse someone out (while they aren't listening). Dress tacky or whoreish, (only if you want to) and don't care what anyone thinks...Oh, Allie, I totally agree about the Kudzu Rescue...200% better than other brands!

                      anyone else have a suggestions on how to be 'bad' without hurting yourself or someone else?

                      MKR nice that you were able to spend some time with the grand neice and wonderful. Little ones can definitely put things in perspective. My husband and I are taking my 2 oldest grandsons (10 and 7) to Jekyll Island this weekend..we have so much fun!


                        Muffin Monday (26th March)

                        I have Flutter with me at work. He is sitting on my lap as I type. Will take pics of him this week and post them when I can figure out how to do that.

                        Allie...the oven mitts are too funny!!!

                        Ilex: hang in there...things will get better..come here and vent when you need to

                        Bad girl ........... have to give that some thought
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          Muffin Monday (26th March)

                          All my "Bad Girl" ideas have to do with sex and I can't post them ......

                          someone else is going to have to help out......
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Muffin Monday (26th March)

                            Please post husband would pay you as I seem to be out of ideas lately!!!LOL!

                            Does that sum up my weekend?
                            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                              Muffin Monday (26th March)

                              LOL Didit..............
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

