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April Savings Club

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    April Savings Club

    Hi all,

    Today is the beginning of a new month and time for reflection on goals and purpose. For me it is a chance to become re-determined. Positive thinking. I need some big incentive to re-focus so I am going to post all money saved during this month due to not drinking.

    Anyone care to join this savings club?

    Love Waves

    PS Thanks for all the lovely messages yesterday. My dog feels equally good today. Perhaps this is why I feel so inspired.

    Love to you all as always. :groupluv:
    Enough is enough

    April Savings Club

    great idea! I'll join. figured already saved $32 yesterday, did not make usual sat trip to packy. ( liquor stores closed here on sun). this site is really inspiring me


      April Savings Club

      Well, April is our most expensive month with property taxes and other house issues that having many AF days will be a neccessity. This last week I drank MUCH less than usual and had two AF days and now I know why there is still money in my checking account for groceries. Real scary how much we spend on something that in the end can make us so miserable. Thanks for the reminder Waves and the incentive!!!! $,$,$,$,$,$!!!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        April Savings Club

        Hi all. I set out a few days before Lent doing this Af stuff with hubby and friend and we agreed to send some money to charity....which we have all done.

        Scary how much we can spend on booze fags and other addictions isnt it??
        The owrst reminder is when i look in the recycling box and it was so heavy each week too.
        now not a wine bottle in it for last 6 weeks.

        Out with friends tonight that i havent seen since I went AF 6 weeks ago today...i have planned carefully, sorted out some nice clothes, perfume, etc and off to a live musice evening.

        hubby is still on board so feel strong that we wont drink tonight!..The scary bit is I,ve now done over the 40 days goal we originally set out on...

        i dont want to go back to feeling crap about my drinking habits so i will try and plod on...not sure where this journey will take me but hopefully not back to daily boozing!!



          April Savings Club

          Good idea you should include cigarettes for those who quit smoking, that is a huge savings.
          Or how about anyone who not eating junk food cause they are not so hung over that is all they could eat that day (that by the way describes me).

          I really like the idea


            April Savings Club

            Great idea Waves, funny how I/we can always find money for alcohol but make excuses for other things in life such as ... ooh I can't afford ?20 pm for this charity or that charity but ?20 a week doesn't even dent a hole in my alcohol spending! Crazy crazy. The wasy I am just now is that I can't afford to put away any drinking money as I couldn't afford to drink anyway (well the amount of drink anyway) so to have money in my purse at the end of the month for the necessities is still a bonus to me. However, the ideas is a great one so I will join in theoretically, I will count what I would have spent if I had the money....

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              April Savings Club

              I'm in and what a great idea. Need money for all the kids summer fun things and I don't want it all to go down my throat
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                April Savings Club

                ?10 already!:jumpin:
                Enough is enough


                  April Savings Club

                  On average I spent $18.95 every three days on vodka. 365 days per year divided by 3= 121.67 trips to the liquor store. Multiply this by $18.95 and that equals $2,305.65 in vodka alone. Maybe this year I'll take the family on a nice vacation. And maybe this year I'll remember that vacation without having to look at the photo album.
                  Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                    April Savings Club

                    I have drunk too much over the last 4 days. It feels like forever. So only ?16 pounds saved so far. :blush: uch: :boohoo:

                    And back to waking at 4:30.

                    When am I going to learn!

                    Ok rant over.
                    Enough is enough


                      April Savings Club

                      You are learning, Waves, or else you wouldn't have given it a thought otherwise. Tomorrow is a new day. Just start fresh with new resolve. And rant away...I always feel better after a rant (even if I'm only ranting to myself).



                        April Savings Club

                        I am really embarassed to say that I haven't saved anything though moderating is going extremely well. Even though I have gone from drinking a box of wine every other day (by myself) to sharing a bottle of red wine at cocktail hour with hubbie, the less I drink the more expensive the bottle of wine I buy!

                        I know I am a stupid egghead, but my philosophy is if I'm going from 12 hours of drinking to two-to-three (depending on cocktail time), then I want it to be special.

                        But, I'm in for support of the idea -- I think it is a great one!!!
                        Saving the day one minute at a time!


                          April Savings Club

                          I just found this thread and I hope it's not too late to jump on-board.

                          I will start using the drink tracker again today. I've been giving myself permission for too long to drink whenever I want.

                          This past weekend we found two beer cans in my oldest daughters room.

                          She said it was brought in the house by a friend when she had her slumber party last August and that she hid the beer in her room for a week before the party.

                          By the time they went to drink it it was warm and gross so they dumped it out. This isn't the first time she has had something to drink. I'm afraid I haven't been a very good role model and I really need to change that.

                          What's really sad is that I hadn't planned on discussing it with her last night (long story) but she wanted to talk about it. I had been drinking all afternoon and although I wasn't trashed, I shouldn't have had THAT conversation with her while under the influence.

                          This thread is just what I needed!

                          Love To All!
                          :h :h :h :h


                            April Savings Club

                            Waves, awesome post as always, you really come up with some interesting thoughts. I am sorry you overdid but today is a new day!!

                            Did It I am calculating the same way, somewhere around $40 per week on alcohol and $10 per week on cigarettes so at $50 = $2600 per year.

                            Here is the other HUGE savings, since I am not drinking hard liquor regularly I made a decision that it would be beer and wine not hard alcohol I set out for the three parties. I saved probably about $250 doing that plus if I went nuts on one of the bottles mid week, I would be replacing it . . .etc. etc.

                            Think of the suits, scarves, shoes, hand bags that could be bought with that money!!

                            XO, Mary


                              April Savings Club

                              I also have to think of it in terms of days I've missed at work... due to being too hung over, or too drunk to show up! Definately not a good thing! Not to mention the loss of "self-worth" that goes with all that!:upset:

                              Hopefully that's all in the past! This past year has been better than the past 10 combined!

                              :thanks: to RJ, this place & everyone here...
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

