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Terrific Thursday ....

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    Terrific Thursday ....

    Morning Muffs & Co.

    Ilex is away so I guess that I will have to start the thread today.

    The sun is shining here so I am going to get in the garden today, the only downside of easter weekend is that the weekend starts earlier so thats one less AF day this week .....

    But, hey ho, This time last year I would have been drinking while gardening so that a huge improvement....

    Also to update you all, we have Kerrie's next hospital date, it's the 16th April, so not long to wait .....

    Much love to all to come

    Paula xx

    Terrific Thursday ....

    Morning Muffins!

    Thanks for starting today Paula. I will be thinking of you and Kerrie. Positive vibes coming your way.

    Gardening sounds like a great idea - its still a bit cold here but the guys who help me clean up the beds are notorious for pulling out "weeds" that are usually my peonies or poppies so I think I will go out and label everything today!

    I broke my AF "streak" last night. My brother was here and we went out for a bite to eat and then to this place he likes for quizzo. I had 4 drinks from 730-11. Not what I had planned but I guess its also a long time since I had 4 AF days in a row so I will focus on that. Going to try to remain AF till 4/14 at least.

    I hope everyone has a good day and a happy Easter. If you are travelling, be safe. Hugs to all who follow.


      Terrific Thursday ....

      Morning all!

      BB, thanks for keeping us posted. We will all be praying for you and dear sweet little Kerrie.

      Hawk, LOL, pullling out your real plants instead of weeds! You did well 4 AF is great and spreading those drinks out over a few hours I am sure you are not hungover today. Good for you. Are you feeling like you are getting more energy?

      so far this week I have been to two seders and one MM meeting in the evenings. I had one glass of wine Monday and one last night and skipped it on Tuesday.

      Understand Lushy is doing an Easter Egg hunt bright and early Sunday morning! Can we come over?

      Easter is at our house too. Actually have weekends of events, for the next three Sundays they are all at my house. I have started on the menus! Gotta get scooting on all the rest though!

      Hope you all have a great Easter as well!

      Hugs and Love,


        Terrific Thursday ....

        Morning Gals!!

        Hey great idea Mary!! How about you all come over and do all of the work for me? We like only high-end expensive chocolate and if you could put a small bottle of nice champagne in my basket that would be super!! You are all the best!

        Hawk, you know my feelings on 4 days AF. I think it is great. Glad you had a nice time with your bro.

        Betty, you and Kerrie will be in my prayers. I know you will be so relieved to have it all behind you.

        To all of the rest to come, make it a great day!! :h
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Terrific Thursday ....

          Hey, Hey everyone, its freezing here again. I will check in later as I have to work today.

          P.S. I dyed eggs as a kid and wrote help me I am trapped inside with crayon on mine. I think that was one of the first clues that I am Nuttttyyyyyy!!!!!!


            Terrific Thursday ....

            Hi everybody!:hallo:
            Just got our puter back from the "Puter Doc". I've been lost without ya!
            So glad to be back! We have some sort of up-graded new program now, & I can't seem to "send" any E-mails. I'll have to have Hubby show me when he gets home. After we take my kayak down from the ceiling in the garage. He puts it up outa my reach in the winter... now I need help getting it down!(probably a "control" thing! LOL)

            Lushy, glad you're feelin better, love the new avatar!

            Betty B- Will continue to keep you & Kerrie in my thoughts & prayers.:h
            I have a lot more weeds than flowers, don't even know where to start with our yard...think I'll just skip it & go kayaking.

            Hawk- sounds like ya had a great time with your brother. Brothers are pretty neat! My big brother's always looking out for me... that's how I ended up back here in Oregon...from Colorado. My Mom & Bro came & hauled my butt back here, when I was going thru a tuff time. I didn't really appreciate it at the time(didn't realize what I was doing ...I was so messed up, till we were 1/2 way here!) But ya can't live in a tree forever. Boy have things changed since then...

            Looking like another georgous day here. Hope everyone has a great day. I've missed ya SOO much!
            Judie zwink:
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Terrific Thursday ....

              Welcome back Judie!!! I would go crazy too without a puter.

              It's freezing here to Sammy! What is up with this. Grrrr

              Another day of running....hope to type more later.

              Spring Break begins today when I pick the kids up......all next week no school. They should have a great case of cabin fever at the end. I will need a straight jacket too.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Terrific Thursday ....

                Hey Beaches,
                Between spring break, cabin fever, and needin a straight jacket... maybe consider keeping a LARGE roll of Duct tape on hand!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Terrific Thursday ....

                  Yup Judie- My brother is way cool and I am grateful for him. I'd be lost without him.


                    Terrific Thursday ....

                    LMAO Judie!!! Duct tape has a million and one uses!! Good Luck Beaches!! Enjoy it too b/c it goes by so quickly in retrospect!

                    Hawk, your mood says sick - still worn down eh?

                    Lushy - pretty quiet - dying eggs? Feeling OK?
                    Better I hope for both of you two!


                      Terrific Thursday ....

                      Hello All:

                      Not much to add, you just reminded me of something funny though. I told my nine year old daugther that "silence is golden" the the day. (She is the one that can just talk, talk talk.) And her older sister turned around without skipping a beat and said, "ya, but duct tape is silver."

                      Children are precious. Happy Easter All!!!!
                      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                        Terrific Thursday ....

                        Well now Judie that is an excellent idea. I may duct tape myself to my car, in a far away lot. Can't drive home that way. Ha!

                        That's cute Didit.
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Terrific Thursday ....

                          Did it, that was funny:H

                          I am still trying to get past the new "Muffs & Co." name that has been given today by P! What a hoot!
                          :h :h :h :h

