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Tantalising Tuesday

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    Tantalising Tuesday

    Good morning all Muffins - back again posting but not really paying anything other than lip service to modding. It feels like there needs to be a shift in my attitude, a switch turning in my brain or something......

    Basically, bumbling along - sometimes it's too easy just to keep going straight ahead and not turn any corners

    Hope you all have a great day!

    I xx
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Tantalising Tuesday

    Good morning Ilex and everyone to come,

    Ilex when you feel up to it, tell us more and maybe we can help give some ideas or suggestions. I hope you get back on track soon.

    Okay I think I may have had a revelation. Over the weekend I didn't listen to the meditation CD's from Fri-Sun and had a bad weekend and also had raging PMS. Those together are not a good combination. Started back listening to the CD's and my whole mindset was different when I woke up. It was strange. I even had nice dreams. Even though I am sleeping something must be getting through to my brain because I really do feel better and am more motivated and in a better sense of being when I listen to those CD's.

    Hope you all have a great day. Take Care and HUGS.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Tantalising Tuesday

      Morning I & Beaches and all to come...

      I, sorry your not feeling good, as beaches said we are here if you need us..

      Beaches, I must get my cd's out again, I seem to be slipping a bit also...

      Love & Hugs to all

      Paula xx


        Tantalising Tuesday

        Good morning all
        Have been around but not posting much - just reading, etc. and considering where I want to be. Have been wondering (again) if I should be doing the mods thing or going AF. I havent decided yet...anyways, I am down to 100mg of topa again because my doctor refuses to give me a higher dose. So, I am finding the cravings are not as manageable as they used to be. But I am trying.
        Hope everyone is well. Love you all
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Tantalising Tuesday

          Good Morning All!!
          I'm missing not posting and sending best wishes to all of you, but it has been very busy here.
          Beaches--what CD do you have? The Mom's one? That's the one I have and listen to probably 2 minutes before I fall asleep.
          Ilex, that corner is sometimes hard to turn.
          Paula, thinking of you! XO
          Jen--I'm trying too!!
          Love you all!


            Tantalising Tuesday

            Hi SM-I am listening to the hypnotic one right now Yeah I get about 2 minutes in too but I swear I'm absorbing because I do feel so much better today.

            Hugs to all
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Tantalising Tuesday

              Tantalizing Tuesday? ...What should I Tantalize about???

              Greetings to all and wishing each has a successful day in your goals...
              Control the Mind


                Tantalising Tuesday

                Hi everyone! I also love the CD's. I am fond of the "clearing" as well as Hypnotic. I am so new I am still in the process of figuring out what is MOD for me. It also depends on what research you read. In the USA it says 1 glass of red wine (women) and 2 (men) per day but in Europe studies there show 5 glasses red wine per day are healthy. I think it may be a culture difference and how "wine" is incorporated into daily diet. It seems to be viewed differently there hence the mind shift. Anyway.....I am plugging along and happy where I am today.
                Hope you all have a great day!


                  Tantalising Tuesday

                  Good Morning to all!

                  Today is my one year anniversary at MWO. I am going to post this in long term moderation. I never told my story so that is in there too!

                  Ilex, Beaches, BB, Jen, SM Mary, Jules - all of you have mentioned the mindset, the CD's or med, I did write what I think has helped me the most:
                  The CD's were the biggie for me. I just had that switch click for me about 2 weeks into them.
                  Wanting sobriety helped. Looking at MODS as though I am really in ABS with the occasional evening of a drink or two is a good attitude for me.
                  Getting into an exercise routine at my bewitching hour helped change my habit.
                  Not having my favorite alcohol around the house really helps keep the demons at bay.
                  With this program in place I was able to stop smoking January 1st of this year! Other than these boards I have now thrown all addictions away!!
                  Getting up and feeling great, seeing the whites of my eyes so white and clear along with my skin being super healthy now - that helps too!

                  THE NUMBER ONE keep me on track item is this board. Coming here, hearing stories, receiving the constant love and support from you wonderful members, offering support, and being accountable on the drink tracker probably plays the biggest role in my success.


                  Just as Rocky has popped by to say he hopes everyone has a successful day on their goals!!!

                  That said, we are all still works in progress and sometimes falter along the way. The best thing is we have each other to help pick us back up and start anew with all the great tools here!

                  so many Thanks and much love to all my mods, my dear, dear friends!


                    Tantalising Tuesday

                    Morning all!

                    Beaches I have not listened to my CDs in about five days and I notice a big difference too. Thanks for the reminder to listen to them tonight.

                    Jen, hope you are okay. I miss you when you do not post.

                    Jules, nice to see you. I have a friend who is Polish and it is interesting to hear her views on how uptight Americans are when it comes to drinking. She thinks drinking 3-4 glasses daily is no big deal, but I have a feeling she does not obsess over wanting those glasses like most of us do so to her it is not different than having a piece of cake for dessert.

                    Betty, hope you are okay today.

                    Rocky, hope you find something to tantalize over today!

                    SM-Mary, Nice to see you around here stranger.

                    Hugs to all of the rest of you still to come today. Hope it is a good day for all!!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Tantalising Tuesday

                      Hmm Lusch I have a feeling you are right - I think the midset is the main thing - is it the 3 glasses of wine that is the main problem or the obsessing about it? For me, its the obsessing about it. I hate that.
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Tantalising Tuesday

                        Mornin' ya'll!
                        Looking like more rain here today... Geez, you'd think I was in Oregon or something!
                        I did get to see a few whale spouts yesterday @ the beach. Then when I started home there was a big rainbow across the the river, right behind the Rogue River bridge... it was really pretty.
                        Azalias are starting to bloom too!
                        Listening to the subliminal CD right now, I usually put it on first thing in the AM, while I'm waking up & checking in.
                        I got some sugar free lifesavers(creamy & sour), they don't go well with beer, so after I have a couple of beers I pop one of those in my mouth. Seems to help slow me down on my days off. That & keeping myself busy... Whatever works!

                        Congratulations again Mary! 1 Year :goodjob: You've helped me sooo much...
                        Hope everyone has a great day.
                        :l Judie
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Tantalising Tuesday

                          Speakin of thread killing...
                          No more posts since 9:43 this AM.... Hmmmm
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Tantalising Tuesday

                            That's because you're a thread killer Jude
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              Tantalising Tuesday

                              Hey Fan, Good to see you around today. I am getting dizzy on that avatar!

                              Judie, everywhere I went this afternoon you had smileys and what not waiting for me!! Thanks!

                              Jen, obsessing just really upsets me too. That is why I do best keeping my favorites out of the house. When they are there, they call, and I obsess. You will do well no matter which way you decide to go. I have faith in you!

                              PP, how can you be mellow this time of night? What's your secret?

                              Now I really do have to get back to my clients or they will be thinking I am ignoring them.

