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Muffin Monday (26th March)

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    Muffin Monday (26th March)

    Hi Ya'll.
    Well now that the weekends over, I can relax! It was busy @ work with spring break going on, but it's nice to have some cash again.
    Yesterday was beautiful here. Hubby & I went Geo-cacheing on the beach. Found both caches we went after, kinda fun. They were both out on cliffs along the ocean, and it was so pretty out ... Bungee had fun too, of course...(he always does) Got some great pics, I'll try & post later.

    Welcome back Ilex. Hope you're feeling better soon. I'm just getting "myself" back as well, here recently.

    The whales are migrating by for the next few weeks, so I think I'll head for the beach again & hopefully spot some. Unfortunately, it's supposed to rain...but I don't think I'll melt. (not THAT sweet!)

    Anybody heard from Gypsi lately? I've been thinking of her.:h

    Hope everyone has a good Monday. (It's my Saturday! )

    :l Judie

    PS Hmmmm, Bad Girls ... Gee, I wouldn't know a THING about that...just ask my Hubby! LOL
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Muffin Monday (26th March)

      Still kickin'

      Hi all!
      Still here and still kickin, although just barely at this point. Last week was so stressful with the memorial service and the attitude from his kids. Thankfully, it's over now and perhaps I can begin to put a life together. First step - Mexico!! Still got the tickets that I bought for us last October, and they are non-refundable. Would be a shame to lose them, now wouldn't it?
      Considering the amount of stress I've been under the last year, I'm rather surprised at how little I've drank compared to what it has been in the past whenever life turns shitty. Sure, I allowed myself time to do whatever with the drinking, but it's now time to reign that in a bit, and I think I'm ok with that. I've got plans and goals which really helps. All to of you that were praying and thinking good thoughts for me -

      :h THANK YOU!! :h


        Muffin Monday (26th March)

        Gypsi, great to hear from you! Hope you have a wonderful time in Mexico and look forward to you being here more frequently!


          Muffin Monday (26th March)

          Hi all,

          Thank you for all the kind Happy Birthday wishes. I turned the big 40 on Friday. We spent the weekend renting a house up the Northern California coast. It was beautiful. They boys were with us and we had a great time.
          Something pretty funny did happen to me last week. I was in a department store buying some new pretty undergarments and the sales girl asked me if I wanted to use my 55 and older discount card. It?s a good thing I have a sense of humor or that girl would be hamburger about now. :H

          This is all I can do for now. I?m feeling a little toxic from the weekend, but that will pass. Talk at you later.

          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


            Muffin Monday (26th March)

            Gypsi have a wonderful time in Mexico...enjoy yourself and the beautiful waters! I am so glad you checked in.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Muffin Monday (26th March)

              Gypsi, Mexico sounds just perfect! Are you going solo or with a friend? Hope you have a great time....
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Muffin Monday (26th March)

                Gypsi dear, the warmth of the water and the sunshine will be quite healing. You deserve a rest. We are so glad to have you back and find your strength awe inspiring.

                Laura, the big 40! Pretty cool! glad you had a good time.

                PP, how is the puppy today?


                  Muffin Monday (26th March)

                  Ohh Gypsi! It's so good to see ya!:h
                  I'm so glad you're going to Mexico, I think that'll be wonderful for you.
                  Stop by Oregon on your way home! I have something for ya...
                  :l Judie
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Muffin Monday (26th March)

                    It is so good to think of Gypsi in Mexico, maybe pulling herself together finally. Dilayne, I was in analysis with a Jungian for 5 years. We need to talk. One of the things that this program has done for me is draw me back into that realm. What you say about the shadow is something I have in my mind all the time. The idea of balance is something we all need to work on. I also envy you, Judie, being able to see whales on a walk! I'd like to visit the Northwest sometime in the next year. Of course, my son N's girlfriend is going to be here next week, and that could change things in the travel dept. Please tell me I'm not a fool for doing this. Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy.

                    She is Korean. They met in Japan. She is doing an intensive language program here, and the two of them sort of decided that she could do it in Dallas and live in our house...for a year..N is still in Osaka...and she has no form of transportation other than us. I have very porous boundaries, I guess.


                      Muffin Monday (26th March)

                      HI Fsophiah,
                      Maybe you can think of your son's girlfriend as an exchange could be very fun. You may need to be clear on the groundrules though. My daughter came back to live with me (with her 4 children and $#%& husband) and it's a good thing we talked long and hard about the 'terms' was hard enough for that year, but it probably would've killed me if we hadn't established how things had to be..of course, it's my daughter..and of course we have our mother/daughter thing, but hopefully the young woman can be of help to you and pay her way, so to speak, so that if anything goes wrong with the couple, then she still has her terms.. and yes, anytime you want to discuss Jung, I'd be glad to. It really has been the glue for me..between my spirituality and my life..

