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Sunday 1st April

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    Sunday 1st April

    It's good to see you. Two weeks is, I think, only the beginning, but we'll be here for you.


      Sunday 1st April

      Good afternoon ...
      Sounds like everyone is doing really well considering! Lushy - glad you are on the mend.

      Gypsi, you sound like you have such strength and fortitude to be taking on a positive outlook and ready to tackle the program as you are considering its been such a short time since your loss. You are amazing.

      Sophia, my daughter is a junior, so she will start doing her essays and applications this summer. She has a wonderful college advisor, and they have lots of "mini-seminars" with people from top college admissions that come and give them pointers and what the colleges are looking for, so she has a learned a lot from that, but sometimes its great to have someone who has the time to proofread them and give quick feedback. (which would not be me )

      Its a beautiful, beautiful day here! We went to lunch downtown on the river and today they do their annual "blessing of the fleet" ceremony which was really cool to watch. They raise all the draw bridges, and boats and yachts from all over Florida and the US come through. They drive their boats right past this "point" that sticks out in the river where they have priests that toss holy water on each boat as it goes by. Its a little "different" , but was certainly fun to watch. There were yachts from Chicago and all over the Great Lakes area that had boated down the Mississippi (I'm supposing) to be here. It was really beautiful. Judie, there was a whole line of kayakers that were in line inbetween these huge yachts, and the priests sprinkled each person in their individual kayaks as they went by... it was really cool, but kinda funny too. I thought about you. I really wanted a margarita so bad sitting out there, but refrained!

      We are officially "breaking" our pool in this afternoon.... my son just jumped in and I think he came out about as fast as he went in! The water is still too cold for me to get in... I need bathtub water!

      Hope everyone has a relaxing afternoon and evening. (without the help of booze of course).

      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


        Sunday 1st April

        Hi Gypsi, welcome back, big hugs to you from me and all - looking forward to getting to know you, when you are strong enough.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          Sunday 1st April

          Welcome back Gypsi, we love you and are here for you with open arms
          Love jen
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Sunday 1st April

            Welcome back!

