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Just getting started

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    Just getting started

    :new: Starting my baby steps here to make some changes in my life. Was wondering what helped you all the most - has anyone tried this without the prescriptions? I have tried many of those previously and could not get out of bed they made me feel so bad. Don't have the $$$ to get the whole program just yet - but working on it. Where is the best place to start. I would be thrilled if I get from 7-9 drinks a day to 3 for now!! I do have the book - thanks for your answers and support in advance.

    Just getting started

    Hi and welcome Cjam. Many of us are doing this without the prescription meds. I think the supplements are a real good start, and the kudzu is excellent at curbing the cravings. And coming around here for support is a big help as well. :welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Just getting started

      Amen to what Lushy said.

      And drink lots of water.

      Stay busy.

      Do something nice for yourself.

      And for someone else.

      :welcome: to MWO
      :l Nancy.
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Just getting started

        :welcome: Cjam!
        I also like the Kudzu, but I think I use the L-glut even more often(well every morning & sometimes @ night if I'm going out...)
        I swear my kitchen cupboard looks like a pharmacy!
        I also take milk thistle, Vitamineral Green, sellinium, biotin,Coq 10, B compx, (to name a few of my supps)

        I just recently quit the topa (after a year on it), due to thinning hair.:upset:

        Seem to be doing OK without it though.:fingers:

        Welcome again, & looking forward to chattin!
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Just getting started

          Kudzu, LGlut and the CD's seem to be working great for me right now. Welcome to mods and I wish you the best. Glad to see you here.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Just getting started

            Cjam..welcome! A couple of things really helped me when I got started. First was making a commitment to myself to go 'by the book', initially, as much as I could for 35 days like RJ prescribes..that meant 30days abstinence. I did and I think it got me off to a good start. I've slipped and slid, but overall I feel like I'm succesfully following the program, including having almost 5 months of Abstinence and some good time in modertion. I'm not taking the topamax now, but have resumed taking the supps...if you can only do a few of them, I would say start with the L-glutamine, the GABA and definitely the Kudzu Rescue..which is much better than what you'll find in other places..drink lots of water, get some exercise and find some relaxation technique..anything to tame the mental chatter.
            Good are going to do great!

