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Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

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    Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

    Good morning all!

    Guess I will start! Where is everyone East coast or across the pond?


    Fascinating, isn't it, how there are those who decide upon living in abundance... and the next thing you know, they're swimming in it.

    There are those who think about being more creatively fulfilled, and as if by magic, all the right steps, connections, and inspirations present themselves.

    And then there are those who simply want more friends, laughter, and song, and their life becomes a celebration.

    Mind you, I didn't say everyone. Some want these things, they even want them real "bad," but they simply don't put themselves within my reach by physically preparing the way, acting "as if," or "buying the shoes."

    Buy the shoes,
    **** The Universe

    WAAAAAAHOOOOOO! Permission to buy those shoes!! I have seen some ladies here say they are shoe whores! Maybe a little strappy number to bring Spring full force to my doorstep!

    I am a scarf whore too! Just enough to add that WOW to an outfit for work . . . may have to stop off and pick one up on the way home.

    I hope you all have an excellent day.

    I am still worn out from the Easter party at my house and gearing up for my husbands 50th birthday party this weekend. He said this morning, he didn't have so much of a hangover headache yesterday as he felt rather poisoned. (Mind you drinking about what he use to drink daily. So over time, our bodies do adjust and then thank us regularly, as Louise has pointed out often.)

    Many hugs and Much love to all of you,

    Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

    Hi Mary, permission to buy shoes taken ......... thank you .....

    Big hugs to everyone else still to come ...

    Love you all,

    Paula xx


      Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

      Permission to buy shoes taken......thank you. I follow all instructions of this type.

      Have a great day everyone!


        Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

        I think I'm going to stomp around in some boots today!!! Walk with a purpose kind of day for me!!

        Took work home last night and worked until 11:30pm and today I have tackled through a mountain of calls and paperwork...the paperwork fairies were extra busy on my vacation...I think even other people have slipped me there's as well

        I am listening to my Beethoven and burning candles in my's a good day

        Jude when are you coming to Florida? I think you said you were going to the Springs area...Crystal River ??? That is far for me but, I will be in the Orlando area the week before Memorial Day for a conference....Beth, we are about due for lunch! Allie, what about you? OK, now I am in real hyper overdrive...I think I took a Jen pill along with my supps :H
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

          Hey guys!
          I just happened to check in here and catch your message PP about Florida and meeting up with Judie. I have had so many distractions and things going on that I have actually had many days where I havent even logged onto the site, but much less posted. I never thought that day would arrive where I was capable of not being here! PP, I dont know how you stand all that paperwork. I despise paperwork of any kind and as matter of fact, I have forced myself for the better half of this morning to sit down at my husband's desk and tackle this list of "to do" crap that I HATE doing, such as scheduling dental appts for the whole family, a few specialty doc appts for the kids, following up on some insurance stuff.... you know... all those things where you sit on hold for 20 minutes just to get a live person for anything. Takes up the whole friggin day! But I knocked most of it out, and that feels really good! I dont know why, but I just detest it. I will wait until our teeth are falling out before I make a dental appt. (not really, but just about )

          I like the idea PP of trying to snag Judie while she is here! I mentioned it a few days ago, and if Beth could come too then the four of us could meet up. How cool would that be?? I have a really busy month ahead, so I will do my best. I have a lot of out of town company coming in almost every weekend (all my North Carolina friends who want to come to the beach), so it might have to be during the week for me, although I know that might be tough for your schedule.

          Other than that -- I'm doing pretty good... things are going well with the supps and re-working the program thoroughly. Amazing how much it all flows together and works when you do it all. I still have my days where I just choose to be bad because of something going on, but it is not because the program isnt working, its because the filter between my brain and my mouth is malfunctioning. I really need to have a mechanic for that on standby!

          Love to all...
          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

            LOL! Allie I love the "brain & mouth filter" concept!:H
            Mine seems to go haywire every so often as well! Not too bad lately though.

            Scott & I are flying out on the 16th & will be in Spring Hill(outside Tampa) till the 28th! I just received an E-mail from his folks with a questionare about what we'd like to do while there... Geez it sounds like they really want to spoil us! They want to know what types of restaurants, favorite foods, what accomodating hosts!
            They mentioned swimming w/ manatees,a dolphin encounter boat trip, Sea world, kayaking, a trip to the Keys, a possible 3 day Bahama cruise! The list goes on & on! My FIL has 2 ocean kayaks that we used last year, I think he still has them. It'll be strange to kayak without my Doggie!

            I'm more used to travelling with a back pack & doing the total "budget travelling", by bus or hitching rides... sleeping in a tent...

            I would love to meet up with you guys, (Allie, PP, Mary Ann, Beth) Is anybody else down there, from here?

            Allie I have your #! I'll definately be in touch!

            Guess I should get busy & start packing the next few days, as I'll be working right up till the night before we go.
            I'm getting excited!

            Hope everyone is having a great day! zwink:

            Big Hugs,
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

              Now I am sooo jealous, the keys, manatees, etc etc, and you lot meeting up .......:upset:

              I'm gonna get a flight over !!!!!

              Love Paula xx


                Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

                Hi all,

                Talk about missing in action and the increase in my wine consumption shows it. It?s a good reminder for me not to go missing from here for too long. I spent most of last week sitting through a trial and then I came down with a cold. Which caused me to drink more, not less. And now its spring break, so I have fewer obligations this week. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

                The trial concluded yesterday and thank you all for the suggestions of how not to get picked for a trial, but unfortunately unless you were visibly bleeding out your eye sockets, the judges wasn?t letting anyone of the hook. The burping, farting and maybe dressing like a hooker would have been fun, but not too effective. Anyway I?m glad it?s over now.

                Did anyone say shoes? I love shoes, but not the dressy, strappy high heeled kind. I love suede shoes; clogs, boot, loafers, all of them. Maybe a nice brown, beaded leather sandal would be good too. Do I have time to hit the store this week? Maybe I do!

                Judie, Have a great trip. It sounds like so much fun and I?d go with the 3 day Bahamas cruise. Oh Sigh!

                Mary, LOL. You are such a lady and the ?scarf whore? comment just cracked me up.

                Great day to you Paula and Sammy!

                Precious, have a good day at work and enjoy your ?special purpose.?

                Allie, it great to hear everything is back on track with you. I hope you all get to meet up on your side of the country.

                Take care,
                Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                  Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

                  Laura--I'm ridiculous because I love getting called for Jury Duty. Please nobody beat me with wet noodles. It accomplishes 2 things: gets me a day off of school, and hopefully, if I don't get picked I can go home and get busy on my filthy house or go shoe shopping!
                  I've only been picked once for a trial and it lasted about an hour.
                  I know what you mean about Spring Break and too much time on your hands.
                  We're back in full swing here with Spring Break long behind us.
                  Sounds like Judie and the gang are going to have a great trip---wish I could go!!


                    Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

                    hi all

                    Ditto for me and jury duty soccermom!! I loved it when i had it in March...was 1/2 day off and no work, just read, listened to my ipod, walked for a while during our 1 1/2 hour lunch they gave us!?!?:H FUN!

                    Anyway, hope all you guys are well in modville, will check in more now that I am back (a good feeling!) Judie, please look me up while here too, I can be in orlando in 4 hours! I am sure Allie can too...........we should try and meet up, would be cool....pp, you live far south if I remember corrrectly, right!?

                    Gotta go for now, glad to see everyone is doing well today!!:h :l Mary Anne


                      Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

                      Yep, like I said before... this jet-setting life is new to me!
                      I've lived out of a back-pack for 9 mo @ a time ... thru 6 diff countries... travelling by bus, hitchin, walking, etc... even jumping out of one of the rides @ high speed (not a good one!)

                      So what the hey! I 'll try this!:H

                      Look out ladies... I'll be there in a week!

                      Three more shifts @ work before we go... I'll be packing right up till the last minute. Then I'll wear probably 2 or 3 items that I bring... all my favorites! Swimsuit, sarrong, river sandals, and a few dresses...definately boots & jeans for the case I have to kick someone...(be a b*tch) That might happen, I will be flying w/ a smoker... ... Poor thing.
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Shoe Buying Tuesday!!

                        SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES!SHOES! :yay:
                        SHOES!SHOES! SHOES!SHOES! SHOES! :yougo:
                        SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES!SHOES! :yay:
                        SHOES!SHOES! SHOES!SHOES! SHOES! :yougo:

                        OK....If we must buy shoes per the universe, I am in. Thanks Mary!

                        Hope everyone had a great Easter. Been so busy I have not had time to really check in before now. I had a dinner party last night and was busy getting everything ready for that. About a half hour before everyone arrives, the downstairs toilet floods - all over hard wood floors. What a mess! But, at least it happened before people got here! LOL! Never a dull moment.

                        PP - I hate those paperwork fairies! Anyone know how to reach Tony Soprano to inquire about having those paperwork fairies "disappear"?

                        Allie - When your mechanic is done on your brain/mouth filter can you send him over? Mine's malfunctioning too!!!

                        Judie - Your trip sounds awesome! I'm jealous! I think it would be a blast to meet up with all the MWOers in FL!!

                        LL, SMMary, Mary Anne - I had the jury duty assignment from hell once. It was a grand jury and it lasted for 2 years. One full week every month for 2 years. and even bleeding eye sockets sometimes fail as a good excuse. I wish I could have volunteered you gals!!! (Or at least had you with me.....)

                        Paula, Sammy and all who follow - great to see you and have a super day!!!

