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Wishful Wednesday

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    Wishful Wednesday

    Hi everyone!
    Hawk, hope you are feeling better soon. Walking pneumonia, that's scary.

    PP sorry I didn't get here sooner to offer some calming words Glad it worked out and became more manageable. How I can relate to that chaos.

    Lushy you are going on vacation? Somewhere fun and relaxing I hope.

    Judie Whale watching sounds like a very calming activity.

    Beth I am sending good vibes to you and your neice. I am glad you got to see Cinderella though.

    I went to my son's school meeting this morning to find out that the kindergarten teachers had been there yesterday. The ST (the one for next year) said to the teachers that she thought that they shipped those kids out now. Meaning "those kids" who have autism. As you can imagine that has not set well with me today. My god he's only a 5 year old little boy not a monster and doesn't this teacher work with special ed kids? The teachers were open about learning how to work with my son and need a lot of training because have never working with a child who has autism so it looks like I will be embarking on quite another big journey myself here. I have to start learning about special ed regulations and all that stuff. I need about 10 more hours in my day.

    To all the rest that come hope you have a wonderful day !!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Wishful Wednesday

      Aw Beaches, that really got me mad for you. What a horrible thing for them to say. I have a friend who essentially had to spearhead a whole new program for her developmentally delayed son because the school could not quite figure out how to handle it all. It took a lot of work on her part but she did it, and now this school is known for their special ed program. I hope you can find someone within this school who can handle this. It sounds like you have more than enough on your plate as it is. Sending you hugs!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Wishful Wednesday

        Thanks Fan. I just need to find a way to get these teachers to see what a great kid he is too because I just feel sick about this today. Ugh. This too shall pass because I always come up with a plan and I will make it right. There is another meeting in April. I will have my ducks in a row by then.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Wishful Wednesday

          Thanks Lushy.....I appreciate the support Much love!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Wishful Wednesday

            I may just do that! You memorized it all. So is it different by states or the same overall?
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Wishful Wednesday

              Beaches, that was just awful. I know our children do not have the same problems, but I found working with a child psychologist be a life saver during this process. She was a great help to me. She listened and understood what it was like for me to go through all this, mostly on my own and she also provided letters and documentation about my child to the school district. That was a great help and really expedited getting his program setup. You know you can PM anytime.

              Hawk, so glad you are recovering and please take it easy.

              Did you notice the name change? I?m having fun with the new subscription service. I wish I had more time today. I forgot my son wanted a Lego?s Star Wars PS2 game for his birthday tomorrow. Need to make some calls and go shopping.

              Good day,
              Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                Wishful Wednesday

                Thanks Laura I have appreaciate all of your support in the past and may take you up on that offer too! A child psychologist...are they attached to the schools? I know nothing.

                Fan, I like key phrases. So should I keep my mouth shut about the speech therapists comment or call the chair person and let her know? I am debating about the reputation I may get this early in the game.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Wishful Wednesday


                  My heart goes out to you, I have heard comments made by 'professional adults' about Kerrie before and it really really hurts.

                  Fight for him love, you are a special mum xx

                  Sending some cyberhugs xx

                  Paula xx


                    Wishful Wednesday

                    Thanks Betty,

                    I appreciate the hugs and need them
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Wishful Wednesday

                      HI Beaches,
                      As a teacher I can say that this comment seems very unprofessional and is very disturbing. I hope you get satisfactory answers.

                      Love to all as always.
                      Enough is enough


                        Wishful Wednesday

                        Hi all,

                        Been on the run to meetings all day since 7 this AM.

                        Lushy, vacation????? WAAAAAHOOOOOOO!! Where are you guys going? How long will you be depriving us of your wit and wisdom? Only what are we going to do with out you???

                        Poor sweet PP, you will get through this. (My sons missed some of their CCD classes along the way and well, they are NOT heathens so maybe drop the extra curricular stuff off for the day!) Actually, it sounds like you have it pretty much under control!

                        Mike, awesome, supportive posts all day!! did I tell you we have missed you around here??!!! How have you been doing? Care to share?

                        Beaches, I am so sick for you. My MIL is retired but she ran the largest special ed school in NY. (they had like 140 different languages even.) I will PM you with her info. Many calming hugs!!

                        BB, how is your daughter and did I miss what the results of the tests? I see such strength in so many of you young moms here. It is so touching!!

                        Hawk, OMG, walking pneumonia is not good. Just this year, at the ripe old age of 52, I am learning to guard my sleep when I am starting to feel shivery with exhaustion. I wish I could have learned younger this most important lesson of ME first, then I CAN take care of others. They keeping you home for awhile? I hope you are catching up on your rest. Healing hugs coming your way!!

                        Ilex, glad you are here today. Sign on and you are qualified for that pencil thingy!

                        Sophia, when is DIL coming in? Hope it goes well.

                        Nancy, I just crack up every time I see Belle and think of Judie's Playboy Belle bunny!

                        Judie, I have seen the whale in St. Thomas but only twice late March. (Must have been the warm water breed????) that view looks too awesome! I will be over later . . .K?

                        Beth, I know that really hurts on your niece and how the sisters must be feeling. Really happy to hear your biz is picking up. Great news!!

                        Allie, shingles is also NOT a good thing, comes from the chicken pox family of illnesses. Make sure none of the liquid from the blisters gets in her eyes. I don't know where it is located. Glad the supps are working!

                        Dilayne, Mike is right, you DO give a damn, just take it moment to moment. You are not too far from where you were being AF . . . that felt pretty good right?

                        Hey Waves, How is it all going??

                        Lauralynn! very cute, senior status 2010!! Tee Hee! why I wrote yearling, b/c I am that but not senior . . . yet!

                        Just got back from a Women in Communications luncheon, because it is Women's history month, our speaker was "Madame Ovary," many bits of wisdom mixed into the laughter. Took my MIL who was crying she was laughing so hard. HAWK, guess what she said?

                        TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES FIRST!!!

                        Love you all,

                        PS: You ladies, not signing in and worrying the rest of us, you know who you are, Don't make me get Lushy after you and start writing all your names down!


                          Wishful Wednesday

                          MKR you are too much...can I adopt you as my mom?....
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Wishful Wednesday

                            I would love to adopt you as a daughter!! Deals on!! Glad your day worked out OK sweetie!!


                              Wishful Wednesday

                              Mornin' all,

                              Just a rushed note before I get back to work.

                              Too busy to address everyone by name but, HAWK, [I]so[I] glad to see you back. BEACHES, :l you child has benefits designated by law. Get her to a psychologist competent in the neuropsychological evaluation of children. If I were you, I would not have the school system choose the psychologist. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but . . .

                              My love to all. Work beckons.


