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April Savings Club

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    April Savings Club

    I wait for that conversation one day Rachele and hopefully I will have this under control by then. Let's see they will be 5 in Sept. That better be enough time!

    OK tell me how you pronounce your name Rachel like from friends or Rachele like RA-Shell? I'm anal.

    Waves, I was sitting at a training and started figuring this all out. How much I would save. The amt of money I spent a week was ridiculous. I have fallen a bit but now with this post I will remind myself that I need to save money.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      April Savings Club

      Rachel like on friends
      My daughter is 14 and I just started this drinking too much business about 6 years ago!
      :h :h :h :h


        April Savings Club

        Ok now that we have that cleared up....Define your new name......

        I even looked it up in the dictionary now I want to know that I have the meaning right...did I mention I am anal?
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          April Savings Club

          Waves, you really got me thinking on this issue!! Even though I haven't saved money because I'm buying more expensive wines, I have saved GOBS of time and captured prescious moments that I would not have otherwise had.

          For example, Saturday night when we went to the laser tag range. I would never have done that before because by evening I was too weak from drinking. Yesterday, my son had off and we spent over an hour at the gym together with my husband who joined us. All of these wonderful family bonding moments would never have occurrred. And they're like a Master Card commercial -- priceless!!!

          LOL to all,
          Saving the day one minute at a time!


            April Savings Club

            Great idea, I don't think I'm in the black yet though.

            Although I'm saving say ?4- 5 a day on wine, I am spending loads online for the programme, the book, the CDs (bought both sets and one from Amazon), the supplements and of course being in the UK I have to get my Topa online too.

