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Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

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    Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

    Had to share this with those moderating like myself. It was actually amazing for me to open a bottle of wine and have wine left in the bottle the next day. With my drinking history there has never been an unfinished bottle - believe me!

    Hubby and I made a nice dinner and decided to have a nice glass of red with the meal. Sipped slowly and was determined to not finish off that bottle although I kept eyeing what was left in it. When dinner was done he asked me to cork the bottle and I have to admit that I did top off my glass just a little (about 1/4 glass). But it was such an improvement for me because in the past I would have easily had a 2nd and then gone on for a 3rd...

    My ongoing challenge ofcourse will be if I can really moderate like this or if I will slowly or eventually slip back to my old ways.

    Love the support here. Feels good to be able to share this with someone!
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

    Congratulations Eve! That's wonderful! Its a good feeling isnt it? Keep up the good work!


      Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

      Eve, that's wonderful!

      Isn't it a great feeling.

      Please share what you think is working for you.

      We would love to hear about it

      :h :h :h
      :h :h :h :h


        Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

        I know the feeling.


          Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

          I know that feeling too Eve. I have actually stared at my open bottle in the fridge in shock and then patted myself on the back! Good job! Think of how good you feel today next time you think you want to overindulge.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

            Congrats Eve,
            I remember the first time that happened to me. I just stared and smiled. It's such a great feeling!
            Thanks for sharing
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

              Well Done Eve,

              You know what is really interesting, is that when you are in the right frame of mind looking at the wine left in the bottle in the morning actually feels better than drinking it the night before would make you feel .....

              Does that make sense???


                Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

                Had one beer last nite with dinner. No thats what I call moderation for me. Well done moderators. Betty you are so right about the morning.



                  Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

                  Congrats Eve and Sammys! I look forward to the day when I can just relax and simply have a drink with dinner.



                    Can't believe there's still wine in the bottle!

                    I actually had only one drink yesterday myself...and I didn't really want it. It was weird. A nice weird though.
                    Good for you Eve!

