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Saturday April 7

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    Saturday April 7

    Wow - 1030 am and no one is here! Good morning muffins. Hope everyone is well!

    Getting ready to head to my mom's for Easter. Last night I made an apple cake for my sister to take to her in-laws because she was too busy. I waited what I thought was a sufficient time for it to cool and went to turn it onto the plate. At which point it broke in half. Frustration!!! So I got up this morning and made another one - which will stay in pan - She can flip it out this time! LOL!!

    Have a good day and a lovely Easter!

    Saturday April 7

    Morning Hawk, sorry to hear about the cake, hope it gets appreciated .....

    I've been out to work this morning, with my husband in his lorry, the countryside round here is gorgeous, but he empties septic tanks so I'm glad to be home now away from the smell :eeew: :yukko: :flush:

    Have a lovely easter everyone,

    Love & Hugs to each and everyone of you

    Paula xx


      Saturday April 7

      Good morning/ afternoon to all the muffins!

      I am trying to keep up with much going on around here!

      I am still in the Keys but, we are heading back today for an Easter egg hunt and party at my sister in law's house tomorrow. We had beautiful weather here and saw lots of Key deer , a manatee in our canal, a dolphin and several hawks. We went fishing as well and I caught a nice size Kingfish.

      MM Welcome back..nice to have you around

      Hawk..glad you are finally feeling better..sorry about the cake

      Lush..have a great time with the family at the cabin..hope Easter is not too stressfull

      Beaches...another MWO fun!

      Gypsi....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Glad to hear you're in a positive space

      BB...those are some pretty big bitch boots you're filling!:b&d:

      Saint to hear all about your animal encounters...I had a dream the other night that I went kayacking with you

      MKR....You sounds absolutly fabulous as always

      Sammys, Mojo, SM, Optimist, Jen, Fan, Rachele, Waves Have a great Holiday!!

      Love and miss all you guys :h :l
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Saturday April 7

        PP ..... the Keys, I am soooo jealous xx


          Saturday April 7

          Ahhhhhhhh to be in the Keys........I am so jelous PP! We want pictures.

          Hello to everyone!

 are loved, we are rooting for you!

          Happy Easter to everyone!

          I have to go get ready for work now, bye!

          :h :h :h :h
          :h :h :h :h


            Saturday April 7

            You sound great too PP! I've been to the Keys once and loved it. Key deer are tiny right? We stopped in for a day off a cruise. That was pre-kiddos and hubbie.

            Hawk, I too hope they appreciate your cake. Make sure you tell them several times about the first one. Arrive with a little flour splattered on your face while wiping your forehead. That should add a nice effect

            Have a great Easter weekend Muffins.

            :crazymonkey: inkele:
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Saturday April 7

              Just stopping in to say hello.... I've been so scarce around here. I need a serious bitch slap.

              I'm really depressed today about so many things, and just want to get out of the emotional funk. To add to it, our city's Humane Society (where I just adopted my darling Zoe) was burned to the ground last night by an apparent arsonist. Yep. Every one of the animals all trapped in their cages perished inside. Hundreds of them. I am just sick about it. I can smell it from my house. The world has some really sick people in it.

              Okay, bitch slap please. I'll pull my pants down.

              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                Saturday April 7

                Hi Allie,

                I'm supposed to be the stand in bitch, but i'm sorry i'll have to pass and leave it to someone else ...

                I can't stand to think of all those poor animals, it breaks my heart, they should do the same to the people who did it xx


                  Saturday April 7

                  I agree BB. Would like to put them in a cage and set it on fire. See how bitchy I'm feeling??

                  Now someone needs to rise to the occassion. My rear end is getting cold.
                  What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                    Saturday April 7

                    OOOH Allie that is horrible about the animals. I sure hope they catch whoever did it. What sick SOB's.
                    Glad to see ya back Allie. No bitch slappin necessary. I will be in Florida in 9 days! Maybe we can slap each other! LOL

                    Happy belated birthday Gypsi!:bday6: You have been thru so much, it's great to see ya. You sound so strong... Still planning on Mexico? Still trying to get that pic of the pups to ya.

                    Raining here today, so I guess I won't be on the river...:upset: Hopefully I will be again soon.

                    PP, do you have kayaks you can use in the keys? Too funny you dreamed about us kayaking! Come on up we'll go! Last year I got to kayak with mannattees in Florida, hopefully will again in about 9 days!

                    Hope everyone's having a great weekend.

                    Peace & hugs,
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Saturday April 7

                      wolf pup

                      Hey Gypsi, I think I got it on here, (with a lot of help)

                      This is the woodburn of the wolf pups, that I made & would love to send to ya. It's a little bigger than the pic shows but you can at least see it now. Give me a call, if you'd like.

                      And of course, it's burned on Myrtlewood, from my Dad's mill, very rare wood that grows only on the Southern Oregon Coast & Jeruselum.
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Saturday April 7

                        Yeuch, what on earth do these people get from that??? It makes me sooo angry and tearful at the same time. Yes - same to them or the fear of it even.
                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          Saturday April 7

                          Hey tea.... you and me both.

                          Judie... that's right! You're Florida trip snuck up! Yes, maybe we can slap each other in person! Guess who is coming for a visit and I wish you could be here at the same time..... Becca! Her family is coming to stay with us and go to the beach in May. You'll have to PM me your cell again (I know, I know I'm so bad about losing numbers) and we can try and coordinate something! Maybe we can rendevoux with Beth and PP too... (hint hint Beth and PP)

                          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                            Saturday April 7

                            Allie that is so sick, its making me sick. I hope you are OK.



                              Saturday April 7

                              I'm totally disgusted by the humane society arsonist. This is a truly sick person. PP, the Keys sound magnificent. Maybe I'll be able to travel there since I'll have more time. N's girlfriend arrived safe and sound, except with a cold. She is lovely and delightful, and I talked for 20 minutes to her aunt who lives in Atlanta. She was so grateful that we were taking her in, and it made me feel just a little less silly for agreeing to all this. We had a nice family steak dinner last night, and Naomi, my beautiful granddaughter, was really sweet with her. So. So far, so good. I wanted to get on the subscribers' camera chat last night, but I can't make it work. Missed seeing Tawny hiding behind a shrub, or something like that. Love to all. It actually snowed a few flakes here. Bizarre. I blame W for everything.

