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Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

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    Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

    Morning All!

    Just checking in to say Hi. Nothing much to report - didn't AF yesterday but definitely modded, so trying not to beat myself up too much!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day - love to all to come....

    I xx
    Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened

    Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

    Good Morning Ilex, I was up all night with thunderstorms. Do not beat yourself up its just so self defeating esp. when we are trying to change things. Hope everyone gets a golden egg in there easter basket this sunday.

    Be back later, everyone I say HI!!!


      Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

      Hi Ilex - good for you for moderating! The AFs will come. Listen to Sammy - Keep at it.

      This is day 4 AF for me. I've planned out my day and my meals so I am hopeful that I will stay on track. I think I drank too much iced tea yesterday because I could not sleep last night at all. Now I am exhausted but still optimistic for a good day. Being aware that I am tired will is good so I am on guard for that trigger!

      Hope everyone has a super day and love to all who follow!!


        Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

        Morning all!! Ilex, moderating well is better than overdoing.

        Sammy, I love thunderstorms. Sounds like you have had quite the range of weather there.

        Hawk, good job!!! Yep, that caffeine can come back to bite you during the night when you want some sleep. They must make a decaf iced tea, don't they? I keep trying to find good decaf teas to have at night and my husband's coffee room at work keeps getting my rejects.

        Busy day again for me. We are going on vacation next week and hosting Easter Brunch/egg hunt here so I am running around like a crazy woman.

        Love to all of the muffs!!! Have a wonderful day!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

          Hello all..just a flyby here..feeling like crap..totally overdid it last night and must seriously reconsider using the topamax! grrrrrrrrrr


            Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

            New to MWO


            :new: not sure if I should have an assigned forum that I am supposed to be in or just throw myself out there? I'm new to forums and chat rooms as well. Not so new to over indulging in the sauce though. I'm at a place in my life where I just can't tolerate my binge drinking, then waking up and feeling so absolutely defeated. Then the conversations start in my head as to how am I going to quit and why I have to quit. From some of the posted conversations I have read on this site in various threads, I feel like I may have come to the right place for support and help in overcoming (what I call... my demons) I should clarify that I am not religous but am spiritual and lean toward budism and meditation.

            By the way what is AF stand for?

            Thanks Michele


              Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

              Hi Michele...welcome.
              AF is alcohol free.


                Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                Hi Michelle:
                AF stands for Alcohol Free. Some peole here try to attain an AF lifestyle while others try to attain MODs or being able to moderate their alcohol consumption. Whatever your goals, you will find tons of support and friends to help you along. Have you read the MWO book yet? It's a great place to start, and so is just reading everything you can on this website. So you are in Idaho? I am a stone's throw in Utah. Welcome to MWO!!!!
                Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                  Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                  When pondering on the vastness of the cosmos, please keep in mind that it goes even farther inward, from where you now sit, than outward.

                  Yeah, you're deep.

                  **** The Universe

                  Hey all,

                  Feels weird not getting the opportunity to check in here. I miss you when I can't!

                  I was a panelist yesterday for a marketing seminar. It went very well, but prep time this weekend and time out of the office yesterday has left me wayyyyyyy behind.

                  All of you getting over those flu bugs - glad to hear it!!
                  those catching them, I am so sorry, rest and hydrate. (Dr. MOM says so!)

                  Those doing well and even what you think is just OK on your plans that is wonderful! Keep going!!
                  Those not doing so well and frustrated please remember that it took us all a long time to get to this point and traveling past it to the best of health is a process! I KNOW if you really want this, MWO is here with all the tools and support to help you along the path.

                  I was giggling at some of the weekend party posts but will have to go there some other time. thanks for the laughs though!!

                  Gypsi dear, so very glad to see you back here. Your strength is amazing, hope the dentist worked out well. Time to take care of YOU now. We are all here for you.

                  Lots of Love to all of you,


                    Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                    Hi all, just a quickie :H

                    So good to be out of March and party mode. Back to my 3 days a week AF and looking forward to it. The weight I put on in March is awful, but I found a convenient Weight Watchers meeting starting tomorrow if I'm not in Jury Duty. I have to report this afternoon. Being self employed should get me dismissed, cross your fingers.

                    Anyway, good day to you all and welcome Michele!

                    Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                      Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                      Hello all just very quickly,
                      Welcome to Michele, the skipowdergirl. You have come to the right place.
                      Just stick with MWO, there are so many wonderful people here and support is just a nanosecond away.
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                        Hi All,

                        Hope that life is treating you well, I hate coming along this late in the day because I cant remember everyone individually,

                        Mary, hope that it was my weekend party posts that had you smiling, My photographer friend is bringing me a cd of pics on thursday so i'll post some of them, it was sooo funny, and I CAN REMEMBER IT ..... good luck at your weight watchers class.

                        Gyspi, Sending you hugs love ....

                        Michele a huge :welcome:

                        Feel free to post anywhere on the forum, we are glad to have you here ...

                        To everyone else, Love you loads as ever, take care of you and yours xx

                        Paula xx


                          Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                          Welcome Michele (aka skipowder)!:welcome: You've come to a great place. And we've all had that conversation. Heck, I had it just the other day for the ..... I don't know many times. You'll find great people and resources here.


                            Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                            Hi all

                            welcome Michele - this place changed my life (for the better in case you're wondering!! haha!)

                            moderating nicely - 2 glasses a night, 150mg topa. can't seem to sleep, but that might have something to do with my catestrophic personal life *laughs bitterly*

                   on holiday with the 3 mini muskateers tomorrow so I do not know how often I will be able to catch up with you lovely people - will have to slope off to the hotel internet room now and then when the kids are in their club. if I can drag myself away from my sun lounger................

                            have a great 2 weeks all, i will try to catch up because I WILL miss you and I will need a bit of a pep talk now and then. You guys ROCK!

                            Kate xxx


                              Tasty Tuesday (3rd April)

                              We will miss you Kate. Have a great time.

                              Welcome Michele!!!
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

