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Allergic Wednesday

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    Allergic Wednesday

    Hi all,

    I went from having a pretty relaxed week to a very stressful one. Out of 100 People, I actually got picked to go through jury selection, who would have thunk it! I have to sit in a row in front on the jury box and try not to figit. Then on the way home, the traffic lights were all out by the court house (maybe the county forgot to pay the powerbill? :H), so I had to make the mad dash to get the kids from daycare and all the way home, all I could think about was the amount of homework my son's both had. Yuck Yuck Yuck! If I had not made a committment to 2 people out here to do 3 days of abs, just forget it. The first thing I did when I got home was eat and that helped a lot. I dumped the kitchen cleanup detail and some homework off on my hubby and ended up having an ok night.

    I have to go back to jury duty today and maybe I will be excused. I have moral issues with the case, but the judge has been very tough, so I might end up serving. Oh well, take it as it comes. Sigh!

    Started Weight Watchers today and I am very positive about that. One more tool to help me keep my drinking down on the weekends. Also I am going to check out a new gym by my house on Friday. The one I have belonged to forever has gotten too young (or am I getting to old?) and is never clean enough for me.

    Sorry to jabber on about me, I'll try to touch base with all of you later if I can.

    Have a great day.

    Humor is just another defense against the universe!


      Allergic Wednesday

      Hi all,

      Just realized I had not checked in. Busy for me as well. Laura, jury duty? Ugh. Get those opinions going and they will hopefully kick you off. That is a lot to do when you have kids with homework at home. Talk on your cell phone when you shouldn't be, chew and pop your gum real loudly. Do something.

      Have a great day to the rest of you. Gotta run!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Allergic Wednesday

        Tawnyfrog would probably tell you just to fart a lot to get kicked off!


          Allergic Wednesday

          Lucky - glad to see you've been paying attention!! I think it's an excellent option for Laura.


            Allergic Wednesday

            Hi all,

            Optimist, poor baby on your doggies teeth. It is so hard to watch them age. I hope he is doing better today. Sorry about the allergies. I understand they bug tremendously.

            Sammys, I giggle every time I see your avatar! Glad you got one!

            Sophia, I wish you the best. Sometimes I wonder how I fit it all in plus work then I know my schedule is going to look like yours when I retire as I have learned to say NO to being on association boards but I have not learned to say NO to my family. I don't now if I ever will! Great poem!!

            Waves, thrilled that your daughter is a getting a house. I know it is tough to move and keep it all together being a young mom. I so admire YOU!! Gonna miss you!!

            Hillary, Love you signature! You got a pencil, now you have to have a sassy or saucy member name!!

            Lushy, LOL that avatar!! You are too funny! I hope you are finally starting to feel better.

            Tawny, I loved what you wrote over in long term mods. You are inspirational to many of us. (Terribly Serious?? Tee Hee!!)

            Beaches, WOW on the autism thread. You are incredible. How is that whole program hunting going? I have been so remiss in getting here I may have missed that post. sorry your daughter is sick. That is tough when it goes around the house . . some bugs even have the nerve to try twice around on everyone!

            Ilex, you are such a breath of fresh air, always so positive. I hope you have a lovely Easter and break yourself.

            BB, yes it was your party I was laughing at!! Glad you did so well. We are all proud of you on that. How is your daughter doing?

            Lori - why Blah? I sort of felt like we had more snow than years past and yet, winter flew right by. Time is fleeting!

            Hawk, are you feeling any better at all? sound like it is going to take some time to get back to normal. Be gentle and rest in there . . K?

            Laura, jury duty, hope it is not too bad today. I have been called three times now. Once for the VI. six months after I had left. (I said, if they bought my ticket, and put me up at Blue Beards, I would be happy to go, back! The next was for the wrong county, and the following was right after the doggie accident and I was on pain meds and at doctors pretty constantly etc.) They will catch up to me at some point and they do not care if you run your own business and this would be a super detriment. Lushy has a great idea there! You plan sounds wonderful. GOOD for you!!

            Lucky and Tawny - you are too funny!!

            Jen, PP, Judie, Gypsi, MM, Rachele, Fan, Di, Pixie, Eustacia, Beth, Allie - and anyone else I forgot, could be I have missed too many posts but where are you gals and guy???

            Hugs and Love to all of you,


              Allergic Wednesday

              Have fun this month!!! Enjoy! Sounds great!


                Allergic Wednesday

                Is it spring allergies? I mean you..not your puppy?


                  Allergic Wednesday

                  Sorry I forgot you Chrysa, I just wrote to you in long term mods. xo Mary


                    Allergic Wednesday

                    Beautiful poem...thank you. Youahve a fulllife which is so good. Right Where is that you live again?


                      Allergic Wednesday

                      Have a good evening now dear.


                        Allergic Wednesday

                        SKendall -- I love that star flower..
                        Beaches...go with the feeling better ..Wa Hoo!! Thank you for your autism psot & links.
                        Ilex-- have a great Easter break --enjoy this glorious holiday


                          Allergic Wednesday

                 you sound liek you are doing everything right
                          Lori--- brighter day tommorrow --eh?
                          Hawk -- 5d AF...I am totoally impressed, really. Can't remember when I did that last


                            Allergic Wednesday

                            Lushy --I mean Queen Bitch -- you are too much!!
                            Lucky -- fart on!!
                            MKR-- thx, lvoed that LongTermMod post --meant a lot to me.

                            Jen, PP, Judie, Gypsi, MM, Rachele, Fan, Di, Pixie, Eustacia ..Oh my..I know all of you well ,,,

                            but damn all!..this is hard work to talk to everyone at once...I admire you when you do it !!!! Know I won't be able to do it everyday...but will try to post often...

                            LOVE YOU ALL..Truly...I have been following you all this entire year!!! Spring 06 to Srping 07.. Spring renewal time!!


                              Allergic Wednesday

                              Chrysa:l :l :l :l

                              You are sweet!
                              :h :h :h :h


                                Allergic Wednesday


                                I'm here with a cursor that I have to catch at the right moment:upset:

                                Love You,

                                :h :h :h :h

