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Freewheeling Friday

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    Freewheeling Friday

    Morning Muffins - it's Friday thank goodness!

    Not much to say today - hope everyone has a great day and weekend!

    I x
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Freewheeling Friday

    Morning Ilex!
    Morning everyone to come!

    Off to the races today with work and an all day meeting for Early Intervention. I've been asked to join as a parent to bring more awareness to our region about these services. That was before our course I realized I have to bring more awareness to myself about autism It is Friday though. Hoping for a sunny weekend so we can be outside and let the kids run off some energy.

    Have a great day.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Freewheeling Friday

      Morning cupcakes, Ilex and Beaches hope you have a really great day. Hello to all to come today. Lets kick this weekend of with a big stretch and exhale. There I feel better.

      Orange is the new blue!!!


        Freewheeling Friday

        Hello everyone - first day of week and a half leave - really enjoying break.
        off for a snooze in a bit.
        I had my first hypno session today re confidence/self esteem issues - feel better already!
        expensive but am seeing it as an investment in me.
        feel like alcohol use is definitely under control now- lost 7 pounds on atkins and now back to low cal/gym way forward.
        thanks for all support on this forum, couldn't have done 28 days af without it.
        see you soon xx
        one day at a time


          Freewheeling Friday

          Happy Freaking Friday!!
          Am I allowed to say that?
          What a week!
          Beaches-good job getting on with the parent group! Your voice needs to be heard!
          I'm so glad it's the weekend.
          Love to all!


            Freewheeling Friday

            Sounds like everyone is off to a good start today. Keep it up pups! Let's have a great weekend!

            Love to all!


              Freewheeling Friday

              Happy Freaking, Freewheeling Friday Muffins!

              Kudzu 3,000 mgs a really helps!

              Love to all,
              :h :h :h :h


                Freewheeling Friday

                Ditto - what Rachele said. LOL!

                Hope you all have a great day and excellent weekend!

                Love you all,


                  Freewheeling Friday

                  Morning Ya'll!
                  And a Happy Freakin' Friday to you too!

                  Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day... it got up to 68* here....I'm SOOOO ready to get back on the river in my kayak! Have to get Hubby to help me get it down from the ceiling in the garage.

                  Still busy here with spring break going on... makes for great $$ & exercise @ work... Last night just wizzed by.

                  Been bike riding a lot...trying to get in shape for 3 weeks. I think my thighs are just getting bigger though. Oh well, they're strong.

                  Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend...
                  :l Judie
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Freewheeling Friday

                    Hi all
                    works do tonight so i am des ( designated driver)

                    Wonder why?

                    Love to all as always

                    Enough is enough


                      Freewheeling Friday

                      Hi All,

                      Wish I had checked in here sooner, It's so much easier then to keep up with everyone .... Hi to all as I would hate to miss anyone out ...

                      I'm really busy as it's our fundraiser tomorrow night, It's really strange this year because every other year the forfeits for games have always been drinking ones, I might not be popular this year cos they are things like tongue twisters, My favourite one is 'think of 10 things that you can stroke in public!. My post on general for ideas......

                      Lots of love & hugs to you all..



                        Freewheeling Friday

                        Good luck with Early Intervention Beaches...had to go through that with my ADHD son...did not agree with testing methods....

                        Anyway, Just a quick hello and good bye. Crazy busy today. I will be going to our vacation home in the Keys tomorrow for a week so, I won't be around much. I'll have computer access but, no privacy to actually use it :upset:

                        I will check in when I can though...if not I will surely go into some type of withdrawl!

                        I heard that Lush is sick so, feel better friend :getwell:

                        Need to go crack the whip with my staff now...:b&d:
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          Freewheeling Friday

                          OH LUSHY that is why you are so quiet. I want you to feel better RIGHT NOW. I miss you. From second Senior member in command to First Senior Member, those are my orders.
                          Thats all.
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Freewheeling Friday

                            Lushy- sending you healing vibes... Hope ya feel better soon. :flower: :dancin: inkele:
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Freewheeling Friday

                              Lushy awwwww I am so sorry - feel better fast!!

                              BB, you are looking too saucy and sexy there!!

                              LOL Judie on all the boots you have just like em!

                              Jen, what can I say Ya look gorgeous dahling!

                              Just got back from the Top 25 luncheon where some of my Mastermind sisters are top 25 biz owners in the state and then my girlfriend in the wheel chair/walker was getting the Phoenix award - some one who has overcome huge obstacles. I am proudly at her table, I nominated her for it. Anyway, as she made her way to the podium and the Phoenix award sponsor was telling her story our table stood up. She looked up from the podium the whole room 400+ people gave her a standing ovation. Our table was in tears every one of us just couldn't stop crying for her!

                              People can be so amazing in overcoming struggles and I think so many here deserve that Phoenix award!

                              I really do have to get some work done - bye for now!

