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Wishful Wednesday

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    Wishful Wednesday

    Good Morning all Muffins!

    It's very early here in the UK but I thought it appropriate to start a thread as I wanted a mood thingy and a pencil under my name; but am unsure how to find them or indeed if I qualify - where are they? I am wishing that I might have one too some day......

    Anyway - happy Wednesday to us all - hope it is filled with love, peace and hopefullness!!

    Love to all to come!

    I xx
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Wishful Wednesday

    Morning Ilex and all to come,

    I, you get those things if you subscribe, it's well worth it.

    How is everyone? I am good thanks, should be working so i'll be back later.

    Love to all

    Paula xx


      Wishful Wednesday

      How do you edit your "member" signature? I've been looking for that, and I can't find it. So today is the anniversary of the creation of the gift of our lives. Wish there was a special way to thank RJ. I'll join the subscription service later on today.


        Wishful Wednesday

        Sophia, Click on user cp at the top of the page, and edit signature is at the top left side of the page xx


          Wishful Wednesday

          Hi modsters -

          I fell off the face of the Earth. Ok....not really. I have been ill and confined to my bed to do nothing. Evidently burning the candle at both ends and being overburdened with stress are not good things. I had a nagging cold or sinus infection (so I thought) but it was really walking pnemonia. Nice......So I was in hospital for a two days getting fluids - evidently I was quite dehydrated too. I hadn't had a lot of wine over the past few weeks because I just didn't have time. Now I haven't had it because I am just too tired! Anyway, just starting to finally feel like myself.

          I've missed so much here and I have no idea whats going on with everyone, there is just so much to read, and I am just trying to stay calm and not feel like I need to read it all. So please, bear with my ignorance. I do hope everyone is doing well and I will be better about reading and participating now that I am on the mend.

          I've learned from this latest episode that you really have to take care of you first and then help others. Can't help others if you are not ok. So I'm going to try.


            Wishful Wednesday

            I have been doing so well with the program but, today I have triggers coming out of my ears. One son has to be picked up from scshool with a fever, the other son's teacher just called me saying he has lost an entire project packet and must make it up and has not been doing his homework, I work an hour from home and have a big meeting in a few minutes, 2 interviews did not show up, I am behaind in paperwork, one employee must leave town immediately because her father has throat cancer, I have no idea how I am going to get one son to CCD today because another housekeeper takes him and she was fired, hubby is out of town and puppy needs to go to the vetr today....AHHHHHHHH.

            If I survive today I know I am going to want to be "rewarded".........please help!!!!
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Wishful Wednesday

              Precious................yes you are....

              Take a deep breath.....or ten...

              Let you thoughts go to the most important thing...

              Do that one thing....

              I love you.
              "Be still....and know that I am God."
              Ps. 45:10
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Wishful Wednesday

                PP- make sure ya take a minute or 2 for some puppy kisses from Flutter....that should cure just about anything

                Hawk- glad to hear you're on the mend. We missed ya.:h

                Well it's clear & cold here...But the sun's shining! Think I'll head up to the Cape & do some whale watching, after it warms up a bit. (That's where my avatar pic is from, kinda hard to tell ...but that's the Pacific behind me, about 2000 ft below)

                It's nice being up kinda early on my day off... I'm picking up an extra shift @ work this week, so I'll have to squeeze 2 of my days off into today!
                If I don't get stuck here in "puter land"... all day, I'll be OK!

                Love & hugs to ALL!
                :l Judie
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Wishful Wednesday


                  Hawk, I sent you a PM. Sorry for your health issues. Hope you are on the mend.

                  PP - Take one thing at a time. You will get through it. It does sound overwhelming but you can do it.

                  Busy day for me since I, yet again, spent much too much time on the boards yesterday. Was caught up with changing my mood every five minutes! I honestly do not know what I will do when I go on vacation in a couple of weeks for a whole week without internet access.

                  Have a great day all!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Wishful Wednesday

                    Hi all!! I haven't posted in a couple of days...

                    Hawk! Wow...I hope you are feeling better. It is so important to take care of ourselves!

                    PP..I am sorry you have SO much on your plate today...BREATHE...and take it one task at a will get done....I don't know how we do it with work and little kids, and furry little kids as well!!

                    I am having a good week. Back from seeing my sister, brother-in-law and nieces over the weekend. It was great, but, as many of you know, my one niece is pretty sick with cancer (20 years old). I haven't seen her for awhile, and she looks....well...sick with cancer. Other than no hair, she hasn't looked that way before. Skinny, pale....yuk. The other niece was Cinderella in local theatre and I got to see her perform (18 years old)...She was wonderful. I kept thinking how hard it must be on the two the beautiful princess center stage, the other the "sick sister". Well...(sigh) It was wonderful to spend the time with them.

                    Anyway, weather is just amazing...wish I could go to the beach but the good news is my business is really picking up. I have calls for testing kids coming in right and left (yea!!) so I am getting very busy!!

                    I am sticking with the supps, which I started last week, and you know what? I think it helps. I especially find that the 4:30 supps seem to really effect me positively. I don't know what exactly is in there than helps so much...the L-glut maybe? but about 45 mins after I take it I get this amazing calming effect...really nice, and really helps curb the need to drink at that witching hour.

                    Well, hope you all are having a decent "hump" day...

                    formerly known as bak310


                      Wishful Wednesday

                      Hey everyone....
                      I'm with you Beth! The supps are really helping. However, I deliberately chose to be somewhat bad the last two nights because my husband had four guys in from out of state to train them (sales) this week, which means company dinners at night with lots of wine...

                      They actually came to the house yesterday to do a lot of paperwork stuff and walked in around 2:00 with a case of beer and went out by the pool to "work"... LOL. I asked the guys, "are you even going to remember what you are learnng??" They said they would take good notes..

                      But anyway, we all went out to dinner last night and they were a fun group and we laughed too much (is that possible?) and drank too much, but I'm ready to shake it off and get back on track. The program works so good when you follow it!

                      Sorry you have been sick Hawk... but glad you are on the mend! PP... I know those triggers, especially with sick kids. The school nurse called me this morning at 8:30 and told me my daughter has SHINGLES. Holy cow. We knew she had a rash cropping up for about three days and we were putting Cortisone cream on it, but it was starting to get painful and I was calling the doctor today to make an appt, but I had NO idea it was that. She has been so stressed out since the car accident last week, not to mention she is a study queen and hard on herself all the time anyway. I guess the stress has gotten the best of her.

                      Over the hump..
                      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                        Wishful Wednesday

                        Hi again all,

                        Hawk, Beth & Allie, lovely to see you back ...

                        pp ..... Sending some of the hugs back to you that you loaned me last week when i needed them ....

                        Love you all, Paula xx


                          Wishful Wednesday

                          Hawk...sending you get better vibes and a big fat I told you so...because I told you so! It's hard to find a balance, but, sounds like we need to strive a little harder...more rest my dear!!

                          Thank you everybody for your support. I was a woman on a mission after I posted. Meeting went extremely well, and I proceded to put out as many fires as humanly possible. Now, I am having a fat free chili for lunch (comfort food that's good for you) and listening to my classical music on internet radio.

                          What is left on my plate is managable ......and no more red bulls....only GABA and Kudzu!!
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Wishful Wednesday

                            PS and thank you Fan for using the words "sloshed"..I cringed when I read that...not too Rachele's motto "drunk is ugly"

                            PSS thanks for the hugs betty..needed them
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              Wishful Wednesday

                              hey everybody..just a flyby..could be doing better..I've kind of had the 'I don't give a damn' attitude this week and getting ready to go to Jekyll Island this weekend so thinking, 'wtf'...not as worried about the A as the food...I've been eating everything in site! The vacation will be good..I'll get some exercise and be able to breathe.....

                              Hawk ((((healing vibes, dear))))

